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  On 8/31/2024 at 9:04 AM, Dirux said:

Hello! I would like to ask if anyone knows how to eliminate this trace. Even if I delete the game and put it in another different session of Blustacks 5, it happens to me. Any idea how to eliminate it?



I've already solved it people, it's important to remove the devices from both the Google account and the Play Store. This can be one of the main reasons why your account can end up banned. xD! They are traces.....


This is a new "method" to detect cheating in games with virtual accounts and get you banned. Be careful and remove devices you no longer use properly.


  On 8/31/2024 at 12:08 PM, Dirux said:

I've already solved it people, it's important to remove the devices from both the Google account and the Play Store. This can be one of the main reasons why your account can end up banned. xD! They are traces.....


This is a new "method" to detect cheating in games with virtual accounts and get you banned. Be careful and remove devices you no longer use properly.



oh bro sory for didnt answer you for long time Well, what I understood from your words is that the one who registers using Google Account He will be revealed to be a hacker and he will be banned. Is this true? 

  On 9/2/2024 at 10:57 PM, THEGOAT313 said:

oh bro sory for didnt answer you for long time Well, what I understood from your words is that the one who registers using Google Account He will be revealed to be a hacker and he will be banned. Is this true? 


Thanks for your reply, the problem is that if you don't register in Play Store with a Google account you won't be able to make purchases with Lucky Patcher.

But if you do, the game records how many devices it is installed on and if it detects that they are duplicates, sooner or later your account will be banned.It's a new Google system to detect hackers don't forget to delete the devices you no longer use is my advice.🧐


  On 9/3/2024 at 7:00 PM, sukara_zenit said:

Hi everyone, is there a updated list for all dinos in the game? And also how can I find dino codes for future updates?


You can use this script here to get the ids for all creatures.

Jurassic World™: The Game (Dyno id) (#8vpip74o)

This is the list of creatures. I used a script I wrote to automatically assign english names to them. It should be correct and complete as far as I can tell (last updated: August 26).

Acanthostega: -1,391,829,152
Bageherpeton: 1,258,282,711
Bagehesaurus: 1,952,162,803
Deinosuchus: 1,564,255,850
Diplocaulus: -1,122,001,595
Diplocaulus Gen 2: 1,333,632,267
Diploceraspis: -1,166,911,140
Diplosuchus: -336,036,848
Diplotator: 1,973,217,715
Eryops: 2,069,924,717
Gerrothorax: 1,298,925,661
Gorgosuchus: 1,148,247,156
Gryposuchus: -1,574,880,774
Ichthyostega: -357,253,751
Kaprosuchus: 1,205,504,321
Kaprosuchus Gen 2: -1,352,508,046
Koolasaurus: 51,859,746
Koolasuchus: 624,485,828
Labyrinthodontia: 1,642,788,664
Limnoscelis: 407,190,503
Mastodonsaurus: -1,105,140,581
Metoposaurus: -267,990,070
Metriorhynchus: 914,746,593
Microposaurus: 961,968,637
Nundagosaurus: -704,664,302
Nundasuchus: 765,061,825
Ophthacerapsis: -676,392,169
Ostaposaurus: -175,221,467
Postosuchus: 2,059,535,625
Prestosuchus: -1,466,238,418
Prionosuchus: 1,712,642,478
Proterogyrinus: -1,988,877,534
Sarcosuchus: -2,121,385,870
Seymouria: 1,160,646,243

