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King of thieves script

This is one of the few scripts for the game king of thieves.

This script has the following functions:

1. Rage

1.1 Instant win (The character instantly appears at the chest, works everywhere, even in the labyrinth, does not get banned, but crashes)

1.2 Catacombs 100% (the best cheat for the catacombs, allows you to collect all the skulls on the map and go through the catacombs in 2 minutes)

1.3 Change character speed

1.4 Change jump force

1.5 Disable all saws

2. Legit

2.1 Collect exp (The character instantly collects all the exp, flasks and skulls on the map, does not ban)

2.2 Opening the door on the first attempt
2.3 Anti AFK
2.4 Immortality in the catacombs
2.5 Install a timer in the mystic realm for 2 seconds

2.6 slow motion effect (doesn't work on 32 bit system) 

Operation on emulators is not guaranteed.

I developed a bot for automatic search of stones of a given quality, it works on values so it searches very quickly, but it is only for PC. values are searched automatically. you just need to write the cost of the gem and press start to run the bot, it will automatically skip dungeons until it finds the gem you need, you can continue to use the computer during the search. 

write to me in telegram to buy the bot @ZetaReserX



  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

There's a way to bring us to get orbs and xp to level up fast, I'm using it, bro, very good, crazy, if you can update it often, please

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Can you create a way to save a base first try? Also dont use the hack when raiding other people or saving impossible dungeons or you will obviously get reported and banned, only use in events or retrieving stolen gems from you or clan members.

  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/20/2023 at 2:38 AM, Kingofslavs said:

[Lua script]King of thieves hack

This is one of the few cheats for the game king of thieves.

This cheat has the following functions:

1. Instant win (The character instantly appears at the chest, works everywhere, even in the labyrinth, does not get banned, but crashes)

2. Collect exp (The character instantly collects all the stars, flasks and skulls on the map, does not ban)

3. Catacombs 100% (the best cheat for the catacombs, allows you to collect all the skulls on the map and go through the catacombs in 2 minutes)

other functions:

1. Disable saw

2. Super speed

3. Super jump

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Is it still working?

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)
On 4/20/2023 at 4:08 AM, Kingofslavs said:

[Skrip Lua]Raja pencuri meretas

Ini adalah salah satu dari sedikit cheat untuk game king of Thieves.

Cheat ini memiliki fungsi sebagai berikut:

1. Kemenangan instan (Karakter langsung muncul di peti, bekerja di mana saja, bahkan di labirin, tidak kena banned, tapi crash)

2. Kumpulkan exp (Karakter langsung mengumpulkan semua bintang, termos, dan tengkorak di peta, tidak melarang)

3. Catacombs 100% (cheat terbaik untuk katakombe, memungkinkan Anda mengumpulkan semua tengkorak di peta dan melewati katakombe dalam 2 menit)

fungsi lainnya:

1. Nonaktifkan gergaji

2. Kecepatan super

3. Lompatan super


cool, work for me.  Don't forget for update sir! Thanks

Edited by jaakifikri
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/5/2024 at 1:29 PM, dantespng said:

Hello, is it possible to make an infinite XP script? Follow the link with the demonstration video 


does this work for you?

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