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  • 5 months later...

struct Il2CppClass_1


    void* image;

    void* gc_desc;

    const char* name;

    const char* namespaze;

    Il2CppType byval_arg;

    Il2CppType this_arg;

    Il2CppClass* element_class;

    Il2CppClass* castClass;

    Il2CppClass* declaringType;

    Il2CppClass* parent;

    void *generic_class;

    void* typeDefinition;

    void* interopData;

    Il2CppClass* klass;

    void* fields;

    void* events;

    void* properties;

    void* methods;

    Il2CppClass** nestedTypes;

    Il2CppClass** implementedInterfaces;

    Il2CppRuntimeInterfaceOffsetPair* interfaceOffsets;


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