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  1. To be honest i can't do proper test and the antiban causes the game to freeze or quite halfway, Some of the group searches provided did not give any results for me. But here is an example script using executable as an example. Will load all the pointers that point to that specific address in the executable using a string named "float" as reference. Well i copied a few more bytes because just searching the string float in the executable gave a bit to much results. I did your group search(0.5E;2.0E;0.5E;1.0E::73), the refined to 1.0 as you did. Had few results, normally get 4 or more but i had 3 in this screenshot because of ban, regardless steps are same and recoil value only loads when you entered a match for the first time. Whent to the address of 0x7C57CBB0 and found there a pointer at address 0x7C57CBA8 (offset - 0x8) with the value 0x0772757C as pointer. It appears the other two values have the same pointer values when doing -0x8 When't to the pointer 0x0772757C, you can see we already reached a executable(In region Cd) part so that's good because we have directly access to static data. The first pointer we see below the pointer we just jumped to is usually the pointer of interest that points to a string name in games that are not UE4 or Unity. So or first pointer of interest is at address 0x07727588 which has the pointer value 0x0494A83D, i go to the pointer. So we now reached a string name in the executable which we can use for make the script. String name starts at address 0x0494A83D and the name of string is "float". Now all we need to do is reverse this process using pointer search as done in the script attached to this post. The script also has function to get the actual no recoil value. But it will still be from in game. knivesOutTestExamplePointers.lua
  2. Is your recoil value static? I tried the group search (0.5E;2.0E;0.5E;1.0E::73) from your script. Do i need to search and edit in match or can already do in lobby?
  3. Im mainly asking help for space rpg 4 i cant seem to change the hull,shield,energy,speed, and turn rate value i tried auto, float and grouped values and failed miserably. For my second question can GG change values of the games DB or database?
  4. I dunno, can't help with encryption related questions. Because the moment you enter or leave a match the game stores the current level at a new address. Sometimes it also happening mid game So even if you do refine it won't be the correct value because the real values changed already address as you can see in the video: mobizen_20230412_045809.mp4 You can either install old version of the game and edit the atck file because text is readable or you can do a group search from in the lobby. Group search exist out of current level -1 and the points you get when placing blocks. First go in a match, don't finish the level. Remember the state of the points you had for lay blocks. In my case i returned to home screen when state of points was on 5. And my current level is 10,007 - 1. So group search is: 10,006D;5D::17
  5. How do i extend it so that i can give you an example script? By the time i done that i probably get a ban. You have a group search i can try? If you share how to extend ban i can make script and provide no recoil as example. It may work.
  6. for obtaining unobtainable items, i suggest not, cuz its basically red flag for devs. tho you can do the item swap on obtainable items. and also you should try to modify an output of crafting, for resources, some is on crafting table while some is on disassemble tab, both can be modified, dont think its dangerous to be modify. let's use an example for hard to get resources. Steel you can craft steel on crafting menu/table, the recipe will be 5 Iron 1 Aluminum 20 Lead 5 coal and output 1 steel you can search this 5;1;20;5:200 the 200 is group size, it might differs from each devices, but it seems it's works on most ppl. Search type will be Double you might found only 4 address, but for sake of example, i'll use what i find i got 100+, so now filter it by the biggest number from the search group, which is 20 (20 coal) and editAll with increment of 1 (when you open Edit all, there's a button called More or whatever in your language, open it and there's a new prompt with increment, put 1 on it) now refresh the recipe tab, reopen it. now you should see coal requirement changed. find the address and save it, after you save it, revert all and delete (so game doesnt crash) now you open the saved address tab (in gg), open the address and then click goto now in these tab(memory tab) you'll see bunch of address, ignore it for now, and focus to top left corner of GG you'll find a pause button and a word (No Filter or something in your language), click the no filter, in it put .0$ after that the memory tab will updated, now go back to saved list and click the address again, then click goto. now we back to memory tab that filter any address that ends with 0, if you done correctly the highlighted address will have value of 20 in double (if you have double in your memory view setting, top right click the letter thingy beside refresh button, it'll open a tab of which value will be shown, enable Double or E+. [my setting will be, h,S,D,F,E]) select the highlighted address, then difference up/down about 3-5 address till you find other value for other requirement. in my case it'll be 5.0E; <== This will be the Iron (up by 4 address from aluminum) random (ignore) random (ignore) random (ignore) 0.0E; (ignore) 1.0E; <== This will be the Aluminum (up by 3 address from Lead) random (ignore) random (ignore) 0.0E; (ignore) 20.0E; <== This will be the Lead (HIGHLIGHTED ADDRESS) random (ignore) random (ignore) 0.0E; (ignore) 5.0E; <== This will be the Coal (down by 3 address from Lead) random (ignore) random (ignore) 0.0E; (ignore) 1.0E; <== This will be the Steel Output (down by 3 address from Coal) select all of these address that we need (you'll get 5 address), and then you can change the requirement to be 1 (minimum is 1, if negative or 0 it doesnt craft) and you can change the output to like 20k or something. Note: the more the crafting recipe needs, the more addresses you needs, for example, a car with 10 crafting resources needed, you'll find 10 requirement and 1 output, resulting 11. lmk if you had more question
  7. nok1a

