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  1. My problem is with modifying the value in the game, I already have the specific Class in hand and I have already found the value linked to it but when I try to increase the fraction of the value that is actually dealing with the game's Hitbox without changing the size of the Shadow, there is simply no change in my hitbox. Exact value that I already know I need to modify to change the Hitbox: (392) Class: Player::onBlockCollision (int) I used IDA Pro 6.8 to decompile libminecraftpe.so since MCPE does not have a UNITY-based lib. (Collision) it's Field Who deals with Hitbox Offset: null Version of MCPE: 0.15.10 (Alpha) Anyone who can help me would appreciate it (note: Scripts that deal with the UNITY library, e.g. libil2cpp.so or libUE4.so, the lib of this Mcpe is independent and has no pre-established framework)
  2. and for this game, the values changed as shown by @sammax71as you leveled up. but the group search remain the same = 75000;1500
  3. 75000;1500 its called a group search. search for 2 or more values separated with semicolon. group search allows us to search for multiple values at once within a specific memory range. results is not guaranteed as not all games implemented it in their codes. also having found results doesnt always mean its the correct one that you're looking for.
  4. clack4

    Top Troops

    Hi Joeeee, Could you share how you did that? I tried the same method as gold and squad coin, tried finding the value in groups but it doesn't work for everything else. Assuming the other shops don't group their value, energy and battle ticket being value at 100 means that it's almost impossible to find it unless you comb through 10,000's of records trying to find it, and game guardian/top troops would crash before then. This is the same with every other unchanged single value like shop items. Thanks in advance mate
  5. Hi I want to know the real value of the gems in king of thieves. But the gems value are encrypted and I find a way to find them without their values but by its colors and this is the result: Left gem: encrypted value 1,960,750,621 / Unencrypted expected value 3000 ~ 9999 center gem: encrypted value 1,960,748,331 / Unencrypted expected value 1000 ~ 2999 Right gem: encrypted value 1,960,748,995 / size: Unencrypted expected value 1000 ~ 2999 those is the unchanged value near to them and maybe one of them is the xor key 482,434,872 482,434,912 1,102,053,376 482,434,952 1,104,764,928 and those a bit away from them 1,109,778,944 1,088,290,816 1,107,354,304 1,104,764,928 1,109,779,136 I'll be very appreciated for any kind of help. Thanks in advance
  6. the facebook group I created was hacked by someone else. I am no longer responsible if there is anything there. Link https://m.facebook.com/groups/499304248328158/

  7. Name of Game: hunting sniper Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.europe.huntingsniper What cheats: money, gems, medals, score(ingame) Have you tried cheating this game? Yes I tried to hack coins and gems and score and boxes all of them reversed at some point, but the weird thing is that some values stay until restarted, for example i tried using group search to value to buy bullets and changed it to negtive number which worked and i could buy stuff with my gems but when i go into a game all my gems and stuff bought restart(i think they are serversided but i never seen this type of change)
  8. View File The Witch's Knight4.3.1[X64] ::FUNCTION:: -Hight Stats Skill -Free Summon [Special functions] -Daily Shop [Special functions] -Pass Reward [Special functions] -Attendance Reward [Special functions] and other hack functions in the next update. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ If you like my work, I can donate to support it here. PAYPAL: https://paypal.me/nopp38 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ::For more information and to follow up on new works before anyone else, please contact:: >>TELEGRAM GROUP<< SC-VöLKER https://t.me/+KZy3fTmpNf9mZDg1 Submitter Moonslasher Submitted 04/24/2024 Category LUA scripts  
  9. Version 1.0.0


