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  1. I don't understand this part.....where does this show in your script? Also btw, I just realized even your script sometimes randomly fails...it gives me the incorrect address. Is this normal?
  2. I am really going blind here Lol. Please please help me fix my script and this will be the last thing I ask you for. Honest to God man. d. I noticed in your script you only specified regions in the first line. So could you tell me what I need to add and where to add it to make my script do what your script does?
  3. Your offset is + 0x8 of the pointer, not - 0x8. Also i not know if you saw but the memory region in which your value 256 was located was in region anonymous. So make your pointer searching more accurate by specifying the correct regions when needed...if you where sharing the scripts with multiple people i can understand you use multiple regions. But in this case it's for personal use i guess? See here the regions you can use. When comparing two values they must be of same type as mentioned. You comparing a number type and a string type here. If all the values are in dword no need to use "A" in front of each number. It slowers the search. It's better use the correct data type for each value or just remove the data type of each value and give them all same data type using gg.TYPE_DWORD. You will prevent issues by doing so. As mentioned here. The choice is up to you.
  4. This should absolutely be the last time I bother you LOL. I got my own nice accurate group search now. And I almost have it down perfectly but I am stuck on the part where I can filter out the remaining addresses to only have 1 address left. I saw a "256D" value 8 bytes down from the pointer. So I tried to do what you did with that "1.0F" value to filter them out but it's not working. I've been racking my brain until I got a headache LOL. In this video the script gets me halfway through to the health value, and the remaining part I did manually. Could you help me bridge the gap in the script to get to the health value? Here is the script I am using: gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS | gg.REGION_C_BSS | gg.REGION_C_ALLOC) gg.searchNumber("-1,049,624,576A;1,092,616,192A;1,082,130,432A;1,056,964,608A;1,062,333,317A::73", gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.refineNumber("-1,049,624,576A", gg.TYPE_DWORD) print("Group search: ", gg.getResultsCount()) local grp = gg.getResults(1) gg.loadResults({{address = grp[1].address - 0x88, flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD}}) gg.searchPointer(0) local t = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) print("First Pointer search: ", gg.getResultsCount()) local t = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) local sensitivity = {} for i, v in ipairs(t) do sensitivity[i] = {address = v.address - 0x8, flags = gg.TYPE_FLOAT} end sensitivity = gg.getValues(sensitivity) local healthPointer = {} for i = 1, #sensitivity do if sensitivity[i].value == "256" then healthPointer[i] = {address = t[i].address, flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD} end end You are almost finished with me I PROMISE GG video2.mp4
  5. [ @_yourram ] --- Always read our documentation here: gg documentation. But yeah, I will explain the script: --Searching float: 140 gg.searchNumber('140', gg.TYPE_FLOAT) --Get the results (gg.getResullts()) from how many results found (gg.getResultsCount()) results = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) --If the results is NOT empty then do these: if results ~= nil then --Store modified values edits = {} --Enumerate the 'results': {{blah},{blah}} --In lua, {{blah},{blah}} is equal to {[1]={blah},[2]={blah}} following on how 'array' works in other programming language --'key' refers to: "[1]", "[2]" and so on. 'value' refers to: {blah} and so on. --'value' tables contain: {address, value, flags} --'ipairs' is function that enumerate 'key' and 'value' from a table, 'pairs' is function that enumerate ONLY 'key'. for key, value in ipairs(results) do --Store table into 'edits' table with position (edits[position]): total item in 'edits' table (#edits) + 1 edits[#edits + 1] = { --Passing value of 'address' from 'value' table address = value.address, value = '17', --gg.TYPE_FLOAT = 16 --Passing value of 'flags' from 'value' table flags = value.flags } end --Apply the value 'edits' table into memory gg.setValues(edits) --Save the 'edits' table into game guardian saved list. gg.addListItems(edits) end ---
  6. Help. Im using 8x Sand box. When executing the script it keeps crushing. Im using 64big phone. Please send me link of telegram or any socials for me to contact you
  7. Hey thanks so much for leaving a positive comment , to address your issue i think its best you join the telegram maybe i can help you further , Also update coming In About 15 minutes so if you wanna just give it a sec and try the new update and let me know ! Again thanks so much for the positive energy !! ENJOY MY SCRIPTS
  8. [ @kiynox ] --- mhm thanks, and i didn't use "end" function that's why I was getting the error lol --- its working, well bro where can I know more functions about the script?
