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  1. But in my phone this method not work its saying no connection even i have wifi?
  2. @cisco72563 Same of my math teacher, He teach me the Trick but not the exact trick,Just like example only But Big thinks to him
  3. I Search :spentStar instead of :earnStar :earnStar is for freeze to increase the star, not decrease :spentStar is for freeze star to spent You need 5 value to freeze the star to spent
  4. Is this work in Non Rooted?
  5. it works now TYSM @cisco72563
  6. i have 0 star and i search 8118 using dword ,using Ca,A range and paly game and refind 8119 because 1star +8118 and no result?
  7. Not working i think 8118 is always change when you re open the game
  8. ok TYSM @cisco72563 i hope it works to me
  9. TYSM @cisco72563 so if i edit star reward higher than 25 i get banned? Playing township and homescape i use parallel space so i cant use @NoFear method Xa but i know theres another method like i did in township buying Goldpass for free
  10. How many star limit to avoid ban [added 1 minute later] I Download arm64
  11. In Townshp i know how to freeze but this game is different i try to find the value [added 2 minutes later] How to freeze it i cant find the value of star
  12. What is the safest way to avoid ban I use swap reward in Gold Ticket Rewards and claim 45,000 star and 40 000 and still i get banned? This happen to me 5 times i always get banned s***
  13. No need to cheat the coins Just turn to 0 all u want to buy
  14. I know How to swap, reward modify reward, Unlock all reward without doing task and unlock Gold Ticket for free of all palyrix game but this Cheat is very important to me I don't want to leak it sorry This is TS But Same tricks
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