    ::FUNCTION:: -Hight Stats Skill -Free Summon [Special functions] -Daily Shop [Special functions] -Pass Reward [Special functions] -Attendance Reward [Special functions] and other hack functions in the next update. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ If you like my work, I can donate to support it here. PAYPAL: https://paypal.me/nopp38 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ::For more information and to follow up on new works before anyone else, please contact:: >>TELEGRAM GROUP<< SC-VöLKER https://t.me/+KZy3fTmpNf9mZDg1
  10. this isn't a bug.. copy group size will copy byte values with proper distance..( 97;99::3 ) if you want to merge the characters together to make a consecutive string, then select utf8 or utf16.. (:ac) this is useful if you have half a string ("Hello") starting at address 0xABC and also need another half ("World") at address 0xCBA, Now you can merge and search. ":Hello World" and not do a group byte search for values that are ::270 , this would be drastic!!
  11. @EnybyHello, I am reporting a behavior that appears to be a bug in gameguardian. It seems that the "Copy as group search", when used with "UTF-8" and "UTF-16", assumes that the values are consecutive, i.e. one byte apart. However, this is not always the case, causing group searches to sometimes fail. This is best illustrated by examples: Let's search the string "abc" in UTF-8 and save the first 3 results, but leave out the second one: gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS) gg.searchNumber(":abc", gg.TYPE_BYTE) gg.addListItems(gg.getResults(1)) -- first result - "a" gg.addListItems(gg.getResults(1, 2)) --third result - "c" Now, we have two results: 97 byte, representing the character "a", and 99, representing the character "c". These results are a byte apart - so they do not directly form the string "ac" and would not be searchable as ":ac"; rather, they would be searchable by a group search that accounts for the byte in between: 97B;0~~0B;99B::3. However, the Copy as Group Search function, when I select UTF-8, gives ":ac". This is not the right group search and seems to be a bug. In order to show why this is wrong, here is the situation where I discovered the bug. I had a script that writes a string to memory, like this: function Write_String(mystring) --[[ Allocate memory in Anonymous region and write string to allocated memory ]]-- address = gg.allocatePage(gg.PROT_READ | gg.PROT_WRITE, gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS) values = {} for i = 0, #mystring do values[#values + 1] = {address = address + i, value = ":" .. mystring:sub(i, i), flags = gg.TYPE_BYTE} end gg.loadResults(values) -- must load results before we can edit with setvalues gg.setValues(values) end Write_String("Here is my special string!") If I run this script, I get the string written in consecutive byte values. I use Copy as Group Search for UTF-8, and it gives me the correct search: ":Here is my special string!". But now let's revert what we just did by refreshing the game, change the address spacing to every 2 bytes, so the string is no longer consecutive, and copy it as a group search again: function Write_String(mystring) --[[ Allocate memory in Anonymous region and write string to allocated memory ]]-- address = gg.allocatePage(gg.PROT_READ | gg.PROT_WRITE, gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS) values = {} for i = 0, #mystring do values[#values + 1] = {address = address + i*2, value = ":" .. mystring:sub(i, i), flags = gg.TYPE_BYTE} end gg.loadResults(values) -- must load results before we can edit with setvalues gg.setValues(values) end Write_String("Here is my special string!") We copy it as group search again, and get the exact same thing: ":Here is my special string!". However, now that the addresses are 2 bytes apart, this is wrong and will not work. If we try to search it, nothing comes up. So, this is definitely not working right. I'm pretty sure that it's a bug. My suggestion for fixing this would simply be displaying an error message if the addresses were not consecutive, like this: "UTF-8 [or UTF-16] group search only works for consecutive addresses. Please use a different type of group search." If there's any other information anyone would like, feel free to ask.
  12. View File Text Encoder Wanna send Private message to Public Group?, Use this tools for your privacy! A useful tools for sending your secret message, can send any type of message/text/Game Value. Note: A higher version may be different so make sure you have the same version if you wanna decrypt your secret message. The encoded message is NOT executable! Submitter PhantomGameID Submitted 04/20/2024 Category Tools  
  13. View File Hero Survival IO1.5.0[x64] ::FUNCTION:: -Hight Stat -Hight Speed -Skill Tree Hack -Hack Gold -Hack Ruby -Hack Stamina -Unlock Vip [SPECIAL FUNCTIONS] -Unlock Hero [SPECIAL FUNCTIONS] -Unlock Assistant [SPECIAL FUNCTIONS] -Unlock BattlePass [SPECIAL FUNCTIONS] -Item In Bag 99999 -Speed Enemy -Spaw Enemy 250000 -Reward End Game and other hack functions in the next update. ▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱ ::For more information and to follow up on new works before anyone else, please contact:: >>TELEGRAM GROUP<< SC-VöLKER https://t.me/+KZy3fTmpNf9mZDg1 Submitter Moonslasher Submitted 04/20/2024 Category LUA scripts  
  14. Version 1.5.0


