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Hey everyone, My name is Ronald... just call me Ron and im 30 years old and an Electrican. I learned to hack old school computer that allow me to access these restricted folder when I was 10 years old and it was IBM computer then Apple, and then window... lol. I used took Web Design as Java, Html, CSS, and all that ***** in 20's then Decide change career into more active than just sitting front of computer and work all day? ha... no thank. Also, Im hearing Impaired (deaf) which mean I couldnt hear or speak that much I only using Sign Language, type and write for Communicate.

Everyone may call me Novice hacker and all that but Im pretty much more than that, it called "Mastermind" that I can think of something a way to get it through. Even I dont know Code C++ languages and all ***** but to think of something and suggest to help them to get it through like they never though of it.

anything you need to help with something or anything. just ask :) keep in mind: I aint gonna help with bad hacker that gonna damage other computer/smartphone/Ipads :P Yes I admit that I used be Evil hacker in teenage but not anymore because I changed

thats all for me

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