    Array start at 0

    It's for readability. In the game first offset contains no data(strings), i refer by it as sequence 0. Offset is 0 and size is 0 as well. Data only starts at the second offset. Which is actually sequence 1. From there at index 0 i want the sequence 0 which contains no data, then at index 1 i want sequence 1 which contains data. As you can see here, the empty string i not want at index 1. When at index 0 it will be more suitable for me when working with the game data. But i don't try to make it a habit. It's just this type of cases.
  8. nok1a

    Value Saving

    I could not find a way to do group search, i also would have difficulty explaining how to find it manually. So i had to make a script for it :/, would not have done if i easily could access the values. Then would have explained. Script will load the values. But the script is open source but i do advice to see some other scripts on the forum to learn from it so that you can write your own script. How to use: com.zynga.FarmVille2CountryEscape.lua
  9. nok1a

    Value Saving

    I don't think scripting by group search is gone work. All values nearby are dependable on whats in your inventory. Problem also is that more pointers can be added depending on what you have unlocked.
  10. TypoWasTaken

    Value Saving

    ok so the keys and coins remain after restarting the game and I did buy something off camera that was more but it cant go below zero in the video I think I edited the wrong keys usually when I do it and it works them there is only 3 values not like 6 so I am only to try with a group search like i do quite a bit, I cant upload a video tho as I have reached my vimeo limit I don't know if this matters but the game can be played completely offline Edit: I am fresh installed farmville and trying a search with the keys and coins
  11. TypoWasTaken

    Value Saving

    Thanks and as requested here is the video (I set the keys too high so after I stopped the video they disappeared but normally they will stay) I will also sometimes use ; and put in the coins to speed it up (I think thats a group search) Video was too big so here is the link to the Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/812838033 I also just tried to do a pointer search with a offset of 0 couldn’t find anything but I might be doing that wrong
  12. TypoWasTaken

    Value Saving

    that sounds like it might work but when I search and change values I have to change 3 values to get keys can that still work? Also how could a group search help? The game doesn’t have much security if that matters
  13. nok1a

    Value Saving

    The pointers i refer to are pointers that point to some block of data. If the keys you have are in Ca/A in lots of cases that block of data gets referenced by a executable through pointers. By following the pointers you can make a script with offsets and pointer searches. But you can also make a group search. Group searches are more reliable then saving addresses. But pointers i find more reliable then group searches. Because pointer must point to that block of data regardless if the values in that block of data got changed by developers.
  14. Version 2.23.0


