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Help Tables concatenation



I want to know search results multiple tables(in following code) concatenate into only one Table.Please help me how to write script and combine followed script. Thanks.

--Code is here


search = {}
v = 1
for i = 7,700,7 do
search[v] = i
v = v + 1
res = {}
for i = 1, 100 do
gg.searchNumber(search[i], gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
res[i] = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount())

Edited by Yelay12
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6 answers to this question

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It's not a good idea to do that for many results (like 100k-200k+), since you will most likely run out of memory, but you can test how it goes in your case. Here is a function to concatenate results from table of tables with results: 

function concatResults(resultsList)
  local mergedResults = {}
  local index = 0
  for _, results in ipairs(resultsList) do
    for __, result in ipairs(results) do
      index = index + 1
      mergedResults[index] = result
  return mergedResults

And example of it's usage: 

local resultsList = {}
for i = 7, 700, 7 do
  gg.searchNumber(tostring(i), gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  resultsList[#resultsList + 1] = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount())
local allResults = concatResults(resultsList)
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10 hours ago, CmP said:

It's not a good idea to do that for many results (like 100k-200k+), since you will most likely run out of memory, but you can test how it goes in your case. Here is a function to concatenate results from table of tables with results: 

function concatResults(resultsList)
  local mergedResults = {}
  local index = 0
  for _, results in ipairs(resultsList) do
    for __, result in ipairs(results) do
      index = index + 1
      mergedResults[index] = result
  return mergedResults

And example of it's usage: 

local resultsList = {}
for i = 7, 700, 7 do
  gg.searchNumber(tostring(i), gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  resultsList[#resultsList + 1] = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount())
local allResults = concatResults(resultsList)

Thank for your answer. My game hasn't many result for this 100 search results only 10k - 20k total.

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16 hours ago, SCHERR said:

Could you explain more on what you want to achieve? Explain what your code does and what the result you want should look like

If I understand correctly, you want to concatenate `search` and `res`:

for index,value in pairs(search) do
     search[index] = res[index] -- this will overwrite `search`
     -- switch their places if you want `res` to be overwritten instead:
     -- res[index] = search[index]



Thank for your answer.

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13 hours ago, CmP said:

It's not a good idea to do that for many results (like 100k-200k+), since you will most likely run out of memory, but you can test how it goes in your case. Here is a function to concatenate results from table of tables with results: 

function concatResults(resultsList)
  local mergedResults = {}
  local index = 0
  for _, results in ipairs(resultsList) do
    for __, result in ipairs(results) do
      index = index + 1
      mergedResults[index] = result
  return mergedResults

And example of it's usage: 

local resultsList = {}
for i = 7, 700, 7 do
  gg.searchNumber(tostring(i), gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  resultsList[#resultsList + 1] = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount())
local allResults = concatResults(resultsList)


Bro, Do you have any idea for my searchresults to get. I want to search value within the 7 to 700 range and that value divided by 7 is with remainder zero. Please help and how to write script.Thank.

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18 hours ago, Yelay12 said:

I want to search value within the 7 to 700 range and that value divided by 7 is with remainder zero.

If you mean how to do it without concatenating tables with results from separate searches for each value (and potentially significantly faster), it may be done by searching multiple values at once with range searches. The idea is to make initial search from lowest target value to highest, then N - 1 refine searches to exclude ranges of values that are between target values, so that only target values remain at the end. Below is an example implementation of this idea for your case (untested, may require minor changes if doesn't work as is).

local function interpretAsInteger(double)
  return string.unpack("I8", string.pack("d", double))

local function interpretAsDouble(integer)
  return string.unpack("d", string.pack("I8", integer))

local function convertToString(double)
  return string.format("%.17g", double)

local function getNextDoubleStr(doubleValue)
  local intValue = interpretAsInteger(doubleValue)
  local nextDouble = interpretAsDouble(intValue + 1)
  return convertToString(nextDouble)

local function getPreviousDoubleStr(doubleValue)
  local intValue = interpretAsInteger(doubleValue)
  local previousDouble = interpretAsDouble(intValue - 1)
  return convertToString(previousDouble)

local function searchMultipleDoubleValues(values)
  if #values < 2 then
  local initialSearchStr = convertToString(values[1]) .. "~" .. convertToString(values[#values])
  gg.searchNumber(initialSearchStr, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  for i = 1, #values - 1 do
    local excludedRangeLowerBound = getNextDoubleStr(values[i])
    local excludedRangeUpperBound = getPreviousDoubleStr(values[i + 1])
    local excludedRangeSearchStr = excludedRangeLowerBound .. "~" .. excludedRangeUpperBound
    gg.refineNumber(excludedRangeSearchStr, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE, false, gg.SIGN_NOT_EQUAL)

local valuesToSearch = {}
for value = 7, 700, 7 do
  valuesToSearch[#valuesToSearch + 1] = value
local resultsCount = gg.getResultsCount()
print("Found " .. resultsCount .. " results")
Edited by CmP
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5 hours ago, CmP said:

If you mean how to do it without concatenating tables with results from separate searches for each value (and potentially significantly faster), it may be done by searching multiple values at once with range searches. The idea is to make initial search from lowest target value to highest, then N - 1 refine searches to exclude ranges of values that are between target values, so that only target values remain at the end. Below is an example implementation of this idea for your case (untested, may require minor changes if doesn't work as is).

local function interpretAsInteger(double)
  return string.unpack("I8", string.pack("d", double))

local function interpretAsDouble(integer)
  return string.unpack("d", string.pack("I8", integer))

local function convertToString(double)
  return string.format("%.17g", double)

local function getNextDoubleStr(doubleValue)
  local intValue = interpretAsInteger(doubleValue)
  local nextDouble = interpretAsDouble(intValue + 1)
  return convertToString(nextDouble)

local function getPreviousDoubleStr(doubleValue)
  local intValue = interpretAsInteger(doubleValue)
  local previousDouble = interpretAsDouble(intValue - 1)
  return convertToString(previousDouble)

local function searchMultipleDoubleValues(values)
  if #values < 2 then
  local initialSearchStr = convertToString(values[1]) .. "~" .. convertToString(values[#values])
  gg.searchNumber(initialSearchStr, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  for i = 1, #values - 1 do
    local excludedRangeLowerBound = getNextDoubleStr(values[i])
    local excludedRangeUpperBound = getPreviousDoubleStr(values[i + 1])
    local excludedRangeSearchStr = excludedRangeLowerBound .. "~" .. excludedRangeUpperBound
    gg.refineNumber(excludedRangeSearchStr, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE, false, gg.SIGN_NOT_EQUAL)

local valuesToSearch = {}
for value = 7, 700, 7 do
  valuesToSearch[#valuesToSearch + 1] = value
local resultsCount = gg.getResultsCount()
print("Found " .. resultsCount .. " results")

Thank bro.

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