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  1. Past hour
  2. Need some help with the script that was provided for the version 2.7.7 to update to the version 2.8.2 Game link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.chichi.love.water.puzzle.color.sort LoveWater_2_7_7.lua
  3. Today
  4. hsmanljp

    Guild of Heroes

    I purchased points for your game. I lost your contact information due to my mobile phone number and cannot update the script of the game. How can I get you back?
  5. Well dony play action on my comment, it just was advice to that person What i want: When u use script, so value or offset search and change And if we exit script, so script will close, and function will active And if we.. click on "change as result search" we get all changed value, and so easy steal value, but i wanna do protection from it, as i know it possible (because already see encryption with this function), but my script have.. specific source what encryption not support, so it crash after using, thats why i wanna find code for hide value from load "change as results search"
  6. Yesterday
  7. View File Smash Hit Infinite balls Use when starting play! Submitter Glitched Submitted 06/01/2024 Category LUA scripts  
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Use when starting play!
  9. The decryption key is very far from the encrypted values, I found it using fuzzy search
  10. These are gem cost values, but they are encrypted, how can I decrypt them? The value changes every time I enter a dungeon, but the cost of the gems is the same
  11. Hey there! I understand rooting your Android phone can be tricky, especially with recent updates. Shizuku sounds promising—it lets apps access system stuff without needing root directly.As for GameGuardian, it usually needs root access to work. But with Shizuku, there might be a chance it could run on non-rooted phones.I'd suggest checking out what others are saying in forums or online communities. They might have tips or experiences that could help you figure out if it'll work for you.Good luck, and I hope you find a solution that works for your device!
  12. Game link :- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.footballag is there someone can crack this game?
  13. How to hack Can you please share the process ??
  14. nok1a

    Anti Load Value

    It's not clear what you want to do
  15. Write if u find solution, but u can use spam value (When your script active, there search static value and changes to their num, well 284 change to 284) and so will a lot result changed
  16. I have not received a ban yet. But I'm not guaranteeing that its safe, an enemy could record you and send it to pixel gun 3d devs/admins and they can ban you.
  17. Hi guys. any one cracked this game?please share. Thanks
  18. I tried it and didn't work it just show a big big number not the real value Some pro told me the encryption is bit32.bxor(Val, key) But I didn't understand how can I apply this?
  19. Last week
  20. Is there a new value? the last one is not working anymore.
  21. Any updates bro? I'm having the same problem
  22. Ok so when I'm searching for value in injustice gid among us GG crash. I did this before the exact same way I do now and the same device without any problems. What happened? I switched to selinux, set data in ram to no, tried unload levels nothing. Also after game guardian crash im getting a memory usage error like I can't keep any app in background until I restart. GG_logcat_r101.1_16142_11_30.log
  23. Select your 2 encrypted values then press on calculator icon and select XOR. you will get result.
  24. aslam1

    Top Troops

    Please post a video of how you hacked calls
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