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Hey guys i am new to android and what can i say i was looking for something similar to cheat engine for android and i stumbled across the forums. I might as well as introduce myself while i am at it. Well not much of a introduction but i like reading manga and watching anime and i am a frequent dota player. well i started it recently. Anyways now i am on android and i need some help on this game if possible


Name of Game: Fable Kingdom HD
Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fablekingdom&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5mYWJsZWtpbmdkb20iXQ..
Version if you know it: 1.0 [Thats what is given in the playstore link]
What cheat? Health, xp, gold...: Gems
Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?:Yes. 0 Results
Comments: i would appreciate if someone could help me cheat with the gems or post a mod on unlimited gems. Thank You

  • 6 months later...

ok... i am another newbie... just got in and i am kind of candy crush kind of person. nothing so hard and difficult.  yes, i play fable kingdom.  i found some modded versions that make the game easier even if it is easy enough.  gives coins and crystals.  i need crystals more though.  however, the author of the mod (whoever he/she is, thanks!) signed the app, so now it cannot be updated.  i tried to install the update over it but it won't install.  i wish there's a way to hack the game, oh, only a few crystals more would be great to buy those buildings and the water well, without being excluded from updates. 


thanks, if anyone would find a way.

  • Administrators

I thought this game looked interesting, so I decided to check it out. I like it! So of course, I began to try to increase certain stuff.... no luck. It usually doesn't take me very long with the tougher taking up to an hour or so, but 10 minutes is probably my average.

Now, I consider this a challenge. They've obviously prepared for folks like us. So, I am asking for help (sometimes we all must eat humble pie), but the help I'd like, if someone figures this out, is just a nudge in the right direction. Most of the time I have more fun figuring out developers' anti-hacking schemes than actually playing the games.

I know this game is not server-side as an internet connection is not required. I think, at this point, it may take reading the code, but as I've stated, I don't know Android programming nearly well enough yet.


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