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About This File

Author: IVovo

I am not an author. I am only upload the script here. Address all requests for updating the script to the author. He does not exist here.

It is useless to write here in the comments, reviews, or to me in PM! All of this will be ignored. Write to the author!





From author: https://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=594313&view=findpost&p=68290470


It so happened that my hands just did not reach the reverse, I could not find any free time. But some did not like it, I received a letter in a personal letter with insults from some comrades. I would like to clarify that:
1) Everyone has his own business. I certainly have something more important than updating and updating the script
2) Spending time on the script I do not get any material benefit, and I do it for my pleasure, increase my skills, and I just like helping people
3) If I throw a script, you will know about it. And even if I throw, then with empty hands you just will not stay, maybe I'll tell you where to dig, or do something more

Thanks for understanding, sorry for being rude.


There are few functions available:

  •      Hack Gold
  •      Hack Gems
  •      Hack gold and gems
  •      Zero gold and gems
  •      Just copy the address to the clipboard
  • and other...

It was tested on the root Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 (Android 6.0), there is no possibility to test it on other devices. The script only works for version

  • 1.2.49
  • 1.2.65 Release
  • 1.2.70 Release
  • 1.2.72 Release
  • 1.2.75 Release
  • 1.2.96 Release
  • 1.2.99 Release
  • 1.2.104 Beta
  • 1.2.114 Release
  • 1.2.115 Release
  • 1.3.19 Release
  • 1.3.31 Release
  • 1.3.44 Release
  • 1.4.11 Release
  • 1.4.13 Release
  • 1.4.16 Release
  • 1.4.43 Release
  • 1.5.5 (arm64-v8a)

What's New in Version 21   See changelog


Source: https://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=594313&view=findpost&p=97791101


It only works if the game has installed and launched the libAPPmageandminions.so library compiled for arm64-v8a, the script for armeabi-v7a will be a bit later (most likely tomorrow), I will also arrange this post as it should.

Perhaps the "Event Menu" does not work, because I could not check the performance without an active event.
There may be problems with breaking into gold and a champion level. Do not enter anything if you did not get your current number when editing!



User Feedback

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@Enyby I am not gonna waste your time, I think I am gonna try to find and learn for myself, sorry for your time. Thank You.



This script very good as learning base,
it show how to working with pointer, offset, de/encryption and using lua lang in creative way.


Posted (edited)

Great hack !!! I really enjoyed using it. However, I am still trying to figure out whether or not I can change the damage attribute in the latest version of the game? I’ve tried searching for numbers (and also from youtube) but so far not good.

I was also trying to learn the “edit loot table” part. I adjusted the number in some of the tables but nothing changed in the game. Maybe I did something wrong there hmm.

Edited by Qlt


Is he still updating the script?



I manage to subscribe to their forum and there's no news for now. People seem to be waiting for one, but i haven't seen any release date. If no one post here when there will be one available, i will do so.



  On 7/24/2018 at 3:08 PM, Asrhan said:

I manage to subscribe to their forum and there's no news for now. People seem to be waiting for one, but i haven't seen any release date. If no one post here when there will be one available, i will do so.


It's still update ?



thanks for the aging! all you good!✌



Please update to version 1.2.115


Posted (edited)

App updated and i dont understand russian to create an account, google translate cant translate the captcha image either. 

please up;date this when possible. thank you. such an amazing advanced script.

Edited by deacon
  • Administrators


Latest script version here. Or post link from 4pda.



Hi. Now is version update 1.3.xx Please Remake Script new please



Can u release the 1.3.22 version ?



we all look forward to updating the version. Diar Hack-Boss, be so kind ?


Posted (edited)

  On 11/11/2018 at 6:40 PM, Enyby said:

Latest script version here. Or post link from 4pda.


Awesome share Enyby.
Very intresting to learn lua scripting.
I'm on version 1.33.31

I have two question:
Do anyone has any idea what the modifiedAbilityLevels flag stands for?

I've done some testing and concluded following things:
- Modifying gold / gems only will not flag it.
- Unlocking minions flagged me
- Fast leveling abilities with hacked gems flagged me

I also saw that the script shows the UUID found from memory.
I found out Eternium reads the SERIAL of android devices.
I tried spoofing my (rooted) android SERIAL but the UUID doesn't seem to change after data wipe and clean install (downloaded apk).
What I found was, once flagged with modifiedAbilityLevels, a new account will also be flagged as modifiedAbilityLevels = true, immidiatly after one level.
Even though I did not change anything.

I was wondering how Eternium generates the UUID?
As I suspect they store flagged UUID's.
Would be nice to be able to spoof the UUID to restart a new account with a clean slate.

Thanks again for this awesome share!

Edited by GetFilled


thank you, but how to download ??? I can't see link script hack, thank you 



  On 1/14/2019 at 3:00 PM, Qusdrok said:

thank you, but how to download ??? I can't see link script hack, thank you 


I cant see the link


Posted (edited)

  On 1/14/2019 at 3:16 PM, Qusdrok said:

In the link see this! Its unabaliavle?


Ой! Ошибка 404.Запрашиваемая информация не существует, перемещена или удалена.Для поиска необходимой информации, Вы можете посетить:Сайт | Форум


Edited by Aboteso22


what ??? link normal, I can still enter

  On 1/14/2019 at 3:19 PM, Aboteso22 said:

In the link see this! Its unabaliavle? 


Ой! Ошибка 404.Запрашиваемая информация не существует, перемещена или удалена.Для поиска необходимой информации, Вы можете посетить:Сайт | Форум 






  On 1/14/2019 at 3:25 PM, Qusdrok said:

what ??? link normal, I can still enter



When I going todo download eternium.1331.apk mod it seems unavaliavle



 I can not get the script to work, I open space paralel, from there I open gameguardian tool, and I open the game and from gameguardian I give a script and I get an error ...im not root



what ??? script ??? you downloaded it anywhere ??? please, share for me link ??? thank you 

  On 1/14/2019 at 5:23 PM, Aboteso22 said:

 I can not get the script to work, I open space paralel, from there I open gameguardian tool, and I open the game and from gameguardian I give a script and I get an error ...im not root 





hi you, the game updated version 1.33.33



Hi, any chance you can update script to work with version 1.3.41,  many thanks for your time ?



Please be it possible to upgrade to last version, why can not I use this current one

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