    OPEN SOURCE & NO UPDATE AGAIN PACKAGE PLAYSTORE ARM V8 ONLY [ CHEAT MENU ] One Hit Stop Enemy Unlimited Coins Unlimited Gems Unlimited Level 999 Unlimited Everything Unlock Echantment Free Echantment Damage No Block Power Hit Unblockable Attack Auto Play Dump Ai Drunken Master Hit Combo Longrange Hit Telegram: t.me/kabutxhitam Group Telegram: t.me/kabuthit
  15. Oke, based on your information you know how to find damage hack but it only stays on one character? I guess the first enemy at the right? We can try to prevent from the two other enemy characters to appear. The game spawns character based on their indexes. Mapped down the pointer structure for how or enemies spawn. Then finding pointers that were in the same chunk following that same structure. I will put down also how i found the damage hack which will work for you as well. It turned out that the character jumped to lv70 after clearing the first chapter. At that time stats changed totally for that your group search not work. Please keep note. That when you use damage hack to a enemy that has counter buffs against it you will feel those effects of the counter buffs, regardless what those buffs are. But should be easier to deal with if you only have one enemy per wave. Step 1: Damage/Health hack: HP, INT BRV, INT ATK, ATK Regions: Nox emulator 6.1.1 = Region Cb: C++ .bss Bluestack emulator = Region A: Anonymous Other devices = Region A: Anonymous Open profile of desired character: As in the screenshot, Lv;Blue thing;CS(does not matter what value is there, just put 40)::45 and press orderd. Refine your lv value Make sure all values are selected, Press edit button and then Increment by 1 Switch to a different character and then go back to previous one so that your level is updated. Then input your new level in the GG searchbar and press refine. You should only have one result left, that's your characters level. Long press it, Offset calculator. And put 1C, make sure Hex is enabled. Then goto. Select the 4 addresses. And edit them how you like, don't forget to freeze them and use data type DWORD. First address = HP Second address = INT BRV Third address = MAX BRV, Fourth address = ATK Your stats should be updated after switching back and forward from character. This is a bit of alternative method to your damage hack but i guess both are aright to use. Step 2: Only get one enemy per wave It's quite some steps to do manual so i just made a script for it. com.square_enix.android_googleplay.DFFOperaOmnian.lua Activate the first time when your in a match. When activated go to the saved list, it should look like this: On how to use it is quite simple. When you only want one enemy in a wave you freeze all the values to zero except for the once with the name "First enemy" If you want to have two enemies in a wave you only freeze the one with the name "Third enemy" to zero. All the rest you unfreeze. If you want all your enemies just unfreeze every value and wait till the new wave appears.
  16. View File Magic Tiles 3 Package: Playstore https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.youmusic.magictiles Armv8a / 64 bit only Features; 1. Premium Subscribe 2. High Score 3. Shield 65000 My telegram: @kabuthitm Group telegram: t.me/+wYuS_O-YxI41ODVl My facebook: Kabut Hitamm Submitter KabutHitam Submitted 03/07/2023 Category LUA scripts  
  17. Version 10.022.002


    Package: Playstore https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.youmusic.magictiles Armv8a / 64 bit only Features; 1. Premium Subscribe 2. High Score 3. Shield 65000 My telegram: @kabuthitm Group telegram: t.me/+wYuS_O-YxI41ODVl My facebook: Kabut Hitamm
  18. View File Tiles Hop: EDM Rush! Package: Playstore https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.amanotes.beathopper Arm v8 / 64 bit only Features; 1. Premium Subscribe 2. High Score & Stars 3. Free Buy Songs 4. Free Revive My telegram: @kabuthitm Group telegram: t.me/+wYuS_O-YxI41ODVl My facebook: Kabut Hitamm Submitter KabutHitam Submitted 03/07/2023 Category LUA scripts  
  19. Version 4.7.3


