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  2. There is good chance that in some cases it may work by allocating as many pages as needed one after another. Example implementation: local PAGE_SIZE = 0x1000 function allocateConsecutivePages(count, mode, address) count = count or 1 mode = mode or gg.PROT_READ | gg.PROT_EXEC address = address or 0 local firstPageAddress = gg.allocatePage(mode, address) if type(firstPageAddress) == "string" then return firstPageAddress end for i = 1, count - 1 do local desiredPageAddress = firstPageAddress + i * PAGE_SIZE local pageAddress = gg.allocatePage(mode, desiredPageAddress) if pageAddress ~= desiredPageAddress then -- failed to allocate page right after previous one, handle as needed end end return firstPageAddress end
  3. I'm on version 3.7.0 After the initial run, I was getting the libUE4.so error which I was able to resolve by putting the file in lib folder but then this happened... e66ea4e4-f3a0-4917-ad0b-4bc3de95dec3.mp4
  4. if you not mind can you please make screen record and share the video. how to change the value
  5. Is there a new script for the new version guys Or can some tell me how to auto complete level with game guardian manual search .. Thanks
  6. The index is not always the same so to avoid some runtime error you can make it dynamic local function getBaseAddr(lib) local rangeList = gg.getRangesList(lib) for _, v in ipairs(rangeList) do if v.state == "Xa" then return v.start end end end local libanogs = getBaseAddr("libanogs.so") gg.alert(tostring(libanogs + 0x129fc4)) -- "0x129fc4" is your function address -- The function will be located at libil2cpp.so + function address.
  7. Hmm, game had an update? Which version your on.
  8. Hi @DimoNULL, you need to get the libil2cpp.so address first, then do calculate offset by simply adding the RVA address of the function. Here's what it looks like using the script: so = gg.getRangesList('libanogs.so')[1].start gg.alert(tostring(so + "0x129fc4")) -- "0x129fc4" is your function address -- The function will be located at libil2cpp.so + function address.
  9. DimoNULL

    Pause isn't working?

    Some games cannot be stopped, as well as using speedhack. As far as I know, this is due to the bit depth of the game. If you want to slow down or stop the game, you need to intercept the timer yourself through memory.
  10. How do I find the address of the function in the process memory if I have the address of the function in the file libil2cpp.so received through the il2cpp dumper?
  11. Hello, What dumper do you use? Thank you!
  12. I can add and subtract in my head easily with decimal values... not so much with hex
  13. so basically I downloaded GameGuardian for the first time, I have literally zero prior experience when it comes to modifying softwares... And I was wondering if I could get any help as to how do I change body colour in a game called "Arena breakout" like shown in image
  14. And another question is how do i put the value in negative I tried - but nothing happend instead it increases I also increase valued alot but can't go in negative
  15. Game name: the demonized: idle rpg So i was able to hack gems easily in event but I'm unable to hack anything other than it like can't hack damage or health or anything other in the game it's like it's protected and i also tried dumping metadata but it's encrypted , if anyone can look in this game and tell me how to hack damage and health.
  16. Game name - Another Dungeon So i was testing this game and it seems like it's protected game and if we try to change any values it will just disconnect us from game , I successfully edited a gold value in event but it throwed me out of the game just after changing value. My request is that can we bypass this protection?? I will attach the disconnect screenshot for you guys. Will be waiting for replies
  17. I reason is i have to write some code which is longer then 4kb , using your concept i can write the code. But what happened is i had to write a jump code at the end of 4kb to another allocated space, so i was wondering if there was any way to allocate an continues block of memory more then 4kb. But turns but there isn't such option. I think i will move forward with jump code. Thank you
  18. I don't believe that's directly possible, but you can allocate as many pages as you need and chain them together. To do this calculate how many pages you need by dividing by 4KB, and in a loop allocate a block and add the return address of the allocated block to a list. You can then combine all of your memory into a table of values by looping over the list and adding the 1000 values (taking the start address and adding 4 each time, 1000 times) to the table for each address. If you don't understand, I can code that for you - it's pretty simple to do. Though I wonder what you're writing to memory that takes so much space? An image or save code, or something?
  19. Do you just mean multiplication? Or do you want to add the value N separate times, with a pause in between? For the latter, you could write a simple script, like this: N = 10 -- how many times add = 100 -- value to add on every time timebetween = 1000 -- how long to wait between times (milliseconds) values = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) for _ in N do for i in values do values[i].value = values[i].value + add end gg.sleep(timebetween) end
  20. Yesterday
  21. Yeah, restoring save works fine. Unfortunately, I didn't notice that I've got banned on time, so starting from the scrap. It goes quite easy when you know what to do actually, won't take long before I get to the point where I had to abandon previous acc. As to armor, just check current list of items. There's that EMBA Power Armor which is new I assume. Didn't see it b4 the update anyway. And yeah, it's the best as for now.
  22. kboy

    Day R Survival

    There's a super armor? and speed hack? I got banned a few times when I just started too but I loaded cloud save and it took me to before I got banned
  23. Personally i think it's more easy readable to do offsets in hex then in decimal. if v.x64 then t=32 o=8 o2=16 o3=24 else t=4 o=4 o2=8 o3=12 end Since your working with memory addresses which are all visually shown in hexadecimal, and when doing offset calculation with GG it displays in hexadecimal as well. Better get used to it. Why are you calling 2 times same table? code=gg.getValues(code) meta=gg.getValues(meta) if #(code)==0 or #(meta)==0 then print("×× ERROR FINDING CORRECT POINTERS ××") gg.setVisible(true) os.exit() return end code=gg.getValues(code) meta=gg.getValues(meta) It won't change anything, if the length of the table is 0. If it would be 0 the script exits. And if not 0, table will remain same as before your if statement.
  24. It is sad indeed. But you don't need caps that much with all other stuff you can hack. __ Btw, been banned recently. Not sure why: either using that new emba super armor, or high speed moving, or using speedhack. Most likely the last. But it's been boring farming Tech Cities to progress in EMBA quests. Starting new acc, gonna play without that new armor until I naturally find it, and without speedhack.
  25. nok1a

    Can’t dump libil2cpp

    Usually right when the logo appears i tab to main menu so that process runs in background. It kind of freezes and give me more time to dump the files.
  26. No basically we are trying me and my 3 friends but as we dont really know much about GG we cant really go deep into stuff but we will try our hardest
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