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Everything posted by AnoNiem

  1. You can try buying war cards through neo mall. Perhaps that will keep you on cleannside
  2. Which method you used? Could be that old method instantly sends you to naughty server.
  3. I found a solution to reset lvl’s. PM if you want to know how
  4. The cards work, but dont have any war points (the ones above lvl15)
  5. Hi, anyone has some thoughts on resetting war card level? I have some lvl above 15, but cards are not working anymore.
  6. I used searching for the specific value (amount of stock) of respective war card and then buy multiple war cards in war shop. Then look for changed values
  7. Hi, can you eloborate on how? An account of my cant attack with any war cards since a few weeks. I heard ea patched the possibility to lvl max wqr cards?
  8. Tnx Technoqueen. So only hack old method to lvl14? And max it out through neomall? What happened okd method doesnt work anymore? It seems only new hacked cities are affected?
  9. So the old hacknof war cards level doesnt work anymore? Or at least it blocks you from attacking?? How did you find the responding values of the war cards? Finding value and then increase it by buying in war mall? And refine...
  10. Also at my club 1 member still cant attack. Anyone has an idea to solve this?
  11. Just confirmed at mynown ckub war, back in business!
  12. New war started. Same problem still exists. Only war cards which are not hacked can be used. We can only attack with non hacked cards
  13. Same here. ea removed it from there update. New cards are very cool. One attack, attacks mutiple cities at once. We lost from a server hacking club. We were only able to launch attacks with lvl 7 or lower cards. Anyone else dealt with that before?
  14. Seems like a new hack server. Encountered a russian club in arena4. Able to launch war cards at least to lvl6. Lvl9 does jot work. Dont know about lvl 7 or 8
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