    ::FUNCTION:: -Hight Stat -Hight Speed -Skill Tree Hack -Hack Gold -Hack Ruby -Hack Stamina -Unlock Vip [SPECIAL FUNCTIONS] -Unlock Hero [SPECIAL FUNCTIONS] -Unlock Assistant [SPECIAL FUNCTIONS] -Unlock BattlePass [SPECIAL FUNCTIONS] -Item In Bag 99999 -Speed Enemy -Spaw Enemy 250000 -Reward End Game and other hack functions in the next update. ▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱ ::For more information and to follow up on new works before anyone else, please contact:: >>TELEGRAM GROUP<< SC-VöLKER https://t.me/+KZy3fTmpNf9mZDg1
  15. Version 1.3


    Wanna send Private message to Public Group?, Use this tools for your privacy! A useful tools for sending your secret message, can send any type of message/text/Game Value. README Username: User Password: Text Encoder 1.3 Note: A higher version may be different so make sure you have the same version if you wanna decrypt your secret message. The encoded message is NOT executable!
  16. HorridModz

    Get process size

    I'm wondering if there's some way to do it by seeing the highest address in the game. Like if I can somehow find the base address of the game, then I do an address search for base address + 0x1AD27480 (450000000) - equivalent to 450 million, or 450 mb. Then if the search comes up with a result, game process size is at least 450 MB. Could that work?
  17. HorridModz

    Get process size

    Hi, I have a hex patch that must be run when the game's process size is before approximately 450 MB. After this point, the game has gotten to the point in its initialization where the function I am patching has already been called. So, if you patch it when the game's process size is over around 450 MB, it will not work. I'm trying to write a script to do this patch. I want the script to detect if the game's process size is below 450 MB, and if not, tell the user to restart the game. However, I couldn't find anything for this in gg.getTargetInfo() or any other functions. So, I'm stumped on how to do this. I've given up with gameguardian and, as a workaround I'm now just trying to locate some kind of value in memory or function in the game that can give me a hint on the process size or initialization progress. My best guess right now is to see how much the game has loaded by finding the function that reports the % loaded. Is there any way to do this natively in gameguardian? Or is there any easy workaround I can use? Thanks!
  18. Search for joystick size value, go to memory and scroll up a bit till you see something like this Save the 4 values. Start a new search for the sum value of your coins and gem (if you have 100 coins and 50 gems enter 150) then save. Backup your save first bcs it can get corrupted if the value for coins and gems doesn't match coins+gem.
  19. Hello NoFear, I'm now very interested in cracking games with gdb. I know you're an expert in this area, and I was hoping you could help me out. I'm not sure if you have a discord group, but if you do, I would be very grateful if you could add me. I'm eager to learn more about gdb cracking and I'm confident that I could contribute to the group.
  20. View File Rumble Heroes [x64] [All Versions] Instructions: Press Start Choose an option from the menu Enter an amount for the item you selected Open the shop and buy the 0 gem gold package Key: Free_qvzcmtr1V Telegram Group: Here Submitter BigN3ver Submitted 04/11/2024 Category LUA scripts  
  21. Version 2.0.003


