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  1. i'll give you some ideas. lets see if you can do some thinking and figure it out. a DWORD value typically 4 bytes in size. so for 2 Dword type values that are adjacent in memory, the group size/distance between is 4 bytes = 1D;1D::4 but by default GG will add 1 to it and suggest 5 = 1D;1D::5 the same as below. there are 4 distances(;) between the 5 values or 4 Dword values after the 1st. so group size will be : = 4 x 4 = 16 GG add 1 = 17 = 1D;1D;1D;1D;1D::17
  2. For example, for type of { int64[2]; float[7]; }, sizeof()=44. But if I input a search of `1q;0q;1f;0d;0d;0d;0d;0d;0d ::44` or `-1q;0q;1f;0d;0d;0d;0d;0d;-1d ::44`, GG suggests a group size of 41? What is the correct group size?
  3. [ @DaviMustang ] --- The problem is on "input". There's no variable / function named "input". As you know: input[1] Means you're getting the first result of an dictionary, where "input" must have been declared as dictionary variable: input = {1,2,3,4,5} gg.alert(tostring(input[1])) --- I've seen that you're using ";" which means it will be treated as grouped search. Probably you're looking something this: gg.searchNumber(1;2;2;2;2;123, gg.TYPE_DWORD) --- So then what is "input"?
  4. Hello again, I've just dug up my old computer and I can confirm that I was successfully able to execute this. I can get every dragon in the game, including unreleased dragons. I found that changing the memory range to show only alloc only shows nothing on my end, so I just reset it back to default and I was able to find the values that I needed. You can also get an infinite number of any buildings, habitats, and decorations of the same type that have a limit. For instance, you can have 15 breeding caves and 5 Colosseum's. For buildings, the galaxy flag is the easiest to search up (for me at least). I would also like to point out to anyone that tries this hack: - Having multiple Breeding/Enchanted Breeding Caves works flawlessly without any issue. - Using multiple Colosseum's is possible, but your game will crash after adding the 2nd dragon and so forth. The game will reload and both dragons will be in the Colosseum's. - Having Multiple Shrines, Relic of the Epic's, or Monument of the Epic's does NOT allow you to increase the level of your epic dragons beyond level 20. - Multiple Dragonsai Gifting trees or Bushes does not Increase the number of gems you are able to gift per day. - Multiple Dragon Tracks does not increase the number of races you can do each day. - Multiple Element Boosts of the Exact same kind on the exact same island works perfectly and the boost effect is stackable. The only limit is the size of your island. Theoretically, a 115,000/h+ earn rate for a single dragon is possible, or $800,000/h+ for a single Omnitat with either Tien or Nacre dragons, but I don't have the time to spam 387 boost towers on a colossal island. You can also surround the 3x3 portal with 7 generators for an extra 14% boost to get the absolute highest possible. I also suggest adding boosts to an island without any habitats or dragons before adding habitats and dragons. Otherwise I've had my game crash a few times. - Attempting to place a portal gives off an in-game error message, but does not crash the game. A portal in mid air will appear as if you are trying to move it. If you click it, the game will crash. - Attempting to place a wishing well does not give you a wish. Do not place the wrong wishing well building. wishbuilding_0 is the correct building for getting wishes, and multiple wish buildings has no effect. wishingwellbuilding_0 is purely a decoration and will not get you a wish, but strangely has a sell price of 6,172,839 Gems. Yes, actual gems, not dragoncash. I did not Test multiple Hibernation Cave's nor Storage Tower's as I was unable to find them and were not too important to me. This is very important: You need to be careful with which buildings/decorations you place into your park. Some buildings were never suppose to be obtainable in the first place, making it impossible to move, or sell that building. Some buildings like Multiple Colosseum's and Breeding Cave's, while you can move them, cannot be removed once you place them. Luckily, this happened on my test park and not my main park, but please keep in mind. Here are a few buildings that I tried: - "magicbreedinghabitat" is a fully functional breeding cave called "Runic Breeding Cave". Once placed, it cannot be moved or sold, but you are able to breed in it costing 250 magic each try and always getting an instant egg that still needs to be incubated. - "eventquestbuilding_0" cannot be moved or sold, but allows you to do event quests. I'm not going to try every single building as that would take up too much of my time, but I wanted to try out the main buildings to see what would happen. I was unsuccessful with getting limited island themes, another thing I was trying to obtain. I ended up getting limited edition dragon / pedestal bundles instead, one of them was even a set of a dragon and decorations. If changing the listing to bundle sets is possible, I wonder if it is even possible to force a reward dragon egg, the same kind that you would get on the last day of the daily reward calendar, or winning a dragon draw, with Regular -> Twin -> Twin Rift progression of eggs similar to Egg Of Mystery, but always that same dragon.
  5. Each file has a permission: read, write, executable. Each folder has permission: read, write, and to view its content. This is for owner of file and for group owner belongs to. You won't be able to change this using GG. Standard lua function os.execute(command), blocked for security reasons.
  6. After downloading, open it to see its size, it will be the same as the other files.
  7. View File Getting Over It 1.9.8 Improved Script Includes : Flipping Body Sling Shot Arms Skinny Arms Backwards Arms Fly Hack Low Gravity Game Speed Fast Cool Chams Body Size Editor Submitter luckyday-999 Submitted 08/24/2024 Category LUA scripts  
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Includes : Flipping Body Sling Shot Arms Skinny Arms Backwards Arms Fly Hack Low Gravity Game Speed Fast Cool Chams Body Size Editor
  9. View File Shadow Dragon Fight Ninja 2 Includes Cooldown Editor Character Speed Editor Character Size Editor High Damage & Health Common Attire Only High Defense Submitter luckyday-999 Submitted 08/18/2024 Category LUA scripts  
  10. Version 4.0.0


