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  1. This has been patched, I'll look into the new version when I have time.
  2. Tell me when i will get your site down. Without DDoS, so dont pee ur pants.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. PROHex


      Same for you, skiddie =)

    3. PNill


      Yeah, nice come back you're the one who said you'd do something to my site I never said anything about your site so lets see it common hack my site.

    4. PNill


      Common you're so "PRO" why don't you hack my site lets see it.

  3. You can just allow it to re-download them, or you can back the stuff up it's up to you really.
  4. Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POWfy9papgM Download: (Uninstall game reinstall using this APK) NON-ROOT. http://adf.ly/QiHcD My Blog: http://adf.ly/QK0Dc
  5. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZySdiBbNJxo Download: http://adf.ly/QS2xk Instructions: Uninstall Original Game Install new APK Join game send gifts to other people your self gain coins doing so. Tokens never decrease. My blog: http://adf.ly/QK0Dc
  6. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6j-zjQqfQc Hack Download Link: NO-ROOT Instructions: Un-install original APK install new one enjoy free Aura. http://adf.ly/QYOOP My Blog: http://adf.ly/QK0Dc
  7. Finally sat down downloaded unity engine and reverse engineered how it compiled everything for android. End result for my efforts was being able to start out by hacking Fast & Furious 6's Gold. I'm not finished with this yet and there's a few glitches to it which makes it quite un-usuable, the gold is stored server side but I managed to force it to update on their side. Anyway here's a demonstration video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnOhzNSC4PY Love to see if anyone else can accomplish this one
  8. Microsoft aren't geniuses they've done nothing but steal code or buy out companies in their entire existence, yes they have a ton of money and that's the only thing that would stop someone from publicly releasing a method of 'stealing' credits from their systems. The only method that this could ever be done with would be hacking the actual skype servers which that as well as other things related to M$ have been hacked in the past and it will keep happening even if it's not public knolwedge hackers use this kinda stuff to their advantage all the time to give them selves free stuff. I know a guy right now who's only paying $10 a month for his rent because his leasing company uses an online system for his bill payment.
  9. I don't like you.

    1. PNill


      I say that due to you being a script kiddie btw you need to wise up, You may've heard of me formerly known as DeadlyData - TheDefaced.

    2. PROHex


      seriously get a live.

      from what i see, you are the skid here.

  10. It is server sided, when you start the game everything is loaded from a server and when you purchase things are updated on the server. It's the same concept with the game Epic but I was still able to hack it by modifying the actual ARM instructions in the game , I may or may not release the APK though.
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