    Instructions: Press Start Choose an option from the menu Enter an amount for the item you selected Open the shop and buy the 0 gem gold package Key: Free_qvzcmtr1V Telegram Group: Here
  22. there's no faster way than finding it's groups, and then see the memory tab to find the addreses, if i remember correcty, you can group them with :200 or :241, not sure exact, because its different each time, and also every crafting recipe always be in same memory region lets says Torch, it have 3 recipe, 1 output, the game will have 3 address, offset like 10 or so before/after will have a pointer to the Item ID, and after these 3 addresses, there's 4th which is the Output and near it, there'll be a pointer to that item too, and then maybe 20 ish after you'll find the next recipe addresses and it goes on for a bit until it reach some end of memory allocation for that, and then it;ll continue on other memory region, and to replace the output item, you just replace the pointer value of the output item to address of the item you targeted, example (output Qword value): 13472364658358334 (target item address(makesure take the ID's address): 487188DF just replace it to "487188DFh" with QWORD type, and click other recipe and go back to update the UI, and change the ouput as much as you want, usually 100k is decent, i mostly do 1k ========= also you can find required amount using mass edit, like Torch, wood 1, rags 1, gas 500 search 500, then editAll, open more, and increment by 1 and apply, and update the UI, then find the value, save it to SaveList, click Remove all but revert all, and then work all the other requirement from memory tab from that gasoline value
  23. View File Dead Ahead Zombie Warfare4.0.2[x64] WARNING!!! This game is semi-online and has baned system, please use it with caution. ::FREE-FUNCTION:: -Units No Cooldown -Water Hack -Weak Enemy -Enemy Level 1 -Mission Reward -------------------------- ::SPECIAL FUNCTIONS:: -Units Unlock -Units No Use Water -Weak Bunker and other hack functions in the next update. ▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱ ::For more information and to follow up on new works before anyone else, please contact:: >>TELEGRAM GROUP<< SC-VöLKER https://t.me/+KZy3fTmpNf9mZDg1 Submitter Moonslasher Submitted 04/03/2024 Category LUA scripts  
  24. Version 4.0.2


    WARNING!!! This game is semi-online and has baned system, please use it with caution. ::FREE-FUNCTION:: -Units No Cooldown -Water Hack -Weak Enemy -Enemy Level 1 -Mission Reward -------------------------- ::SPECIAL FUNCTIONS:: -Units Unlock -Units No Use Water -Weak Bunker and other hack functions in the next update. ▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱ ::For more information and to follow up on new works before anyone else, please contact:: >>TELEGRAM GROUP<< SC-VöLKER https://t.me/+KZy3fTmpNf9mZDg1
  25. View File Zombie Kingdom4.8.1[x64] ::FREE-FUNCTION:: -Hight Damage (Enter the boss room so that the value appears.) -Hight Int (Enter the boss room so that the value appears.) -Hight Crit (Enter the boss room so that the value appears.) -Stat Upgrade Price 0 -------------------------- ::VIP-FUNCTION:: -Hight Damage (Enter the boss room so that the value appears.) -Hight Int (Enter the boss room so that the value appears.) -Hight Crit (Enter the boss room so that the value appears.) -Stat Upgrade Price 0 -Atk Speed [VIP] (Enter the boss room so that the value appears.) -Atk Range [VIP] -Ads Buft [VIP] -Monster Spawn 200 [VIP] -Partner Costume [VIP] -Quest Reward [VIP] -Attendance Reward [VIP] -Dungeon Reward [VIP] and other hack functions in the next update. ▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱ If you like my work, I can donate to support it here. PAYPAL: https://paypal.me/nopp38 ▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱ ::KEEP UP WITH NEW WORKS IN THE TELEGRAM GROUP:: SC-VöLKER https://t.me/+KZy3fTmpNf9mZDg1 Submitter Moonslasher Submitted 03/31/2024 Category LUA scripts  
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