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And that's me contact me in tg or or contact me here

Tg username :-  https://t.me/DRAGON_SCRIPTER


We will be covering three tutorials today


Those tutorials are very important for speeding up ur search speed and script speed




⭐⭐⭐️TUTORIAL 1⭐⭐⭐

How to speed up ur search speed and group search values


Step 1 :- open gg and set the cheat value range

Step 2 :- search the value in the correct type

Step 3 :- during search turn off ur gg visible by this method search speed increases little bit


For finding group values


By using group search



Takes some time also results may not be accurate in this case use offset


For eg

The offset between 50 and 100 in decimal is 24

And between 100 to 500 is 12



Search 500 and use offset -12 (decimal)


Load it to search results and refine 100


And use offset - 24 (decimal)


Load it to search result and refine 50



In scripting add this function on beginning of the script


function Offset(offst,type)

local offst = offst

local type = type

local list = {}

local res = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount())

for i in ipairs(res) do

list[i] = {address = res[i].address + offst,flags = type}






And we search 500 in script 

Uses the function offset



It does offset works and loads the results to search list and there u can do refine



⭐⭐⭐️TUTORIAL 2⭐⭐⭐

editing values with address




U have to edit 4 values and u know there offsets from the current result 


So here we go 


function setValues(addr,type,val)

gg.setValues({{address = addr,flags = type,value = val}})



Same copy and paste this function at beginning of the script 


I need to edit them to 999999


So there offset is


local ofst = {4,8,12,16}


local res = gg.getResults(1)[1].address -- getting the address of the 1st result


for i in ipairs(ofst) do

setValues(res + ofst[i],gg.TYPE_DWORD,999999)




done the values are edited to 999999 without loading to search list



⭐⭐⭐️TUTORIAL 3⭐⭐⭐

speeding up script working time


Use local variables in script to speed up your functions it has been proved by gg lead coder enyby


Proof :- https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/20568-examples-of-lua-scripts/?do=findComment&comment=93245




Credits :- https://t.me/DRAGON_SCRIPTER



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