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Can dump file name be changed?




So, I have a simple question as the title says.

I want to be able to read the binary dump file after dumping with io.open() then print some strings that I will match with a specific pattern.


The problem is that the file name must be known and as you know, game guardian dump files have different name packagename-address-address.bin


The dump file name can be different each time I do a dump... how to change it to specific name always?

Is it even possible with gameguardian?


Also, I tried os.rename("/sdcard/dump/*.bin","/sdcard/dump/xx.bin") to change the file name but the * doesn't work .. it needs the exact file name..

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6 answers to this question

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You will need to loop through the gg.getRangesList() table.

check each if starting address is higher than "start" and lower than "end" if it is use that "start" as the first address in the filename

then check your ending address the same way and use that  "end" and the second address in your filename

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On 4/3/2022 at 1:32 AM, BadCase said:

You will need to loop through the gg.getRangesList() table.

check each if starting address is higher than "start" and lower than "end" if it is use that "start" as the first address in the filename

then check your ending address the same way and use that  "end" and the second address in your filename

Got any code example for this?


I'm new to these things and I don't quite know how to excute it.

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6 hours ago, LIFE123 said:

Got any code example for this?


I'm new to these things and I don't quite know how to excute it.

function dumpAndRename(startAddress, endAddress,  newName, keepPackageName, keepAddresses, savePath)
    if savePath == nil then
        savePath = gg.EXT_STORAGE .. "/Download/"
    local nameStart
    local nameEnd
    for i, v in pairs(gg.getRangesList()) do
        if v["start"] < startAddress and v["end"] > startAddress and nameStart == nil then
            nameStart = v["start"]
        if v["start"] < endAddress and v["end"] > endAddress and nameEnd == nil then
            nameEnd = v["end"]
        if nameStart ~= nil and nameEnd ~= nil then
    gg.dumpMemory(startAddress, endAddress, savePath, gg.DUMP_SKIP_SYSTEM_LIBS)
    local constructedFileName = savePath
    if keepPackageName == true then
        constructedFileName = constructedFileName .. gg.getTargetPackage() .. "-"
    constructedFileName = constructedFileName .. newName
    if keepAddresses == true then
        constructedFileName = constructedFileName .."-" .. string.format("%x", nameStart) .. "-" .. string.format("%x", nameEnd)
    constructedFileName = constructedFileName .. ".bin"
    os.rename(savePath .. gg.getTargetPackage() .."-" .. string.format("%x", nameStart) .. "-" .. string.format("%x", nameEnd) .. ".bin", constructedFileName)
    return constructedFileName

Use Examples

dumpAndRename(0xC7457004, 0xC7457008, "My New Name")
Result: /storage/emulated/0/Download/My New Name.bin

dumpAndRename(0xC7457004, 0xC7457008, "My New Name",true)
Result: /storage/emulated/0/Download/com.autoclicker.clicker-My New Name.bin

dumpAndRename(0xC7457004, 0xC7457008, "My New Name",true,true)
Result: /storage/emulated/0/Download/com.autoclicker.clicker-My New Name-c7457000-c7593000.bin

dumpAndRename(0xC7457004, 0xC7457008, "My New Name",false,true)
Result: /storage/emulated/0/Download/My New Name-c7457000-c7593000.bin

dumpAndRename(0xC7457004, 0xC7457008, "My New Name",true,false)
Result: /storage/emulated/0/Download/com.autoclicker.clicker-My New Name.bin

dumpAndRename(0xC7457004, 0xC7457008,  "My New Name", true, true, gg.EXT_STORAGE .. "/Download/Test Dump/")
Result: /storage/emulated/0/Download/Test Dump/com.autoclicker.clicker-My New Name-c7457000-c7593000.bin

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When you dump with GG it dumps from the beginning of the range that the first address is in to the end of the range that the second address is in. Get those ranges and form your filename using the ['start'] and ['end'] of those 2 ranges

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I get the idea but I don't know how to excute it.


How to get the start and ending addresses of the dump.

Maybe something like this? but the start and ending are not like the name of dump file.

resultCounts = gg.getResultsCount()

results = gg.getResults(resultCounts)

start = results[1].address

ending = results[5].address

filename = ("com.packagename-"..start.."-"..ending..".bin")

gg.dumpMemory(start , ending, "/sdcard/dump/", gg.DUMP_SKIP_SYSTEM_LIBS)

f = io.open("/sdcard/dump/"..filename, "r")

content = f:read("*all")

-- do some operations



I also tried this but doesn't seem to work:


t = gg.getRangesList();

start = t[1].start

ending = t[5]['end']


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