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  1. Version 5.0


    ARM8 / 64bit ONLY PACKAGE PLAYSTORE [CHEAT MENU] 1. GOD MODE 2. HIGH DAMAGE 3. UNLIMITED BOOST 4. UNLIMITED DRAGON BREATH 5. ALWAYS GET EGGS 6. FREE REVIVE 7. HIGH SCORE 8. FREE SHOPPING 9. UNLOCK MAP 10. CAN TAKE DAILY REWARD 11. HIGH SURVIVAL BONUS Set gg anonymous - For root only - maybe work some virtual my telegram: @kabutxhitam group telegram: t.me/kabuthit my facebook: Kabut Hitamm
  2. View File Hungry Shark World ARM8 / 64 BIT ONLY PACKAGE PLAYSTORE [CHEAT MENU] 1. HIGH DAMAGE 2. UNLIMITED HEALTH 3. SPLASHPASS PREMIUM 4. UNLIMITED BOOST 5. UNLIMITED MEGARUSH 6. GOLD MAGNET 7. UNLIMITED BOOSTRUSH 8. THRILL SEEKER 9. HYPNO SHARK 10. TREASURE DETECTOR 11. FREE SHOPPING 12. COINS INJECTION 13. GEMS INJECTION 14. PEARLS INJECTION Set gg anonymous - For root only - maybe work some virtual my telegram: @kabutxhitam group telegram: t.me/kabuthit my facebook: Kabut Hitamm Submitter KabutHitam Submitted 07/04/2023 Category LUA scripts  
  3. Version 5.1.0


  4. kiynox

    HWID Lock Script?