Acrocanthosaurus: -1,923,421,315
Alangasaurus: -1,550,549,753
Albertosaurus: 772,223,371
Allonogmius: 1,715,886,499
Allosaurus: 899,619,543
Baryonyx: -1,990,641,468
Beta: 188,668,218
Blue: -1,640,810,987
Carnoraptor: 403,122,970
Carnotaurus: 1,101,086,427
Ceratosaurus: -928,015,656
Cerazinosaurus: 1,527,506,207
Charlie: -1,587,119,046
Chromaspinus: -1,570,963,456
Compsognathus: 2,092,190,703
Concavenator: 320,108,132
Cryolophosaurus: -900,772,437
Deinonychus: -1,410,955,683
Dilophosaurus: 428,628,137
Dilophosaurus Gen 2: 206,992,864
Dimetrocarnus: -1,737,804,847
Dimetrodon: -59,391,110
Echo: 1,561,266,457
Edaphosaurus: -1,157,956,613
Erliphosaurus: 1,823,466,648
Ghost: 752,040,276
Giganotosaurus: 1,828,181,319
Giganotosaurus Gen 2: -213,372,446
Glythronax: -218,653,987
Gorgosaurus: -1,112,694,027
Guanlong: 824,631,109
Indominus rex: -147,892,553
Indominus rex Gen 2: 194,436,811
Indoraptor: 883,871,771
Indoraptor Gen 2: -959,655,851
Irritator: 274,868,500
Irritator Gen 2: 685,802,450
Lythronax: -550,468,976
Majungasaurus: -1,506,057,474
Megalosaurus: 581,241,791
Metriacanthosaurus: -1,028,202,083
Metrialong: 893,259,578
Monolophosaurus: -134,714,335
Ophiacodon: 296,334,992
Ostafrikasaurus: 1,215,039,218
Oviraptor: -1,778,244,387
Pachygalosaurus: 2,639,451
Panthera: 1,594,556,859
Priotrodon: -1,779,841,202
Proceratosaurus: -1,560,125,181
Pyroraptor: 156,608,990
Rajasaurus: -1,331,163,703
Rajastega: 1,097,349,633
Red: -1,678,996,102
Rexy: 1,019,074,437
Rinchenia: -49,765,994
Scorpios rex: -1,515,170,250
Secodontosaurus: 1,829,634,238
Sinosauropteryx: -271,362,589
Sphenacodon: -874,670,586
Spinoraptor: -1,052,162,259
Spinosaurus: -1,232,845,953
Spinosaurus Gen 2: 1,155,941,169
Spinotasuchus: 673,899,032
Suchomimus: 1,393,042,012
Suprannotitan: -1,157,170,275
Tanycolagreus: 1,436,272,509
Tarbosaurus: -430,983,708
The Big One: -568,645,282
Toro: -1,053,503,173
Troodon: 1,938,481,426
Tyrannolophosaur: 1,342,369,609
Tyrannosaur Buck: 1,418,401,004
Tyrannosaur Doe: 1,881,417,407
Tyrannosaurus rex: 40,481,232
Tyrannosaurus rex Gen 2: 397,647,001
Tyrannotitan: -1,285,400,332
Utahraptor: 1,566,851,148
Velociraptor: -93,170,300
Velociraptor Gen 2: -1,934,748,652
Yudon: -1,925,448,439
Yutyrannus: -348,984,074

Ammonite: 1,753,442,943
Baculites: -716,348,083
Bananogmius: 1,530,026,786
Dakoderma: 1,240,872,332
Dakosaurus: 1,763,310,270
Dunkleosteus: 950,565,415
Geolasmosaurus: 1,046,841,848
Geosaurus: -2,092,443,334
Giant Orthocone: 1,124,512,546
Gillicus: 934,303,124
Hynecorpion: -75,947,127
Hyneria: 899,697,514
Leedsichthys: -1,789,136,650
Liosichtodon: 1,397,156,379
Orthacanthus: -1,502,271,622
Plesiosuchus: 1,471,491,099
Rhizodus: 1,062,492,190
Suchodus: -1,765,030,566
Tusoteuthis: -1,489,819,329
Xiphactinus: -180,341,431

