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  1. View File Pixel Gun 3D Lottery Sets Template Unlike the all updates version, this script does support Armv7 (32bit). Contact Me: User123456789#6424 on discord Disclaimer: This script is bannable! Getting too much currency within a certain time frame will flag your account as suspicous and you will be banned in the next ban wave. I recommend only getting at most 2,000 gems per day, or your account will have a high risk of being banned. Even if you do play it safe, you can still be banned. Warning: Using the custom value option and setting the reward values to over 45,000 will instantly ban you! While my all updates lottery sets script will work for multiple versions, the devs like to patch it manually. So, I decided to make an alternative. This is a template for updating lottery sets yourself! Features: -Supports various values, and lets you enter a custom value if it does not have what you want. Currently, only whole numbers (no decimal values like 1.5) in the range of 0 to 65536 are supported. -Supports devices with both armv7 (32bit) and armv8 (64bit) architectures -This script has a small antiban feature that warns you when you try to edit the reward values over 45,000 Updating: This script will only work for one update, but unlike the all updates version, it's really easy to update the script yourself. Just open up the file in a text editor, and you will be greeted with some data to fill in: The 32bit and 64bit hex values, game version, and your name (optional). The hard work is obtaining these hex values. While it's very easy to do yourself, you will have to be experienced with hex patching in order to update it. Here's my favorite beginner-friendly hex patching tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAK7rRhmTG4&t=41s&ab_channel=PMTDVA. If you have any questions about how to do this, feel free to contact me on discord! While it is possible to make this template work for all updates, it would require a lot of work. I may eventually make this, but don't count on it. Submitter HorridModz Submitted 01/14/2023 Category LUA scripts  
  2. Version 1.0


    Its a simple hack, with it you can hack gems, coins and damage stat.
  3. View File OverDrive Premium Hack/Script Its a simple hack, with it you can hack gems, coins and damage stat. Submitter _GanGster_ Submitted 04/24/2019 Category LUA scripts  
  4. I already have GG and i tried to change the values of money and in the end it shows up two values not just one, ok I changed the values with the amount of money that I needed I got in the game again and surprise!!!!! the money has changed but when I started to play again or when I want to buy something the game crashed, and it happens again and again.
  5. Name of Game: Paradise War Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.enjoygame.ttwyus&hl=en Version: 0.13.61 What cheat? Maybe Gold, Diamond, Energy, XP, Damage, etc . please guys Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?: i couldnt hack diamonds,gold, xp, energy, damage with game guardian Comments: i tried to search gold value(dword) with gameguardian and couldnt find any value.... if anyone can find them plz tell me how.
  6. Hi guys, I starte cheating on NFS NL i see many video about it and it work i mak an account with 1 Billion money and 1 Billion Gold. So my question is there is any ban risk in this game ? if yes then what is the safe amount of gold an money to avoid ban risk ? Thank you guys.
  7. Nome do arquivo solicitado: hyper heroes Link para Download: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nkm.kp.hh&hl=pt-BR É o jogo com o lado do servidor: NA-041 Comentários: I would like this game to be tested by the game guardian I can use the game guardian in 50% of the game I can not raise gold and diamonds I try to run the lua file script but it gives error
  8. Name of Game: Zombie HQ Game Version if known: Name of Cheat: Money and Gold Search Regions Needed: All Regions Steps for Money Cheat: Open both Zombie HQ, and GameGuardian. Search your current amount of money (auto) Earn/Spend some money and search the new amount, repeat it till you get 3 values. Long press the values and change them to anything you want (very high values might crash the game) Enjoy your money! If value did not changed just go and "try" pay something, you will see. Steps for Gold Cheat: Open both Zombie HQ, and GameGuardian. Search your current amount of Gold (auto) Earn/Spend some Gold and search the new amount, repeat it till you get 3 values. Long press the values and change them to anything you want (very high values might crash the game) Enjoy your Gold! If value did not changed just go and "try" pay something, you will see.
  9. Version


    CAR PARKING MULTIPLAYER SCRIPT SCRIPT FEATURES- COIN HACK and GOLD HACK I will explain how to use HOW TO USE COIN HACK? 1) GO TO MAIN MENU 2) APPLY COIN HACK 3) CLICK ON THAT INSTAGRAM FOLOW BUTTON +$5000 4) YOUR HACK IS DONE HOW TO USE GOLD HACK? 1) GO TO MAIN MENU 2) GO TO DRIVER 3) GO TO ANIMATIONS (down left) 4) NOW BUY 2 showing -99999 ( if didn't show restart and apply again) 5) now buy after buying 2 items , now buy -214 like something value 6) boom your gold is hacked FOLLOW US ON TELEGRAM TO GET LATEST UPDATES https://t.me/TheGamecheaters IN THE CHANNEL YOU CAN CONTACT THE CREATOR EASILY
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Unlike the all updates version, this script does support Armv7 (32bit). Contact Me: User123456789#6424 on discord Disclaimer: This script is bannable! Getting too much currency within a certain time frame will flag your account as suspicous and you will be banned in the next ban wave. I recommend only getting at most 2,000 gems per day, or your account will have a high risk of being banned. Even if you do play it safe, you can still be banned. Warning: Using the custom value option and setting the reward values to over 45,000 will instantly ban you! While my all updates lottery sets script will work for multiple versions, the devs like to patch it manually. So, I decided to make an alternative. This is a template for updating lottery sets yourself! Features: -Supports various values, and lets you enter a custom value if it does not have what you want. Currently, only whole numbers (no decimal values like 1.5) in the range of 0 to 65536 are supported. -Supports devices with both armv7 (32bit) and armv8 (64bit) architectures -This script has a small antiban feature that warns you when you try to edit the reward values over 45,000 Updating: This script will only work for one update, but unlike the all updates version, it's really easy to update the script yourself. Just open up the file in a text editor, and you will be greeted with some data to fill in: The 32bit and 64bit hex values, game version, and your name (optional). The hard work is obtaining these hex values. While it's very easy to do yourself, you will have to be experienced with hex patching in order to update it. Here's my favorite beginner-friendly hex patching tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAK7rRhmTG4&t=41s&ab_channel=PMTDVA. If you have any questions about how to do this, feel free to contact me on discord! While it is possible to make this template work for all updates, it would require a lot of work. I may eventually make this, but don't count on it.
  11. View File CAR PARKING MULTIPLAYER CAR PARKING MULTIPLAYER SCRIPT SCRIPT FEATURES- COIN HACK and GOLD HACK I will explain how to use HOW TO USE COIN HACK? 1) GO TO MAIN MENU 2) APPLY COIN HACK 3) CLICK ON THAT INSTAGRAM FOLOW BUTTON +$5000 4) YOUR HACK IS DONE HOW TO USE GOLD HACK? 1) GO TO MAIN MENU 2) GO TO DRIVER 3) GO TO ANIMATIONS (down left) 4) NOW BUY 2 showing -99999 ( if didn't show restart and apply again) 5) now buy after buying 2 items , now buy -214 like something value 6) boom your gold is hacked FOLLOW US ON TELEGRAM TO GET LATEST UPDATES https://t.me/TheGamecheaters IN THE CHANNEL YOU CAN CONTACT THE CREATOR EASILY Submitter CALISTA Submitted 04/24/2024 Category LUA scripts  
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