    [ @_insidious ] --- For the last couple of days, I found Universal pattern to find most ID on Google Play. - Most UUID starts with "$" sign - Hash starts with "AB-" - Token starts with "CAMS" - Long unique string often carries ":" on the front - Cached memory usually starts with six "00", then the content comes after it. --- I've utilize most of that and come up with multiple pattern, save it as "tablet.lua" : patterns = { [1]= { [1]= { ["pattern"] = "h 24", ["init"] = 1, ["ended"] = 37 }, ["message"] = "Universal ID", ["regex"] = "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$", ["must"] = "", ["flags"] = true }, [2]= { [1]= { ["pattern"] = "h 41 42 2D", ["init"] = 0, ["ended"] = 204 }, ["message"] = "Universal Hash", ["regex"] = "^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*$", ["must"] = "", ["flags"] = true }, [3]= { [1]= { ["pattern"] = "h 43 41 4D 53", ["init"] = 0, ["ended"] = 208 }, ["message"] = "Universal Header", ["regex"] = "^(.*=)", ["must"] = "^[a-zA-Z0-9-_=]*$", ["flags"] = true }, [4]= { [1]= { ["pattern"] = "h 63 6F 6D 2E 67 6F 6F 67 6C 65 2E 61 6E 64 72 6F 69 64 2E 67 6D 73", ["init"] = 29, ["ended"] = 65 }, [2]= { ["pattern"] = "h 67 6D 73", ["init"] = 10, ["ended"] = 46 }, ["message"] = "GMS UUID", ["regex"] = "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$", ["must"] = "-", ["flags"] = true }, [5]= { [1]= { ["pattern"] = "h 70 68 65 6E 6F 74 79 70 65 5F 73 65 72 76 65 72 5F 74 6F 6B 65 6E", ["init"] = 38, ["ended"] = 246 }, ["message"] = "Phenotype Server Token", ["regex"] = "^(.*=)", ["must"] = "^[a-zA-Z0-9-_=]*$", ["flags"] = false } } --- Now you can call the pattern from "tablet.lua" (save it on the same Directory!) into our main script: app = gg.getTargetInfo().packageName dofile("./tablet.lua") options = {} results = {} function is_unique(datas, parent, flags) unique = false gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber(datas["pattern"], gg.TYPE_BYTE, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0) result_count = gg.getResultsCount() if result_count > 0 then bases = gg.getResults(result_count) for _ = 1, result_count do raw_init = const(bases[_].address, datas["init"]) raw_end = const(bases[_].address, datas["ended"]) deciph = hexdecode(raw_end:gsub(raw_init, "")) regex = deciph:match(parent["regex"]) must = false if regex ~= nil then if regex:match(parent["must"]) then must = true end end if regex ~= nil and must ~= false then unique = regex table.insert(results[parent["message"]], regex) if flags == true then break end end end end return unique end function const(addr, buffer) construct = "" current = {} for _ = 1, buffer do current[_] = {address = (addr - 1) + _, flags = gg.TYPE_BYTE} end for k, v in ipairs(gg.getValues(current)) do construct = construct .. string.format("%02X", v.value & 0xFF) end return construct end function hexdecode(hex) return (hex:gsub("%x%x", function(digits) return string.char(tonumber(digits, 16)) end)) end function looper(datas, flags) pattern = false results[datas["message"]] = {} for key, value in ipairs(datas) do if type(key) == "number" then for ___ = 1, 2 do pattern = is_unique(value, datas, flags) if pattern ~= false then break end end end if pattern ~= false then break end end end function printer() flags = false for k in pairs(results) do if flags == true then break end for v in pairs(results[k]) do print(results) choice = gg.alert(k .. ': ' .. results[k][v], 'OK', 'Exit') if choice == 2 then flags = true break end end end end for k, v in ipairs(patterns) do table.insert(options, v["message"]) end while true do choice = gg.choice({"Exit", "Search", "Printer"}, nil, "Selections:") if choice == 2 then choice = gg.choice(options, nil, "Patterns:") looper(patterns[choice], patterns[choice]['flags']) elseif choice == 3 then printer() else os.exit() end end --- Using Universal pattern can take a while (even long time), but it can captures all possible unique ID.
  5. just..... item dupe..., i got like 10 million vacumm bomb, just from replacing the pointer of spike club crafting result Lmfao ========= hoho, i already modify giant tables like minilocs, and i intrigue to jump into crafting times, ehehheheehe
  6. The durability doesn't work or am I doing wrong?, I get and error each time I apply it: Script ended: ██████╗ ██╗ ██╗███████╗██████╗ ██╗ ██╗██╗ ██████╗ ██╗████████╗ ██╔══██╗██║ ██║██╔════╝██╔══██╗██║ ██║██║ ██╔═══██╗██║╚══██╔══╝ ██████╔╝██║ ██║█████╗ ██████╔╝██║ ██║██║ ██║ ██║██║ ██║ ██╔══██╗██║ ██║██╔══╝ ██╔══██╗██║ ██║██║ ██║ ██║██║ ██║ ██║ ██║╚██████╔╝███████╗██████╔╝╚██████╔╝███████╗╚██████╔╝██║ ██║ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ™LATOM_HACKER ╚═╝ Game information: Package name: com.action.survival.craft.rpg Version: 5.1 Arch: x64-bit Script error: luaj.o: /storage/emulated/0/Download/CRAFT Of SURVIVAL BY LATOM 32 & 64 BIT.lua:-1 attempt to perform arithmetic __add on a nil value and a number value level = 1, const = 26, proto = 0, upval = 2, vars = 250, code = 1313 ADD v10 v10 v212 ; PC 431 CODE 0535028D OP 13 A 10 B 10 C 212 Bx 5332 sBx -125739 stack traceback: /storage/emulated/0/Download/CRAFT Of SURVIVAL BY LATOM 32 & 64 BIT.lua: in function 'setMethodValues' /storage/emulated/0/Download/CRAFT Of SURVIVAL BY LATOM 32 & 64 BIT.lua: in function 'setValues' /storage/emulated/0/Download/CRAFT Of SURVIVAL BY LATOM 32 & 64 BIT.lua: in function 'home' /storage/emulated/0/Download/CRAFT Of SURVIVAL BY LATOM 32 & 64 BIT.lua: in main chunk (...tail calls...) [Java]: in ? at luaj.LuaValue.f(src:989) at luaj.LuaValue.b(src:2243) at luaj.LuaValue.d(src:2121) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:396) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:176) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:535) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:167) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:534) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:533) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:207) at luaj.am.b(src:73) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:600) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at android.ext.Script.d(src:6056) at android.ext.Script$ScriptThread.run(src:5785)
  7. Evening, i went and extracted the apk and got some of the items names of the last event, then went and did some conversion for the sake of swapping some emba items : str to hex to decimal, and so i tried to swap one of the emba project items (the emba robot) with a random item i have, and the game image freezes, i can still hear the sound but the picture is frozen can't interact or do anything, tried the same thing with tactical armor, and it froze also, idk why, it works with other items, but the emba project items: instant freeze on swapping, when i reset the game the swap doesn't happen, don't know if the devs figured a way to counter this for future events, however when i try to swap into any rare emba item it crashes instantly, anyone got a solution for this? emba_robot : 1,633,840,485D (emba) 1,651,470,943D (_rob) 29,807D (ot) And the length is 10 so : 10D;1,633,840,485D;1,651,470,943D;29,807D:25 Can someone try and swap it and tell me if it crashes for them also, thanks
  8. i see the AccessLevel you mentions, tho im unsure on how to modify it, i will experiment more, but you can get premium on profile level but items still getting checked locally i think, i'll test more, today i spent good 10 hours making a website page to encrypt and decrypt a SaveData, so im not bound to do it manually 80% of the time spent on figuringing the encryptions
  9. cth

