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Anaconda69 last won the day on November 25 2023

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    Galaxy S9 Plus

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    While its great to see parallel space working again on android 11, GG fails to run the daemon and cannot run
  1. [added 1 minute later] I have tried what you said, but the apk editor shows an error due to googles policy. I tried 2 different apk editors and both said i cannot edit apk files
  2. Well after fiddling around with it some more, still havent gotten anything yet. Im starting to think it does not work on parallel lite. I have tried fuzzy search, and even reinstalled GG, but still nothing. Did double the values on auto and still endes up with no results after fine tuning it
  3. To anonymous1000, yes i have tried the default mempry ranges. Both original and 2ce the values of relics, but still shows nothing when i narrow it down
  4. So far no crash for me. But it just cannot find the values when i narrow it down. And when i do think i have it, the value changes to a wierd number after getting one extra kill
  5. Hi, thanks for the video. But when i tried exactly what you did, i still ended up with nothing. Not sure why mine is not showing up. I did external keyboard and anonymous type of data I am using the latest GG at version 73 and using parallel lite modified version.
  6. What will i be looking for? I have tried that what you said, but still did not change anything.
  7. Bump ?
  8. Name of Game: Rogue Dungeon RPGPlay Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.cordova.RogueRpg&hl=en_US&referrer=utm_source%3Dgoogle%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_term%3Drogue+dungeon+rpg&pcampaignid=APPU_1_xHwZXJnSK-Ly5gLV-IegBgVersion: latestWhat cheat? Gold, relics, and/or gemstone i have tried auto searching for gold and relics, but nothing. I have also tried using encrypted values but still nothing. I do not think it is server sided.
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