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Name of Game: Mobbles
Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mobblesgames.mobbles&hl=de
Version if you know it: 2.04
What cheat? Health, xp, gold...: Diamonds, MobbDollars, XP
Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?: tried to get the variables via GameCIH, Gameguardian, Gamekiller without any success.. but it is possible to hack some food with SQL-Editor
Comments: the game support offline mode so it seems cheatable. there are some xml files, which include diamonds, mobbdollars values but everytime i start mobbles again, it changing back to the normal values.


This game is so frustrating since the update! You used to be able to hack the heart/xp levels, and I have tracked down the variable in game CIH, but it seems like random numbers, so I dont know what to change it to. if it helps:

















anyone have any ideas? Is it just a random number assigned to each value or is there a pattern here?


i told you a downloadlink, how shall i download it like this?

gimme the downloadlink to the apk, not the market link


sorry buddy here is a downloadlink to the apk


Download Mobbles.apk



i have tried to decompiled the apk, there is a secureuint.. (which encrypt the variables)

package com.mobblesgames.mobbles.util;

import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.io.Serializable;

public class SecureInt
  implements Serializable
  private static final long serialVersionUID = 9084374L;
  private int[] ints = new int[(int)(6.0D + 10.0D * Math.random())];

  public SecureInt()

  public final int a()
    int j = (this.ints[2] - this.ints[0]) / this.ints[1];
    int i = j * 1337 % 67;
    if (i != this.ints[(-1 + this.ints.length)])
      System.out.println("badcheck: result=" + j + "   check=" + i);
      j = 0;
    return j;

  public final void a(int paramInt)
    this.ints[0] = (1 + (int)(400.0D * Math.random()));
    this.ints[1] = (1 + (int)(400.0D * Math.random()));
    this.ints[2] = (paramInt * this.ints[1] + this.ints[0]);
    int i = this.ints.length;
    for (int j = 3; j < i; j++)
      this.ints[j] = (int)(401.0D * Math.random());
    this.ints[(i - 1)] = (paramInt * 1337 % 67);

  public final void b(int paramInt)
    a(paramInt + a());

  public String toString()
    return a();

EDIT: freedom 8.4 working well with playstore 3 but you can only buy every mobbdollars pack one time! maybe a bug in the shopsystem..

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