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    8.x (Oreo)
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    Galaxy Tab S7

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  1. Fevirre

    MKT Trainer

    Certified stupid. That's ios not android.
  2. View File Pixel Gun 3D Trainer Please do not beg for more mods this is what you are going to get. YOU NEED ROOT, CUBIC GAMES BLOCKS VIRTUAL SPACES What's in this? -Vip -Ammo -Damage -Godmode -Hitbox The hitbox is setup as a saved list, this only works for players who have 64bit devices sorry. https://www.mediafire.com/file/u9t2yfy8lhzxuzq/PGTrainer.lua/file Credit goes to Poggersbutnot, you can sub to him here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoB3iltMyDI7UCm7Qgs181g Submitter Fevirre Submitted 10/17/2020 Category LUA scripts  
  3. Version 2


    Please do not beg for more mods this is what you are going to get. YOU NEED ROOT, CUBIC GAMES BLOCKS VIRTUAL SPACES What's in this? -Vip -Ammo -Damage -Godmode -Hitbox The hitbox is setup as a saved list, this only works for players who have arm64 devices sorry https://www.mediafire.com/file/f8dtp2wedadinjb/PG3DHitbox/file Credit goes to Poggersbutnot, you can sub to him here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoB3iltMyDI7UCm7Qgs181g
  4. Fevirre

    MKT Trainer

    Sure go ahead
  5. View File MKT Trainer !YOU NEED ROOT! Holy gosh! Mario kart tour mods on android, Wack. FEATURES: -Extended ramp boosting -200cc (without gold pass) -Don't lose points after hitting 5x combo (you might need to inject when during countdown) -Instant Orange/Purple turbo Submitter Fevirre Submitted 07/24/2020 Category LUA scripts  
  6. Version 1.1


    !YOU NEED ROOT! Holy gosh! Mario kart tour mods on android, Wack. FEATURES: -Extended ramp boosting -200cc (without gold pass) -Don't lose points after hitting 5x combo (you might need to inject when during countdown) -Instant Orange/Purple turbo
  7. View File GOB Firerate Menu This is a remade script, this time it won't press a random button when trying to minimize, Follow the on script instructions on how to use it. This is a fire rate script for gods of boom. Submitter Fevirre Submitted 02/22/2020 Category LUA scripts  
  8. Version 1


    This is a remade script, this time it won't press a random button when trying to minimize, Follow the on script instructions on how to use it. This is a fire rate script for gods of boom.
  9. Have you tried doing this? Example on pixel strike i wanted unlimited ammo the direct value didn't work so what I did was type in the value of the ammo and the storage clip 30;65:: Then edit to 9000 It should keep your value
  10. View File Constantly slipstream/boost This is likely the first game guardian mods on Mario kart tour, please be aware that you do in fact need root because Nintendo will hide the process to avoid the game being exploited in a virtual environment For non root users: I recommend checking this out you can install a entire android Oreo lineageos build with twrp for the Nintendo switch, it requires a SD Card at least 16GB https://forum.xda-developers.com/nintendo-switch/nintendo-switch-news-guides-discussion--development/rom-switchroot-lineageos-15-1-t3951389 Or you can use VMOS but vmos is really slow Submitter Fevirre Submitted 01/01/2020 Category LUA scripts  
  11. Version 1.0.0


    This is likely the first game guardian mods on Mario kart tour, please be aware that you do in fact need root because Nintendo will hide the process to avoid the game being exploited in a virtual environment For non root users: I recommend checking this out you can install a entire android Oreo lineageos build with twrp for the Nintendo switch, it requires a SD Card at least 16GB https://forum.xda-developers.com/nintendo-switch/nintendo-switch-news-guides-discussion--development/rom-switchroot-lineageos-15-1-t3951389 Or you can use VMOS but vmos is really slow
  12. View File Danger Close Menu This menu was created because of a user that goes by Zig, He released his danger close menu but it was already outdated so use mine for now until his updates Features: High view Inf ammo Rapid fire HELP IM STUCK ON THE LOADING SCREEN! You likely must have gotten banned, here's what you can do Parallel Space Settings>Storage>Danger Close>Clear data If you are still on the loading screen after clearing your data use Turbo VPN Submitter Fevirre Submitted 06/28/2019 Category LUA scripts  
  13. Version 1.0.0


    This menu was created because of a user that goes by Zig, He released his danger close menu but it was already outdated so use mine for now until his updates Features: High view Inf ammo Rapid fire HELP IM STUCK ON THE LOADING SCREEN! You likely must have gotten banned, here's what you can do Parallel Space Settings>Storage>Danger Close>Clear data If you are still on the loading screen after clearing your data use Turbo VPN
  14. View File Guns of boom: the forgotten script Hey I found a rapid fire code, you search 60 in float in the Code app memory range "Xa" and edit it to no lower than 30 then when you join a match edit the value back to 60 once you win or a match is done edit the value back to 30 and repeat Apparently this script was used back in the 4.x.x updates then somehow the script it got deleted I was able to find the script again and give it to you guys publicly So yeah here are the features Wallshoot (Don't use too much or else it can ban) Underground (bans you instantly so why is it even on this?) Highscope + Zoom scope (it can make the gun not spread it's bullets) Speedhack (only works on the assault rifle) ((No it's not rapid fire it makes you walk faster)) I have no idea who made the script but full credit goes to the creator Edit: I forgot, this was tested before uploading and yes this does work as of 5.3.5 Submitter Fevirre Submitted 04/13/2019 Category LUA scripts  
  15. Version 1.0


    Hey I found a rapid fire code, you search 60 in float in the Code app memory range "Xa" and edit it to no lower than 30 then when you join a match edit the value back to 60 once you win or a match is done edit the value back to 30 and repeat Apparently this script was used back in the 4.x.x updates then somehow the script it got deleted I was able to find the script again and give it to you guys publicly So yeah here are the features Wallshoot (Don't use too much or else it can ban) Underground (bans you instantly so why is it even on this?) Highscope + Zoom scope (it can make the gun not spread it's bullets) Speedhack (only works on the assault rifle) ((No it's not rapid fire it makes you walk faster)) I have no idea who made the script but full credit goes to the creator Edit: I forgot, this was tested before uploading and yes this does work as of 5.3.5
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