    Day R Survival

    why do you need item swap? We have all the hacks we need to do whatever. Just to get the items from past events? Mate, whatever. I would expect it to be under RSA and stuff, but if you have the source of the client to the point where you can rebuild it then yeah, you can effectively edit the save. But! If you can go through that length, doesn't it mean you can do it for any game that allows the client to upload the whole save as is? Pretty terrific. Sounds like you could make a business out of hacking it. The unban service would definitely make use in the community, heh. Sometimes I regret I didn't go into mobile coding deeper than just the university. I chose web/backend dev instead, heh.
  10. I just downloaded the game. We can play offline, .ca file are created once deleted we return back to the same point. Still didn't check for how many seconds but u think it's 10secs which is 10 +/- rolls.
  11. Version 1.18.0


    Package: Playstore Arm v8 / 64 bit only Cheat Menu 1. God Mode 2. Attack Speed 3. Move Speed 4. Max Drop Chest 5. Unlimited Hero Fragment 6. Unlimited Soul Stone 7. Unlimited Blue Sapphire 8. Unlimited Red Ruby 9. Unlimited Weapon Ticket 10. Unlimited Ressurection Ticket 11. VIP Card Membership 12. Complete Achievement 13. Unlock Hero Skill 14. Unlock Hero & Skin 15. Max Unlock Battlepass Set gg anonymous - For root only - maybe work some virtual my telegram: @kabutxhitam grup telegram: t.me/kabuthit my facebook: Kabut Hitamm
  12. cth

    Day R Survival

    it is, but who knows how. What we know how is to hack the reputation required to unlock certain crafting upgrades. Look in this thread. It's pretty much a simple group search of the ranges. An google sheet was shared with those ranges for each town. I hacked ijevsk for sure. The soft ban is definitely on the client side, but finding it is a challenge. I don't think anyone found or at least posted how to do it. AngelWolf has a repo posted that has the ban code in it. But still, hard to find it in the memory. Mate! Can you be more specific? Describe how you did it! And we assume you've done it on the latest version? if you've done it on 761 and now can't, I can only presume you're doing something wrong. But I don't think it works on 761. You may need to go further back.
  13. Swapy


    I tried this method more than 10 times till got bored from try, when the game want bad luck in game, how ever times you try, It keep give you bad chance
  14. Hey Nosferatu, I messaged GG Support and they finally did the fix to the bad gateway error 502 but I'm sure they new about it before the 10 of May and when I sent an email in early June I got a reply after a few days that they will take a look and thanked me. Then I got the msg it's working now by the 21 of June and another thank you for letting then know as they were unaware about it. Kind of funny but not at least we can download now:)))
    Hey Nosferatu, Awesome! script this is great for new players who would like to open the Season 1, Rounds and now 2 the ones closing plus all the round 1 to 10 and it's going to very handy. Thx! ☆ I hope you bring out more soon;)
  15. kiynox

    HWID Lock Script?

    [ @_insidious ] --- I think it's the best to use traditional passworded script. You can create some algorithm that will match password and the generated hash, you can then log them if the key is already used. Well that's not answering the question, but you can utilize any unique ID stored. Here's my thoughts: If the script is targetting some specific games, you can grab in-game unique ID by scanning them directly on the Memory (since accessing shell is restricted in newer version of Android), if the result exist atleast one, the script can continue. For example in Minecraft, in-game character have unique identifier bounds to Xbox Live account, usually it's patterned like this: minecraft:player.0.[uuid-here] You can also utilize Game Guardian random package naming. Each installation, Game Guardian will re-install itself with random package name to avoid Game detection. You can somehow use this with pattern search: com.[length-string], etc. I don't have Android 12+ since I'm already getting comfortable in Android 10, but each process sits under /proc. Theoretically, you can get information from /proc/cpuinfo, which then you can find any Unique ID in there (or atleast anything from /proc). ---
  16. jaaad


