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Everything posted by Eyef

  1. Now script work not in all events. SCG 003s Championship - Alps - additional tasks 4 and 5 don't work. 6th task - final Alps race - also don't work. but main goal - time attack in 4th and 5th Alps task - works. All Alps goals from 1 to 3 here works. All another goals of this championship before Alps - works. I tested it many times. Used only championship script, and r&d + championship and career + championship and many other combination. SCG 003 - Alps - additional tasks 4, 5, and main goal - 6 - still not works. I restarted the script many times from different pages of the championship. I restarted it even after the start of the race. No difference. Does not work. I use this script since the championship on McLarenX2. This is the first championship where the script does not work.
  2. Yes. World tour works on 3.8.0m We need go to page with task and run script. If you run script on world tour main page - it does not work. And sometimes need to start script 2 times. But it works 100%
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