    Includes Cooldown Editor Character Speed Editor Character Size Editor High Damage & Health Common Attire Only High Defense
  11. May I ask, how much is the file size of this game now. I want to play again after a long time. It's just that I have a little memory left.
  12. View File [+2] Temple Run 2 (open-source) This script was made for people to use as a base. Here's a quick overview of how it works: Initialization: The script begins by loading and preparing itself to fetch the necessary addresses. Address Retrieval: Instead of manually entering values, the script performs a group search for stable values around the target address. It then calculates the correct address using an offset from the fetched address. Cheat Activation: With addresses already fetched you can activate the cheats immediately. This means no further searching is needed once the script is running. Cheats: Coin Modifier: Adjusts the quantity of coins. Gem Modifier: Modifies the quantity of gems. This approach provides a smooth experience to the users by getting the addresses once at the start so that they can keep turning on/off the cheats with no delays. Submitter wwyssb Submitted 08/08/2024 Category LUA scripts  
  13. Version 1.0.1


    This script was made for people to use as a base. Here's a quick overview of how it works: Initialization: The script begins by loading and preparing itself to fetch the necessary addresses. Address Retrieval: Instead of manually entering values, the script performs a group search for stable values around the target address. It then calculates the correct address using an offset from the fetched address. Cheat Activation: With addresses already fetched you can activate the cheats immediately. This means no further searching is needed once the script is running. Cheats: Coin Modifier: Adjusts the quantity of coins. Gem Modifier: Modifies the quantity of gems. This approach provides a smooth experience to the users by getting the addresses once at the start so that they can keep turning on/off the cheats with no delays.
  14. Hello MR NOFEAR Can you find out if this is the right way to do a group search on the golden ticket gardenscape for beach season??? that's what I did when I clicked on ordered after my search.. two results came up... can you help me if that's correct??
  15. Saving an address usually doesn't workout. You use group search and/or offsets. If with dump you mean the dump.cs that you get from using a il2cppdumper then you should use the RVA offset and add it to the based address of the lib.
  16. With group search only it can be done if offset between first and second searched value is known beforehand. For your example and assuming all values that need to be included/excluded are dwords, offset between first and second value is 28 (0x1C), so there are exactly 6 dword values between them and each of them needs to be not equal to 9, which can be specified as "8~~10". So the string for group search for this case is "10;8~~10;8~~10;8~~10;8~~10;8~~10;8~~10;40::29". Then you can refine with "10;40::29" to get target results (but if any of values in between is 10 or 40, they will be included as well).
  17. View File Dawn of Zombies: Survival About this file The script updates automatically Telegram: https://t.me/+WYpiAlaR2RU0YTI1 Welcome to our group!!! Submitter ChungTai Submitted 07/22/2024 Category LUA scripts  
  18. Version Auto Update