Amphicyon: -332,037,305
Andrewsarchus: 117,747,839
Andrewtherium: 1,028,936,594
Archaeophicyon: -2,080,931,006
Carbonemys: -1,137,197,151
Dilophoboa: -1,269,895,908
Doedicurus: 413,525,642
Eremotherium: 513,419,020
Gigantophis: 1,336,203,057
Glyptodon: 122,252,079
Hyaenodon: -2,063,805,018
Megatherium: -1,962,550,559
Megistocurus: -1,173,248,534
Megistotherium: 1,297,895,624
Meiolania: -2,133,883,974
Panochthus: -2,004,097,604
Titanoboa: -380,302,569

Amargasaurus: 1,449,929,752
Ankylodocus: -1,412,657,350
Ankylosaurus: -543,227,015
Ankylosaurus Gen 2: -565,939,585
Antarctopelta: -1,930,745,713
Apatosaurus: 1,225,863,842
Argentinosaurus: 593,764,913
Armormata: 156,445,524
Australotitan: 289,889,214
Bajadasaurus: 662,471,111
Bonitasaura: 828,689,896
Borealopelta: 1,709,198,154
Brachiosaurus: -1,440,405,685
Bumpy: -1,592,891,285
Corythosaurus: -1,478,947,770
Deinocheirus: 1,962,465,506
Diabloceratops: 1,086,178,365
Diplodocus: 367,404,677
Dodo: 1,229,598,679
Dracoceratops: 1,748,409,810
Dracorex: -2,057,755,024
Dreadnoughtus: -802,745,447
Edmontosaurus: -825,574,828
Einiosaurus: -1,180,410,511
Eolambia: -1,911,571,793
Erlikosaurus: -1,196,263,296
Euoplocephalus: 1,884,519,706
Fukuisaurus: 721,067,753
Gallimimus: 1,365,354,040
Gigakylocephalus: 751,034,065
Giganocephalus: -1,520,394,299
Homalocephale: -2,046,750,789
Iguanodon: 22,354,924
Iguanosuchus: -632,627,264
Kentrosaurus: 1,025,144,099
Koreano: -1,035,047,909
Labyrinthosaurus: -718,741,931
Monostegotops: -1,994,092,941
Nasutoceratops: -851,099,630
Nodosaurus: 1,966,297,937
Ophiacomimus: -56,755,887
Pachycephalosaurus: 1,966,720,555
Pachyceratops: 121,995,842
Pachyrhinosaurus: 1,481,742,726
Parasaura: -187,694,959
Parasaurolophus: 2,007,482,531
Parasaurolophus Gen 2: -1,625,353,072
Pelecanimimus: 717,706,909
Rodrigues Solitaire: 819,309,449
Scelidosaurus: -1,165,376,541
Segnosaurus: 1,521,446,454
Segnosuchus: -24,045,446
Shunosaurus: -65,947,382
Sinoceratops: 167,618,100
Sonorasaurus: -785,679,876
Stegoceratops: 461,260,072
Stegosaurus: -1,779,588,126
Stegosaurus Gen 2: 1,737,466,796
Stegouros: 1,191,790,010
Struthiomimus: 178,485,341
Stygimoloch: 126,465,803
Styracosaurus Rex: -253,858,672
Supersaurus: 1,212,583,965
Therizinosaurus: -1,743,931,416
Therizinosaurus Gen 2: 1,689,534,356
Triceratops: -670,191,440
Triceratops Gen 2: 711,962,878
Tsintaosaurus: 2,055,740,954
Tuojiangosaurus: -821,387,451
Unayrhynchus: 370,378,159
Unaysaurus: 1,713,688,563
Wuerhosaurus: -575,092,375
Yuxisaurus: -176,360,013
Zalmoxes: -715,461,922