    Yes, we can still roll dice even in offline mode. I can roll up to 10 times or higher before the prompt 'NO INTERNET CONNECTION' popup. It depends. Then when you go online, it will sync without any error.
  17. I found a way to increase reputation, rubles, emba disks and caps for reputation the value is 1 not 10, rubble is also quite interesting it has some numbers like 10 etc.
  18. sooo, the output value is literally can be found after the last recipe value, probably roughly 5-10 address away, with type double, with exact same output, let's say titanium alloy outputs 1, so the value is under steel value, you can find it when looking the memory view, and if the value is like bone glue output which is iirc 3-5x, then the value just stack ontop each other example last recipe value (something x) ... buffer(object something) first value or normal value if the result/output is exact amount and not range second value if range output
  19. for sake keeps things simple, the caps hacks simply modified survivor base reset cost. and for crafting recipe, tbh for me atleast each addresses is like 10 address apart, soo yeh, and each address has their own pointer to what item required, and what item to give after craft, on badcase's script iirc, his script just nullify the recipe and make crafting free. while my script arent advanced as his, personally i have decent skill on memory reading, so the script i made often crash, broke, or just doesnt work, i understand i need to chain of pointer, to find certain modifier or certain value, but since i dont really grasp how to do chain of pointer in GG, makes my script again, often broke. so yeah, that's why so far my script are not obfuscated i also still having issue with 5 options on the new script, battle hacks just broken, and often the game crash due table doesnt exist or somekind when it do check if table existed or not
  20. Can you try? bandicam 2023-06-11 10-45-15-946.mp4
  21. Hi Mario, first of all thank you very much for the scripts you create, very impressive work. I was trying to use the Single Car Upgrader v11., but it currently crashes sending this log: Script ended: Script error: luaj.o: /storage/emulated/0/Downloads/rr3_car_upgrader.v11. attempt to index ? (a nil value) with key 'start' (field '1') level = 1, const = 4, proto = 0, upval = 3, vars = 3, code = 10 GETTABLE v0 v0 "start" ; PC 7 CODE 0040C007 OP 7 A 0 B 0 C 259 Bx 259 sBx -130812 stack traceback: /storage/emulated/0/Downloads/rr3_car_upgrader.v11. in function </storage/emulated/0/Downloads/rr3_car_upgrader.v11.> /storage/emulated/0/Downloads/rr3_car_upgrader.v11. in function </storage/emulated/0/Downloads/rr3_car_upgrader.v11.> /storage/emulated/0/Downloads/rr3_car_upgrader.v11. in function </storage/emulated/0/Downloads/rr3_car_upgrader.v11.> /storage/emulated/0/Downloads/rr3_car_upgrader.v11. in main chunk [Java]: in ? at luaj.LuaValue.f(src:989) at luaj.LuaValue.c(src:2864) at luaj.LuaValue.i(src:2767) at luaj.LuaValue.w(src:1094) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:363) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:533) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:176) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:539) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:533) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at android.ext.Script.d(src:6056) at android.ext.Script$ScriptThread.run(src:5785) I hope it helps for next versions of the script. Im running the script in Nox Player x64, Android 9 version. The AutoVIP script worked perfectly, just this one is outputting that issue. Again, thank you very much!
  22. item weight is calculated by Grams, as far i know most percentage values are originalvalue multipled by 100 or just remove last two zeroes to find the original (100% = 1) and most value in description can be the actual value itself, such as weapon damage, or some value can also final calculation of base value + modifier, for example base pistol damange is 10 * perk pistol damange 5 = 50, soo often time you better of find the base value itself first. these also applied to everything that can be modified by a modifier, effects, perks, anything. you have much luck to just modify the base value, for example if you have perk mule 3, your hero will have 50kg carry capacity and the overload is 150kg, but the base value of hero carry capacity is 30000, soo carry capacity hacks modify the base value and not the modifier or final value
  23. okay let me get it straight, these item's modifier (100% and 25%) are different, in memory region, you cant do grouped search for them. so you gotta manually search them one by one, and do filtering, i havent see the source code yet also @cth mentioned, the description is hardcoded is simply false, it's just original value * 100 soo basically 1% is 0.01 and 100% is 1 (in Double) also the crafting recipe can be groupped search, but you can't have the value less than 0, the minimum is 1, as for the crafting recipe you provided you can do simple search 1;2;3;3;1;(orginal vial value) :200 and then filter by largest value, which is 3, and then modify them by increment of 1, and then find the address of the value you seek, lets say the value shown in the crafting recipe was 1;2;304;305;1;10 you can take 305 and offset them by 10(iirc) for each value so 305 address - 0x10 shoudl be 304, but i might wrong, you can check it on memory view, btw and this is called Crafting Hack/Dupe, why? cuz you can make the required recipe to 1 or nullify them, and then make the output 100000, (you can find output item value from the last recipe value by adding offset to it)
  24. 1000% is 10 in double and 25% is 0.25 in double you can change that by simple search
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