Google Play Store Link
Seemingly offline unity game with but forced online for whatever reason. The game has a battlepass system that resets after the "season" is over.
So I noticed in my attempt to see what I can do to this game is this path with two files:
com.camex.kumus.adventure/files/haskellAPPgoogle01/js/haskell_game.js & haskell_ts.js
Scouring through both of these files reveals game functions used throughout the game and when I modified them it did one of two things, either A. Softlock the game or B. Visually change how the game worked such as these few lines of code
case IFuncExternalEvent_1.CombatExternalEventResultType.EXP_REWARD:
if (er.expReward.expInc > 0) {
actionExp = ensureActionExp(actionExp, _this_1.crBuilder);
role.exp = er.expReward.expBalance;
var effExp = actionExp.ensureEffect(role);
effExp.addExpGain(role, er.expReward.expInc);
After my failed attempts I deleted both of the files listed above and the game did not re download them but still functioned the same albeit listed with the wrong version.
There is a debug function that when activated will output logs if one taps the top left-hand corner a few times.
And lastly I believe the entire shop and the respective ID's and price values are in the haskell_game.js but...
I couldn't change the code in anyway to benefit me at all and my basic knowledge of GG did not prove fruitful for cheating.
Hacks requested
Resources, premium currency
Other Information
Out of all the games I've played on mobile, the way this apk is split is just odd to me compared to other split apk's I've seen.