Aerotitan: 2,010,238,695
Alanqa: 669,609,303
Arambourgiania: -574,778,929
Cearadactylus: -1,478,277,405
Coloborhynchus: 966,199,354
Cryolobourgiania: -1,582,361,500
Darwinopterus: -99,634,386
Dimorphodon: 991,406,221
Dsungaripterus: -987,723,353
Eudimorphodon: -431,140,899
Geosternbergia: -748,115,216
Hatzegopteryx: -1,738,689,014
Limnorhynchus: -782,527,033
Metriaphodon: 1,692,405,504
Monkeydactyl: 1,896,456,531
Nyctosaurus: -493,469,469
Ornithocheirus: 708,336,235
Pelecachtylus: -716,312,085
Pelecanipteryx: -60,998,544
Pteranodon: -779,586,877
Pteranodon Gen 2: -1,001,234,550
Pteraquetzal: -365,098,277
Pterodactylus: -968,779,196
Pterodaustro: 446,142,347
Quetzalcoatlus: -1,758,792,470
Quetzalcoatlus Gen 2: 469,338,137
Rhamphorhynchus: -2,075,709,758
Scaphognathus: -1,188,317,494
Secodontognathus: -2,017,173,346
Suchoripterus: 1,654,215,819
Tapejalocephalus: 1,497,467,848
Tapejalosaurus: -1,018,223,924
Tapejara: -69,653,029
Thalassodromeus: -515,569
Tropeognathus: 65,958,984
Tropeogopterus: 213,283,072
Tupandactylus: 305,981,254
Tupuxuara: -2,043,290,788
Zalmonodon: -1,705,002,253
Zhejiangopterus: 1,791,880,700

Archelon: 1,134,792,353
Dolichorhynchops: -186,713,791
Gillirhynchops: 1,459,515,785
Goronyosaurus: 1,686,906,272
Hauffiosaurus: 590,865,482
Henodus: 594,319,929
Kronosaurus: 540,919,165
Leptocleidus: 305,008,788
Leptostega: -798,039,628
Liopleurodon: 944,371,444
Ophthalmosaurus: 389,296,485
Platypterygius: -1,560,866,862
Pliosaurus: 1,020,658,397
Protostega: 396,189,273
Psephoderma: -409,183,818
Rhomaleosaurus: -1,574,275,586
Temnodontosaurus: 931,389,832
Trinacromerum: -100,031,873
Umoonasaurus: -680,550,807

Archaeotherium: -1,788,306,124
Brontotherium: 779,908,489
Elasmotherium: -592,215,760
Entelodon: 1,350,322,905
Entelorhacos: 756,797,681
Gastornis: 1,909,407,380
Indricoceros: 1,734,888,078
Indricotherium: 123,636,838
Kelenken: 721,108,216
Mammotherium: -1,051,584,817
Phorusrhacos: 1,751,753,707
Procoptodon: -243,375,428
Uintatherium: 1,074,417,044
Urtinotherium: 391,343,941

Ailurarctos: -984,562,933
Arctodus: 1,631,621,154
Cervalces: 689,362,882
Deinotherium: 1,903,910,004
Diprotodon: -270,396,296
Eucladoceros: -363,122,807
Marsupial Lion: -924,081,836
Mastodon: -230,034,235
Megaloceros: 1,058,151,387
Mylodon: -1,398,033,892
Rhinoprotodon: -1,265,948,185
Sarkastodon: 966,987,009
Smilodon: 1,107,178,272
Smithetoceras: -2,078,662,216
Synthetoceras: 1,745,174,245
Thylacosmilus: -240,406,446
Woolly Mammoth: -1,740,156,257
Woolly Rhinoceros: -1,294,393,739

Barracudasaurus: -388,063,063
Dunkleosaurus: 613,996,072
Edestus: -119,647,718
Elasmosaurus: 1,121,391,763
Hainosaurus: 467,098,229
Helicoprion: 1,353,460,577
Kaiwhekea: -30,666,063
Mauisaurus: 104,515,922
Megalodon: -1,586,065,800
Megarchelon: 785,006,804
Mosasaurus: 1,992,586,605
Mosasaurus Gen 2: -1,635,999,394
Onchopristis: -277,970,098
Platecarpus: -1,141,247,809
Plesiosaurus: -2,051,495,450
Plotosaurus: 1,134,352,729
Prognathodon: 738,704,588
Styxosaurus: 948,412,072
Tylosaurus: 1,398,946,454
Xinathodon: 77,664,121

Omega 09: -1,508,593,356
Juggernaut 32: -998,063,698
Valkyrie 77: 1,237,788,383
Salamander 16: -1,863,210,213

  On 9/3/2024 at 12:55 AM, Dirux said:

Thanks for your reply, the problem is that if you don't register in Play Store with a Google account you won't be able to make purchases with Lucky Patcher.