  9. Okay let's see if I can figure out where I am going wrong. I ran your script and got your health value. Then I also ran your group search. Here is your group search results. All addresses start with "B431FBxx" Next, I press on your health value from the saved area, and I press GOTO Then I press on the address which is 4 bytes above it "AC0912E8" and I chose "Goto pointer" I arrive at this list and I scoured the entire list (up and down) and I can't find your block of your group search whose addresses should start with "B431FBxx" What am I doing wrong?
  10. Djboss

    Help needed

    script not work but anonymous tricks worked
  11. [ @_yourram ] --- As I said earlier, the script will edit the 3rd, 6th & 9th position of the results. If your results is less than 3, 6 & 9; better just edit them all. gg.searchNumber('140', gg.TYPE_FLOAT) results = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) if results ~= nil then edits = {} for k, v in ipairs(results) do edits[#edits + 1] = { address = v.address, value = '17', --gg.TYPE_FLOAT = 16 flags = v.flags } end gg.setValues(edits) gg.addListItems(edits) end ---
  12. By the way you didn't answer me on this question from the previous page: When I run your script and get the health value, shouldn't I theoretically be able to go to the nearest pointer, which is 4 bytes above your health value and click "go to pointer" and find that block that you used for your group search? I mean since they are static they should appear on my device too just like they did on your 2 devices, right? Well I went up and down the list and I didn't find that block of numbers.
  13. The script is very cool! Absolutely everything works!
  14. Your script can not be same because your using different group search, and where you found your group search the structure is different. You only have to do one time a pointer search and your not using any values to filter out irrelevant results. You can remove most of the lines from it, here some example based on your group search and pointer you when't to. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS | gg.REGION_C_BSS | gg.REGION_C_ALLOC) gg.searchNumber("17D;1,075,642,368D;1,900,544D;1,310,728D;589,828D;1,703,957D;1,703,969D;1,376,289D;1,920D;469,762,048D::185", gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.refineNumber("1,900,544", gg.TYPE_DWORD) print("Group search: ", gg.getResultsCount()) local grp = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) for i, v in ipairs(grp) do v.address = v.address - 0x4 v.flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD end gg.loadResults(grp) gg.searchPointer(0) local t = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) for i, v in ipairs(t) do v.address = v.address - 0xC v.flags = gg.TYPE_FLOAT end gg.loadResults(t)
  15. Sorry for the inconvenience. It's because the script wasn't updated, and the offsets for the values have changed. However, I've already updated the script.
  16. True, but before you can do that 0xC with a script you must first get there through pointer searches. There are some other issues with the script that need to be explained i think. When your doing a pointer search with GG all your doing is searching a value that represent an address in memory. Let's go from the start. You have your health value at address 0x022023EC and you have a pointer 12 bytes away from it, it's at address 0x022023F8 Address 0x022023F8 has the value 8B7D02E0h 8B7D02E0h is a called a pointer because the value represents an address in memory. When you press "go to pointer" it means that GG will bring you to the address 0x8B7D02E0h. I now whent to the pointer, as you can see the highlighted address is 0x8B7D02E0 and under it you have your refined value from the group search 0x8B7D02E4 And that is also the location where you came up with your group search. When you did your group search and refined you had a lot of results left but let's say that you only had one address in the result list that has the value 1,900,544 and it's the correct one it would be looking like this: The value you refined is located at address 0x8B7D02E4 We now need to work backwards to get to or health value and perform a pointer search on the pointer we just whent to. The pointer that we just whent to was 0x8B7D02E0, so it's 4 addresses above the address that holds the value you just refined to, which is address 0x8B7D02E4. So first you have to tell the script to subtract the current address 0x8B7D02E4 - 0x4 and then load it in the result list. That's what local grp = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) for i, v in ipairs(grp) do v.address = v.address - 0x4 v.flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD end was doing, instead for 1 address in the result list it was doing it for all the addresses in the result list. After it subtracted 0x4 from the address 0x8B7D02E4, so your address became 0x8B7D02E0 (it's the same address you whent to using "go to pointer"), and then you used gg.loadResults(grp) to load the new address in the result list. So now result list will look like this: Now you will ask GG to perform a pointer search on that address(0x8B7D02E0), with that i mean that your telling GG to search in memory for addresses that hold the value 8B7D02E0h And of all the address in memory, which address you know for sure holded the value 8B7D02E0h ? Right, address 0x022023F8 holded the value 8B7D02E0h. The same address of where the address that holds your health value was located 12 bytes above it. So by using gg.searchPointer(0) Your telling GG for search the value 8B7D02E0h in memory. You get perhaps a few results. Now you get a few results but between all those the results the right address is in there 0x022023F8h: You know that 12 bytes above the address the address of your health is located (0x022023EC) so you don't have any reason to perform the searchPointer(0) again because your already at the address you started from. Now you need to tell GG to subtract 12 bytes(0xC) from the address 0x022023F8h and get the value at that new address. Since you have more then one result use a loop. local t = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) for i, v in ipairs(t) do v.address = v.address - 0xC v.flags = gg.TYPE_FLOAT end gg.loadResults(t) Get the results in a table t, and subtract all the addresses with - 0xC and set the flags as float. Then when you load the table t using gg.loadResults(t) it will load the new address in the result list type float. You gone have multiple addresses loaded because there are many addresses that go to the pointer you whent to, so they all hold the same value (8B7D02E0h) In GG it would look like this if you had a more accurate group search around that address your performing a pointer search on: Since the group search is not that accurate which causes you have to more then 100 results when refining to your value 1,900,544 and you performing pointer search on each of those 100+ addresses that where loaded in the result list you probably gone get something like this, possible they are all health values for different objects but the health value of your character is of course in there at address 0x022023EC: I am not sure if all makes sense?
  17. Here there was a mistake from my side but @CmP has warned me for that. When comparing 2 values they must be of same type. I tried editing it in my previous posts: but it seems you still uses the script i sended, my fault. Comparison of 2 different types in Lua will cause issues. Correct it to: if sensitivity[i].value == 1.0 then
  18. Thank you so much for all the info and instructions. You're too generous as always Okay, I tried to break up the script to go only as far as the first pointer search (to not overwhelm myself) but I am still getting no results and I don't know what I'm doing wrong: gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS | gg.REGION_C_BSS | gg.REGION_C_ALLOC) gg.searchNumber("17A;1,075,642,368A;1,900,544A;1,310,728A;589,828A;1,703,957A;1,703,969A;1,376,289A;1,920A;469,762,048A::185", gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.refineNumber("1,900,544", gg.TYPE_DWORD) print("Group search: ", gg.getResultsCount()) local grp = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) for i, v in ipairs(grp) do v.address = v.address - 0xC v.flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD end gg.loadResults(grp) gg.searchPointer(0) print("First Pointer search: ", gg.getResultsCount())
  19. Perhaps use the code snippet option when adding code in your post for readability. The script only performs pointer search on 1 address. You have more then 50 results left after refining and probably the first result in the result list is not the right address...but sure the right address is in there . Although it's better to have your group search as accurate as possible to prevent any kind of issues later on. Use local grp = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) so that all results are selected. Then gg.searchPointer(0) will perform pointer search on all the addresses in the result list instead of 1.
