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Major Mayhem Cheats


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Name of Game: Major Mayhem

Game Version if known: 1.0.0

Name of Cheat: Money Cheat


  1. Open both Major Mayhem, and GameGuardian.
  2. Start campaign, and a level.
  3. Once you have some money, such as 3, search for your amount of money in GG.
  4. Shoot some people, thus earning more money.
  5. Search your new amount of money in GG.
  6. Repeat until you get 2 values.
  7. Save both as whatever you want.


Name of Cheat: Mayhem points Cheat


  1. Open both Major Mayhem, and GameGuardian.
  2. Search your amount of Mayhem points.
  3. Earn some more by shooting enemies.
  4. Search the new amount in GG.
  5. Repeat steps until you get 2 values.
  6. Save both as whatever you want.
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  • 1 month later...

I download today and test with latest version of GG and Major mayhen now and it's not working :/ so i test in shop ( armory) and i test in playing and kill ennemies with fuzzy and the exact value :/ if u can host a save game please :D if u have the time sure

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i try it today and

It's working Thanks !!!

_ set range to all region

_ start a mission search you value

_ restart a misssion and when you finish it when the last window score show search the new value and go armory in Menu

Enjoy !

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Soo do this for someone people who can not do the cheat for some reason

because me i can buy all i want in the game 999 999 money i have x)

Game Guardian ! Yeahhhh i like it :wub:


Would you still like a gamesave? I'll probably make one anyway lol.

yes pleas

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  • 3 months later...
  • 9 months later...

I couldn't get it to work, then I realised there was the "set range" set to all, worked like a charm, used to use CIH and GG and GK long time ago, but after upgrading to jellybean nothing worked (flash doesn't work .... sigh) but just googled by chance your 6.0.5 ver works on jellybean, Yay :D


Anyone know how to lock Health at full? (helmet/vest) Thanks for keeping mobile game hacking alive


anyone also know how to keep guns from needing to reload? (inf ammo)


I just gave myself 99,999 continues, and each power up :) gonna lock them ingame anyway for inf power ups :)

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