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Could you help me with menus?



Hello everyone!!!
I am modifying a script I made months ago. I have a menu whose options call various functions that look for values and modify them, but I actually realize that one of those functions should itself have other options, since recently many elements have been added in the game that differentiate it.
So from that function I wanted to put three different functions. And to do so I created an additional menu.
Everything works, the problem, however, is that if on Gameguardian I select the other menu options right after the menu function option, it runs the previous functions, then launches the menu but then, after selecting the options inside this menu, it does not execute the options following the one that contains the menu I'm using.


Could there be a solution for this?

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2 answers to this question

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this is an example idk if it helps 


fn = {
  [1] = function(value) test = gg.searchNumber(value, gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL) end, ------------> function u want to execute for hack1
    [2] = function(value) test =  gg.searchNumber(value, gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL) end, ------------> function u want to execute for hack 2 
      [3] = function(value) test =  gg.searchNumber(value, gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL) end ------------> function u want to execute for hack 3 
list1 = {'hack1','hack2','hack3'} ---------------------------> menu display
list2 = {'hack1 values', 'hack2 values','hack3 values'} ------> values u want to search for example
menu = gg.choice(list1,nil,'1er list')
index = menu ---------------------------> index (function position in the tables fn,list1,list2)
if menu ~= nil then
  fn[index](list2[index]) ----> for example if it select hack2 it will execute function 2 with hack2 value (fn[2](hack 2 values) > gg.searchNumber(hack 2 values,....)

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