    Package: Playstore https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.amanotes.beathopper Arm v8 / 64 bit only Features; 1. Premium Subscribe 2. High Score & Stars 3. Free Buy Songs 4. Free Revive You have to quickly activate the cheat Premium Subscribe on the loading screen, otherwise all songs will be locked My telegram: @kabuthitm Group telegram: t.me/+wYuS_O-YxI41ODVl My facebook: Kabut Hitamm
  20. Your terminology is correct, just use what you think is good or just try it. - In general this shouldn't be a problem. Usually the game just doing a simple check by comparing current_HP with max_Health or some values limitation that will cause crash, restarting match or bans. Overwriting 1 Instruction with multiple is allowed but this could lead into a problem if your game also check for Function Sizes or Memory Pages. - Now, you can also allocate Memory for your modified function and make the game access that. This gives you more advantage to revert the values to original or to avoid #1 detection. This also comes with some caveat: the game can also detect this if the accessed codes not in the same Memory Range the games allocated. - If you're planning to overwrite the Instruction directly on the Lib Files, then it would surely make the game crash since the hash size doesn't match. Nowadays, games uses MD5 hashing to prevent this. To be honest, it doesn't really matter. If the game has some kind of protection, then we should just 'Disable' it instead of tirelessly hiding cheats. I assume you're only want Increased Health and not Godmode?
  21. Hi, (having account auth sign-in problems, so messaging for now through other account, the administrator have been informed. Not sure how the issue will be fixed) Can't help you with explaining about how encryption works but dumped the game for 64 bit, so the method i explain is for 64 bit. Have no idea if this works on other games. The actual metadata was located in other memory region then where the metadata path name was shown. Don't let it mislead you. Did like the following. Search metadata.dat magic bytes. Forgot how to accurately look for the correct metadata.dat size, so i did pointer search on the first(start) address, the offset +0x08 in data type Dword. One of the values is the metadata offset you can use for dump with GG. Don't use the values that are shown negative because metadata doesn't get that large(or have not seen yet) So the two that make most sense for try are the postivevalues with offset 0x0091C000 and 0x00A00000 Use offset calculation on start address and save the address you jump to. If you go a few address up, you can see already the end of the metadata.dat. So your offset 0x0091C000 was correct. copy start address and address you jumped to, then dump it. Also dump the libil2cpp.so file. Then use Il2CppDumperGUI.1.8.0 to get dump.cs. For input dump address you use start of libil2cpp.so address.
  22. Very well so far everything is working, but since I am not good at writing scripts, I would also like to know if it is possible when running the hack to change the value found to 0 from the saved list, then apply the code I attached, edit the float to 1000, and then delete only the dword? If it is possible, I would like the hack button to change the float to 0, then execute the attached code, then need to edit the float to 1000 and then need to delete all dword values after that. Float does not need to be frozen. If this isn't possible I want to implement it another way, I need to keep the float because I'm looking for it with a long group search, but when it is found once at the beginning of the script I can copy its address to game guardian memory and search instantly by changing the memory range to the one I copied. And I also want to have 3 identical hack buttons. local function setAddr(addr, flags, value, freeze) local t = {} t[1] = {} t[1].address = addr t[1].flags = flags t[1].value = value t[1].freeze = freeze gg.addListItems(t) end gg.searchNumber("1111111111", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0) local r = gg.getResults(3) if #r == 0 then gg.alert("No results found") return end for _, v in ipairs(r) do local addr = v.address - 100 setAddr(addr, 4, "2499", true) end for _, v in ipairs(r) do local addr = v.address - 104 setAddr(addr, 4, "0", true) end Any answer will do.
  23. I need a script that, when started, will find 3 Help me make a template for the script. I need a script that, when started, will find 3 float values by group search, then save the very first one and clear the search, then open a menu with hack functions. The menu should close when you click on an empty space or button, but open when you click on the GG icon without stopping (without restarting) the script.
  24. View File Westland Survival RPG Westland Survival RPG [ Risk To Ban, Don't Too Much Use Script ] Package: Playstore 64 bit only / Armv8a Game Version: 4.6.1 Feature; 1. God Mode ( New Methods ) 2. High Damage 3. Magic Stacks 20 4. Automatic Tasker Complete 5. Max Durability 6. Free Instant Craft / Building 7. Free Upgrade 8. Finalize no parts 9. Free Energy & Ride Travel 10. Can Take Daily Rewards *Not All can complete with automatic tasker *be careful to use this script, you can got ban my telegram: @kabuthitm group telegram: https://t.me/+wYuS_O-YxI41ODVl my facebook: Kabut Hitamm Submitter KabutHitam Submitted 02/07/2023 Category LUA scripts  
  25. Version 5.0.1


    Westland Survival RPG [ Risk To Ban, Don't Too Much Use Script ] Package: Playstore 64 bit only / Armv8a Feature; 1. God Mode ( New Methods ) 2. High Damage 3. Magic Stacks 20 4. Automatic Tasker Complete 5. Max Durability 6. Free Instant Craft / Building 7. Free Upgrade 8. Finalize no parts 9. Map Teleport - Free Travel 10. Can Take Daily Rewards *Not All can complete with automatic tasker *be careful to use this script, you can got ban Credits Script: Kabut Hitam & Sammax71 my telegram: @kabuthitm group telegram: https://t.me/+wYuS_O-YxI41ODVl my facebook: Kabut Hitamm
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