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  1. yah I want to unlock the plants and bonuses though how would you do that with gg?
  2. I would like to know how to mod games like it so that I can mod the newest version when ever it comes out so I don't have to wait on someone else
  3. I need help hacking 4 apk files one is lair defense dungeon the another is lair defense shine and another is Garfield's defense and Garfield's diner If anyone could help me please do so thanks
  4. I can't use game guardian at all because my phone can't be rooted it would ruin my warranty so can someone upload a hacked apk of the game for free store please and thanks
  5. I can't use game guardian at all because my phone can't be rooted it would ruin my warranty so can someone upload a hacked apk of the game for free store please and thanks
  6. I would Like to Know how to mod a apk file to have free shop or have two files modded to have free shop and added to the site one is Garfield's defense another is Garfield's diner P.s. I would prefer to be able to mod them my self so that I can do it to any other game I like that I can't think of at the moment Please don't ask me if I have tried to hack this game with your trainer for android game guardian I have a phone that I can't root it because it would void my warranty. I have blue stacks on my pc also butt no one has been able to find a way to mod the version I have without sever problems like it not booting at all or not being able to install apks anymore and many more. apks that are modded I know work because I have installed them and they work great I gust don't know how to mod them yet other wise I would have done that thanks to any and all that can help me
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