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Modern Combat 3 - Get Nuke with 3 kills!


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Cheat concept = Xologist

Cheat tester = d2dyno

Cheat finders = xologist & d2dyno

How to get any military support with only 3 kills

1) Join a match / Create a match ... whichever.

2) Start the game, and search for your kill streak; ( 0 ) Kills (as you dont have any)

3) Kill someone, and enter ( 1 ) as you now have one kill streak

4) ..................................... ( 2 ) .......................

5) ..................................... ( 3 ) .......................

6) Repeat until you have 2 addresses

(if you killed 2, and died... Respawn and enter 0, as your kill streak is now 0)

7) After doing the above steps, you should be left with 2 addresses.

8) Change both addresses to -1 of what you need to get nuke/bomber/turret..etc

Example: change both addresses to: 19 (1 more kill and I get nuke)

9) Lock the number (19 in this example) and every time you kill someone, you will get a nuke.


Cheat by

Xologist & d2dyno.

Please thank him as much as me.


You can also search for your kill-streak of 20 if you have killed 20 without dying.. or 16, or 5.. etc.

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