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    Note 2

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  1. Ban is enforced when level and weapons don't match time played. I had best weapons on lvl 50 and was banned within a day.
  2. Working here. Cheers. Game is still boring. If you've played the first 3 story races, you've played them all.
  3. Disregard. My account was just reset back to level 1
  4. Adfree works a treat for me.
  5. VIP+ kind of goes against what people are hacking for, don't you think? A hacking site making content VIP+ only isn't any different to game devs that force you to make IAPs just to be able to play a game. Am I wrong? I'll drop a some cash on the app, just like I do for freemium games that I feel are worthy, but I'm against regular continuous payments of any kind, especially to my ex (may she choke on a chicken bone).
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