    About this file The script updates automatically Telegram: https://t.me/+WYpiAlaR2RU0YTI1 Welcome to our group!!!
  19. Hi In group search For example 10;40::30 Between 10 and 40 the number 9 appears, but i don't want results that the number 9 appear between 10 and 30 How can i make a group search of 10 and 40 that excludes 9 between them? I thought something like 10;!9;40::30 And it's possible to make search values in the same address? For example An address have dword 93 and this same address have qword 29 Word 323 double 10 and float 1,399 So i want to a result that shows a adress that contains 93D 29Q, 323W 10E 1,399F these values all in the same address, not split into other address, all in one place. It's possible?
  20. how do u change the characters colors i can only change there size and ect
  21. Yelay12

    Slowing Group search

    When i search as groupsearch,I get results is slower than normal search. Can i search as twice this two value and do offset with offset distance. if i know this two values and offset distance.How to write my script instead of group search. Please help with your great experience.
  22. Hi, So i used the function "Record" to make a group search of 10920;264;11000;80::233 Then i always get only this exatcly 4 results 10920,264,11000 and 80. So i filter the result to only 10920 which is always constant value everytime i play the game, which is good to add offsets to find other values. I save this value of 10920 and apply an offset of 990And great i found, the other value i actually want. The record function works fine up to this point only. After that it do not record the actions perfomed by me in game guardian. The recorded script do not edit the value found by the offset, also i want to find 6 other values adding offsets to that value of 10920, but i don't know how to make a script do this. It's possible?
  23. Script finalizado: ⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚ ⧚⧚⧚ Script Created With ⧚⧚⧚ Il2CppDumper Toolbox Free ⧚⧚⧚ ⧚⧚⧚ By BadCase ⧚⧚⧚ ⧚⧚⧚ Website ⧚⧚⧚ BadCase.org ⧚⧚⧚ ⧚⧚⧚ Telegram Group ⧚⧚⧚ t.me/BadCaseDotOrgSupport ⧚⧚⧚ ⧚⧚⧚ Donate With PayPal ⧚⧚⧚ paypal.me/BadCaseDotOrg ⧚⧚⧚ ⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚⧚ Error de guión: luaj.n: /storage/emulated/0/dump/LifeInAdventure_1_2_9.lua:174 ` for i,v in pairs(script_functions[file_ext]) do` bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (nil: table expected, got nil) (global 'pairs') level = 1, const = 25, proto = 0, upval = 1, vars = 9, code = 81 CALL v0..v1 v0..v2 ; PC 8 CODE 0101001D OP 29 A 0 B 2 C 4 Bx 1028 sBx -130043 stack traceback: /storage/emulated/0/dump/LifeInAdventure_1_2_9.lua:174 in function 'bchome' /storage/emulated/0/dump/LifeInAdventure_1_2_9.lua:217 in main chunk [Java]: in ? at luaj.ap.a(src:265) at luaj.ap.t(src:343) at luaj.lib.BaseLib$pairs.a_(src:674) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:544) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:533) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at android.ext.Script.d(src:6056) at android.ext.Script$ScriptThread.run(src:5785)
  24. Version 3.0.0


    King of Thieves script Using this script you can: 1) Set the spawn of any object/trap on the totem 2) View the list of all objects/traps and change any desired coordinate, rotation, trap type, and radii for rg, bg, warder 3) Clear the dungeon of blocks 4) Return the dungeon to its initial state 5) Change dungeon parameters: object movement step, block size, floor/ceiling width, wall height, block placement step 6) Choose any of the 129 134 existing dungeons It is also recommended to read "Correct use and nuances of the script" before using it Script does not work on 64bit sandboxes on Android (x8sb, f1/vm). But the script works fine on PC sandboxes and 32-bit mobile sandboxes. Video about using the script I will be very glad if you review my script indicating the pros and cons, so that I can correct them in the future.
  25. My problem is with modifying the value in the game, I already have the specific Class in hand and I have already found the value linked to it but when I try to increase the fraction of the value that is actually dealing with the game's Hitbox without changing the size of the Shadow, there is simply no change in my hitbox. Exact value that I already know I need to modify to change the Hitbox: (392) Class: Player::onBlockCollision (int) I used IDA Pro 6.8 to decompile libminecraftpe.so since MCPE does not have a UNITY-based lib. (Collision) it's Field Who deals with Hitbox Offset: null Version of MCPE: 0.15.10 (Alpha) Anyone who can help me would appreciate it (note: Scripts that deal with the UNITY library, e.g. libil2cpp.so or libUE4.so, the lib of this Mcpe is independent and has no pre-established framework)
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