  20. Okay. I apologize if I am being a pain but I'm still trying to grasp this thing and pull all the pieces together to make sense of it. Now when I run your script and get the health value, shouldn't I theoretically be able to go to the nearest pointer, which is 4 bytes above your health value and click "go to pointer" and find that block that you used for your group search? I mean since they are static they should appear on my device too just like they did on your 2 devices, right? Well I went up and down the list and I didn't find that block of numbers. But regardless, going off of your health value, I found the same distance pointer (nearest one that has the same static block of numbers on 2 devices) and I got the group search and it works fine, then I refine this number: 1,900,544 and get 55 results. This is all fine. But when I run the script (used yours as a template for my values) I find no pointers. If you're curious why I am refining to this number (1,900,544) please check the attached video Here's he script (based it on yours but with my numbers): gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS | gg.REGION_C_BSS | gg.REGION_C_ALLOC) gg.searchNumber("17A;1,075,642,368A;1,900,544A;1,310,728A;589,828A;1,703,957A;1,703,969A;1,376,289A;1,920A;469,762,048A::185", gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.refineNumber("1,900,544", gg.TYPE_DWORD) print("Group search: ", gg.getResultsCount()) local grp = gg.getResults(1) gg.loadResults({{address = grp[1].address - 0xc, flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD}}) gg.searchPointer(0) print("First Pointer search: ", gg.getResultsCount()) gg.searchPointer(0) print("Second Pointer search: ", gg.getResultsCount()) local t = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) local sensitivity = {} for i, v in ipairs(t) do sensitivity[i] = {address = v.address + 0xc, flags = gg.TYPE_FLOAT} end sensitivity = gg.getValues(sensitivity) local healthPointer = {} for i = 1, #sensitivity do if sensitivity[i].value == "1.0" then healthPointer[i] = {address = t[i].address, flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD} end end gg.loadResults(healthPointer) print("Results healthPointer: ", gg.getResultsCount()) gg.searchPointer(0) print("Third Pointer search: ", gg.getResultsCount()) local res = gg.getResults(1) local health = {[1] = {address = res[1].address - 0xc, flags = gg.TYPE_FLOAT, name = "Health"}} gg.addListItems(health) gg.loadResults(health) Any ideas? EDIT: I first accidentally pasted the script with 0x12 for the 12 bytes, but I definitely tried it with 0xc (hex) and it still gave me no pointers GG video.mp4
  21. [ @_yourram ] --- You put your value after the variable instead of replacing the variable. That's wrong: -- Wrong: value = results[v].value '17' -- Correct: value = '17' --- This looks like my script, here, I improve it a little bit: gg.searchNumber('140', gg.TYPE_FLOAT) results = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) edits = {} for k, v in ipairs({3,6,9}) do edits[#edits + 1] ={ address = results[v].address value = '17' --gg.TYPE_FLOAT = 16 flags = gg.TYPE_FLOAT } end gg.setValues(edits) gg.addListItems(edits) --- *Do note that the script above will only edit the 3, 6 & 9 position of the results. *I told you to read the error message carefully.
  22. Try downloading the new version , if still not working join my telegram so i can help you with a further fix To Answer Your Question , Yes And No , Play Safe you can bypass Anti Cheat , Abusive maybe anti cheat detect and ban you , at the current state of the script i have only received on perosn being banned but they were spending alot of cash on low levels and upgrading everything at low levels .
  23. [ @kiynox ] what does the script wants? --Search Float gg.searchNumber('140', 16) --Get search results results = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) --Store addresses that wants to be edited edits = {} --Edit 3,6,9 result for k, v in ipairs({3,6,9}) do if v ~= nil then edits[#edits + 1] ={ address = results[k].address value = results[k].value '17' --Change your value here flags = results[k].flags } end end --Apply edits gg.setValues(edits) --Save edits gg.addListItems(edits)
  24. [ @CmP ] is there any alternative command for this? (I don't wanna search a code multiple times) --- For example, what kind of script commands do I need↓ gg.setVisible(false) function main() choice = gg.choice({'Prepare health value','Edit it to 100','Edit it to -1','Edit it back'}) if choice == 1 then gg.searchNumber('100;140', 16) gg.refineNumber('100', 16) controlvalue = gg.getResults(999) gg.clearResults() end if choice == 2 then a = {1} b = {} for i, v in ipairs(a) do table.insert(b, {address = controlvalue[1].address; flags = 16; value = '-100'}) end gg.setVlaues(b) end b = {} if choice == 3 then for i, v in ipairs(a) do table.insert(b, {address = controlvalue[1].address; flags = 16; value = '-1'}) end gg.setValues(b) end b = {} if choice == 4 then for i, v in ipairs(a) do table.insert(b, {address = controlvalue[1].address; flags = 16; value = '100'}) end gg.setVaalues(b) end end while true do if gg.isVisible() then gg.setVisible(false) main() end end
  25. gggdtfdyhn

    Help needed

    Please how can I get more scripts? Is there a way for me to contact you?
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