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QWord XOR Calculations (64bit)


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It would be nice, if the gg xor calculator could also handle 64bit (qword) int types to change a value.

Now, we can do this: edit value -> type: 12345x8 -> gg changes value of DWORD type to 12345 with calculated xor key 8 bytes away

If we try this with QWORD values above the int limit of 2.147.483.648, gg is refusing this with a error message


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20 minutes ago, Enyby said:

You can use formula calculator.

=12345 ~ 44444


Honestly I do not understand what you mean.

Let's assume this

Gold Value: 80

We go to the Memory editor and see this


xxxxx4: xor key
xxxxx8: 0
xxxxxA: xor value
xxxxxE: 0
xxxxxA: gold


I tap on the gold value and edit it to 99. Than tap on xor value and edit it to 99x8. done.


But, if we choose qword and type 999.999.999.999x8 this is not working.

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Thanks, I did not know about the formula calculator. I still would prefer a direct integration in gg because now I need 17 steps to change a value instead 5 before. But as a workaround it is enough. Thank you.

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