But if you do, the game records how many devices it is installed on and if it detects that they are duplicates, sooner or later your account will be banned.It's a new Google system to detect hackers don't forget to delete the devices you no longer use is my advice.🧐



thank you very much brother lm reigester with facebook is there problem with facebook

  On 9/4/2024 at 12:48 AM, Soydough said:

You can use this script here to get the ids for all creatures.

Jurassic World™: The Game (Dyno id) (#8vpip74o)

This is the list of creatures. I used a script I wrote to automatically assign english names to them. It should be correct and complete as far as I can tell (last updated: August 26).

Acanthostega: -1,391,829,152
Bageherpeton: 1,258,282,711
Bagehesaurus: 1,952,162,803
Deinosuchus: 1,564,255,850
Diplocaulus: -1,122,001,595
Diplocaulus Gen 2: 1,333,632,267
Diploceraspis: -1,166,911,140
Diplosuchus: -336,036,848
Diplotator: 1,973,217,715
Eryops: 2,069,924,717
Gerrothorax: 1,298,925,661
Gorgosuchus: 1,148,247,156
Gryposuchus: -1,574,880,774
Ichthyostega: -357,253,751
Kaprosuchus: 1,205,504,321
Kaprosuchus Gen 2: -1,352,508,046
Koolasaurus: 51,859,746
Koolasuchus: 624,485,828
Labyrinthodontia: 1,642,788,664
Limnoscelis: 407,190,503
Mastodonsaurus: -1,105,140,581
Metoposaurus: -267,990,070
Metriorhynchus: 914,746,593
Microposaurus: 961,968,637
Nundagosaurus: -704,664,302
Nundasuchus: 765,061,825
Ophthacerapsis: -676,392,169
Ostaposaurus: -175,221,467
Postosuchus: 2,059,535,625
Prestosuchus: -1,466,238,418
Prionosuchus: 1,712,642,478
Proterogyrinus: -1,988,877,534
Sarcosuchus: -2,121,385,870
Seymouria: 1,160,646,243

