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  1. Hi peoples has anyone had any luck with the values on kick the boss 3? I find the value for coins but cant change, any help appreciated thanks tgrem.
  2. This file is NOT WORKING as above needs UPDATE to work and be a usefull download.
  3. Can someone please find a way to unlock all the pens colors etc on 6677g games like makeup fashion world etc as most colours pens and brushes are locked so the kids cant use em, im sure im not the only one this is pissing off, when you click full version in app just takes you to another half locked app to download, I have trawled rootexplorer more than once in the game files but most is encoded stuff with boxes diamonds question marks etc grr, im sure all the colours data etc is there just needs someone clever to figure it out, most stuff is locked so would be nice to get round them rediculous!! Many thanks tgrem.
  4. This is another that game cih found straight away well pleased but would have liked gg to find the coin and diamond values tried many times with gg to no avail? ?
  5. Been trying this one for a bit but while I think gg is great tried game cih and it found the values first go? So lessons learnt if you struggle with one bit of software try another, all good tgrem.
  6. tgrem


    Well ok no one seems to have tried this game but if you do auto didnt work for me at all so changed to 4 bytes and gave me 9 values changed them all (luckily didn't crash the game) and success turned out to be 8th in the list peace out all tgrem.
  7. tgrem


    Can someone mod this game because its well worth a play, got it free from apk mania 3xzippishare files, all good but its another one gg won't touch peace all tgrem.
  8. Can anyone change the coin value on this one? Seems I'm encountering more and more new games recently that gg won't work with, hope it doesn't get worse, many thanks tgrem.
  9. Anyone tried and also failed then? Peace out all tgrem.
  10. Hi people has anyone had any luck with the coins and diamonds on this 17+ version loved the normal kick the boss 2 and gg worked a treat but can't seem to get it going on this version? So anyone who has gg working on this ver please tell me how many thanks tgrem.
  11. tgrem


    I haven't but will try because I have never had any experience with freedom so will read up on it here many thanks tgrem.
  12. tgrem


    Hello people has anyone had any joy with the diamonds in catwar2 money is easy peasy but when you mess wid the diamonds the game gives you a 0 value straight away even takes your legit diamonds lmao, fair play to em peace out tgrem.
  13. Awsome works like a fxxing dream! TOP MAN thankyou d2dyno!!!! Regards tgrem
  14. Thanks for the quick reply, to be honest im just glad to know what the hells going on, , I'll take either of your two options I just hope one comes fairly soon, still don't really understand whats up but if you say it will be sorted I'll keep posted and hopefully come across the resol' soon. Peace out, tgrem
  15. Hello,cannot find an answer to this so sorry if i've overlooked it but its bloody annoying,been using GG successfully for ages till today-samsung note 2 Rooted-GG wont launch just flashes twice then back to home screen?? root checker installed and run-congrats full root access. all other root essential progs working. superuser was updated yesterday now does'nt show GG? GG does'nt launch enough to allow or deny root access so how can i grant access ggrrr? set SU TO ALLOW AUTO still no joy, downloaded and installed two older GG versions with no joy, could a APK have installed something without my knowledge to stop my GG from launching? Any help that doesnt Involve re-rooting my phone for GG will be gratefully received as i have seen others with this problem- but no answers as to why or what can be done? Many Thanks TGREM.
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