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Finding Value Of My Own App


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I programmed my own application, nothing special just a TextView which shows your health, starting by 100 and a Button which decreases this value by 2. My "health" is stored in an integer variable inside my MainActivity... To change the text I decrease the value by 2 and then change it to string so I can use the .setText(health) function... So when I'm testing my app on my phone I can't find my value with Game Guardian... I set the search range to all regions. I'm on a HTC Sensation with ICS (4.0.3). Other games such as Deer Hunter Reloaded work well, I can find and change the value.

How do I have to change my code so Game Guardian can find it?

Thanks a lot

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Hello, thanks for that quick reply, I tried fuzzy search but there's no result either... Guess I found the way to protect the variables by accident...

Is there no chance you could help me? I do not need a full copy&paste code, I do not need a normal code, you can just explain me how so I could use it... Or give me a tip/link maybe as a PM.

I really want to cheat on my little game with Game Guardian, so it would be very nice if you could help me just a little...


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