Acrocanthosaurus: -1,923,421,315
Alangasaurus: -1,550,549,753
Albertosaurus: 772,223,371
Allonogmius: 1,715,886,499
Allosaurus: 899,619,543
Baryonyx: -1,990,641,468
Beta: 188,668,218
Blue: -1,640,810,987
Carnoraptor: 403,122,970
Carnotaurus: 1,101,086,427
Ceratosaurus: -928,015,656
Cerazinosaurus: 1,527,506,207
Charlie: -1,587,119,046
Chromaspinus: -1,570,963,456
Compsognathus: 2,092,190,703
Concavenator: 320,108,132
Cryolophosaurus: -900,772,437
Deinonychus: -1,410,955,683
Dilophosaurus: 428,628,137
Dilophosaurus Gen 2: 206,992,864
Dimetrocarnus: -1,737,804,847
Dimetrodon: -59,391,110
Echo: 1,561,266,457
Edaphosaurus: -1,157,956,613
Erliphosaurus: 1,823,466,648
Ghost: 752,040,276
Giganotosaurus: 1,828,181,319
Giganotosaurus Gen 2: -213,372,446
Glythronax: -218,653,987
Gorgosaurus: -1,112,694,027
Guanlong: 824,631,109
Indominus rex: -147,892,553
Indominus rex Gen 2: 194,436,811
Indoraptor: 883,871,771
Indoraptor Gen 2: -959,655,851
Irritator: 274,868,500
Irritator Gen 2: 685,802,450
Lythronax: -550,468,976
Majungasaurus: -1,506,057,474
Megalosaurus: 581,241,791
Metriacanthosaurus: -1,028,202,083
Metrialong: 893,259,578
Monolophosaurus: -134,714,335
Ophiacodon: 296,334,992
Ostafrikasaurus: 1,215,039,218
Oviraptor: -1,778,244,387
Pachygalosaurus: 2,639,451
Panthera: 1,594,556,859
Priotrodon: -1,779,841,202
Proceratosaurus: -1,560,125,181
Pyroraptor: 156,608,990
Rajasaurus: -1,331,163,703
Rajastega: 1,097,349,633
Red: -1,678,996,102
Rexy: 1,019,074,437
Rinchenia: -49,765,994
Scorpios rex: -1,515,170,250
Secodontosaurus: 1,829,634,238
Sinosauropteryx: -271,362,589
Sphenacodon: -874,670,586
Spinoraptor: -1,052,162,259
Spinosaurus: -1,232,845,953
Spinosaurus Gen 2: 1,155,941,169
Spinotasuchus: 673,899,032
Suchomimus: 1,393,042,012
Suprannotitan: -1,157,170,275
Tanycolagreus: 1,436,272,509
Tarbosaurus: -430,983,708
The Big One: -568,645,282
Toro: -1,053,503,173
Troodon: 1,938,481,426
Tyrannolophosaur: 1,342,369,609
Tyrannosaur Buck: 1,418,401,004
Tyrannosaur Doe: 1,881,417,407
Tyrannosaurus rex: 40,481,232
Tyrannosaurus rex Gen 2: 397,647,001
Tyrannotitan: -1,285,400,332
Utahraptor: 1,566,851,148
Velociraptor: -93,170,300
Velociraptor Gen 2: -1,934,748,652
Yudon: -1,925,448,439
Yutyrannus: -348,984,074

Ammonite: 1,753,442,943
Baculites: -716,348,083
Bananogmius: 1,530,026,786
Dakoderma: 1,240,872,332
Dakosaurus: 1,763,310,270
Dunkleosteus: 950,565,415
Geolasmosaurus: 1,046,841,848
Geosaurus: -2,092,443,334
Giant Orthocone: 1,124,512,546
Gillicus: 934,303,124
Hynecorpion: -75,947,127
Hyneria: 899,697,514
Leedsichthys: -1,789,136,650
Liosichtodon: 1,397,156,379
Orthacanthus: -1,502,271,622
Plesiosuchus: 1,471,491,099
Rhizodus: 1,062,492,190
Suchodus: -1,765,030,566
Tusoteuthis: -1,489,819,329
Xiphactinus: -180,341,431

Amphicyon: -332,037,305
Andrewsarchus: 117,747,839
Andrewtherium: 1,028,936,594
Archaeophicyon: -2,080,931,006
Carbonemys: -1,137,197,151
Dilophoboa: -1,269,895,908
Doedicurus: 413,525,642
Eremotherium: 513,419,020
Gigantophis: 1,336,203,057
Glyptodon: 122,252,079
Hyaenodon: -2,063,805,018
Megatherium: -1,962,550,559
Megistocurus: -1,173,248,534
Megistotherium: 1,297,895,624
Meiolania: -2,133,883,974
Panochthus: -2,004,097,604
Titanoboa: -380,302,569

