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lakhoi last won the day on November 10 2014

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  1. There a unlimted engery but not invite coins
  2. Freedom work with this still have you try freedom? how I know? Cause I'm lvl 55 and I buy money and energy everyday
  3. I can't connect my orginal account on here by Google Kept asking for permission for offline but I click okay then it just kept repeating over and over.
  4. Been requesting this game like months ago, but it seem like no one help. I think the games it sever sided and cause of anti hack
  5. This game work with gg -.- just did it.
  6. This work with freedom
  7. Hello, I was wondering if anyone have a knowledge of writing a apk app, that allow to run a certain app that overlap the screen. I can't give it in details because I wanna keep it on the down low before everyone knows about it. It for clash of clan. Yes it is possible because I'm running it.
  8. Lvl 29 titan with 112 light, don't ask my gear cause my light will tell you haha
  9. Can't hack unlimited diamonds, if someone did they would be instantly ban, but there is a trail run before you actually attack
  10. I do have a mod for this game, but it not from this website, not my credit, noting is unlimited because it server sided. But it work will along with clash of clans
  11. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fangcun.gg.en.aisa&hl=en&referrer=utm_source%3Dgoogle%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_term%3Dguns+girl+z&pcampaignid=APPU_HAwnVJLRJIWkyQTRz4DADg Unlimited Crystal please
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