Amargasaurus: 1,449,929,752
Ankylodocus: -1,412,657,350
Ankylosaurus: -543,227,015
Ankylosaurus Gen 2: -565,939,585
Antarctopelta: -1,930,745,713
Apatosaurus: 1,225,863,842
Argentinosaurus: 593,764,913
Armormata: 156,445,524
Australotitan: 289,889,214
Bajadasaurus: 662,471,111
Bonitasaura: 828,689,896
Borealopelta: 1,709,198,154
Brachiosaurus: -1,440,405,685
Bumpy: -1,592,891,285
Corythosaurus: -1,478,947,770
Deinocheirus: 1,962,465,506
Diabloceratops: 1,086,178,365
Diplodocus: 367,404,677
Dodo: 1,229,598,679
Dracoceratops: 1,748,409,810
Dracorex: -2,057,755,024
Dreadnoughtus: -802,745,447
Edmontosaurus: -825,574,828
Einiosaurus: -1,180,410,511
Eolambia: -1,911,571,793
Erlikosaurus: -1,196,263,296
Euoplocephalus: 1,884,519,706
Fukuisaurus: 721,067,753
Gallimimus: 1,365,354,040
Gigakylocephalus: 751,034,065
Giganocephalus: -1,520,394,299
Homalocephale: -2,046,750,789
Iguanodon: 22,354,924
Iguanosuchus: -632,627,264
Kentrosaurus: 1,025,144,099
Koreano: -1,035,047,909
Labyrinthosaurus: -718,741,931
Monostegotops: -1,994,092,941
Nasutoceratops: -851,099,630
Nodosaurus: 1,966,297,937
Ophiacomimus: -56,755,887
Pachycephalosaurus: 1,966,720,555
Pachyceratops: 121,995,842
Pachyrhinosaurus: 1,481,742,726
Parasaura: -187,694,959
Parasaurolophus: 2,007,482,531
Parasaurolophus Gen 2: -1,625,353,072
Pelecanimimus: 717,706,909
Rodrigues Solitaire: 819,309,449
Scelidosaurus: -1,165,376,541
Segnosaurus: 1,521,446,454
Segnosuchus: -24,045,446
Shunosaurus: -65,947,382
Sinoceratops: 167,618,100
Sonorasaurus: -785,679,876
Stegoceratops: 461,260,072
Stegosaurus: -1,779,588,126
Stegosaurus Gen 2: 1,737,466,796
Stegouros: 1,191,790,010
Struthiomimus: 178,485,341
Stygimoloch: 126,465,803
Styracosaurus Rex: -253,858,672
Supersaurus: 1,212,583,965
Therizinosaurus: -1,743,931,416
Therizinosaurus Gen 2: 1,689,534,356
Triceratops: -670,191,440
Triceratops Gen 2: 711,962,878
Tsintaosaurus: 2,055,740,954
Tuojiangosaurus: -821,387,451
Unayrhynchus: 370,378,159
Unaysaurus: 1,713,688,563
Wuerhosaurus: -575,092,375
Yuxisaurus: -176,360,013
Zalmoxes: -715,461,922

Aerotitan: 2,010,238,695
Alanqa: 669,609,303
Arambourgiania: -574,778,929
Cearadactylus: -1,478,277,405
Coloborhynchus: 966,199,354
Cryolobourgiania: -1,582,361,500
Darwinopterus: -99,634,386
Dimorphodon: 991,406,221
Dsungaripterus: -987,723,353
Eudimorphodon: -431,140,899
Geosternbergia: -748,115,216
Hatzegopteryx: -1,738,689,014
Limnorhynchus: -782,527,033
Metriaphodon: 1,692,405,504
Monkeydactyl: 1,896,456,531
Nyctosaurus: -493,469,469
Ornithocheirus: 708,336,235
Pelecachtylus: -716,312,085
Pelecanipteryx: -60,998,544
Pteranodon: -779,586,877
Pteranodon Gen 2: -1,001,234,550
Pteraquetzal: -365,098,277
Pterodactylus: -968,779,196
Pterodaustro: 446,142,347
Quetzalcoatlus: -1,758,792,470
Quetzalcoatlus Gen 2: 469,338,137
Rhamphorhynchus: -2,075,709,758
Scaphognathus: -1,188,317,494
Secodontognathus: -2,017,173,346
Suchoripterus: 1,654,215,819
Tapejalocephalus: 1,497,467,848
Tapejalosaurus: -1,018,223,924
Tapejara: -69,653,029
Thalassodromeus: -515,569
Tropeognathus: 65,958,984
Tropeogopterus: 213,283,072
Tupandactylus: 305,981,254
Tupuxuara: -2,043,290,788
Zalmonodon: -1,705,002,253
Zhejiangopterus: 1,791,880,700

Archelon: 1,134,792,353
Dolichorhynchops: -186,713,791
Gillirhynchops: 1,459,515,785
Goronyosaurus: 1,686,906,272
Hauffiosaurus: 590,865,482
Henodus: 594,319,929
Kronosaurus: 540,919,165
Leptocleidus: 305,008,788
Leptostega: -798,039,628
Liopleurodon: 944,371,444
Ophthalmosaurus: 389,296,485
Platypterygius: -1,560,866,862
Pliosaurus: 1,020,658,397
Protostega: 396,189,273
Psephoderma: -409,183,818
Rhomaleosaurus: -1,574,275,586
Temnodontosaurus: 931,389,832
Trinacromerum: -100,031,873
Umoonasaurus: -680,550,807

Archaeotherium: -1,788,306,124
Brontotherium: 779,908,489
Elasmotherium: -592,215,760
Entelodon: 1,350,322,905
Entelorhacos: 756,797,681
Gastornis: 1,909,407,380
Indricoceros: 1,734,888,078
Indricotherium: 123,636,838
Kelenken: 721,108,216
Mammotherium: -1,051,584,817
Phorusrhacos: 1,751,753,707
Procoptodon: -243,375,428
Uintatherium: 1,074,417,044
Urtinotherium: 391,343,941

Ailurarctos: -984,562,933
Arctodus: 1,631,621,154
Cervalces: 689,362,882
Deinotherium: 1,903,910,004
Diprotodon: -270,396,296
Eucladoceros: -363,122,807
Marsupial Lion: -924,081,836
Mastodon: -230,034,235
Megaloceros: 1,058,151,387
Mylodon: -1,398,033,892
Rhinoprotodon: -1,265,948,185
Sarkastodon: 966,987,009
Smilodon: 1,107,178,272
Smithetoceras: -2,078,662,216
Synthetoceras: 1,745,174,245
Thylacosmilus: -240,406,446
Woolly Mammoth: -1,740,156,257
Woolly Rhinoceros: -1,294,393,739

Barracudasaurus: -388,063,063
Dunkleosaurus: 613,996,072
Edestus: -119,647,718
Elasmosaurus: 1,121,391,763
Hainosaurus: 467,098,229
Helicoprion: 1,353,460,577
Kaiwhekea: -30,666,063
Mauisaurus: 104,515,922
Megalodon: -1,586,065,800
Megarchelon: 785,006,804
Mosasaurus: 1,992,586,605
Mosasaurus Gen 2: -1,635,999,394
Onchopristis: -277,970,098
Platecarpus: -1,141,247,809
Plesiosaurus: -2,051,495,450
Plotosaurus: 1,134,352,729
Prognathodon: 738,704,588
Styxosaurus: 948,412,072
Tylosaurus: 1,398,946,454
Xinathodon: 77,664,121

Omega 09: -1,508,593,356
Juggernaut 32: -998,063,698
Valkyrie 77: 1,237,788,383
Salamander 16: -1,863,210,213


thank you very much kind sir

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Guys


Can someone say me how to find ID of specifics Dino's because I don't understand how to do it without using a script.

Like I wrote Alberto in UTF-8 and it's bruuhh it has 700+ Results...

It's unreal to check all of Results.

Pls help me someone

I want to learn how to personally find building IDs, ornaments, and dinosaurs.

Without using the script.

Posted (edited)
  On 10/5/2024 at 1:10 PM, notivory said:

Does anyone have the ID to kaprooacthylus by chance? it's that unreleased hybrid made from kapro gen 2 or something.



the Kaprodacthylus was deleted from the game files along with the spinoceratops, if you try to use the IDs that were previously available you will only cause your game to crash.

Edited by Daarkaster777

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