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if gg.isVisible(true) then gg.setVisible(false) end gg.clearResults() kele0 = 0 Qjctx = 1 function main() HDmenu = gg.choice({ "Encrypt Script", "Decompile Script", "Exit" }, Lasttl, "Script Manager v1.0 Made By Chikri") if HDmenu == 1 then boi(Chikri) end if HDmenu == 2 then decompile(Chikri) end if HDmenu == 3 then exit(Chikri) end Qjctx = -1 end function boi(_ARG_0_) do info = gg.prompt({ "Select Script To Encrypt:" }, { (gg.getFile()) }, {"file"}) if info == nil then end function Ecrypt(_ARG_0_) do return _ARG_0_:gsub(".", function(_ARG_0_) do return string.format("%02X", (string.byte(_ARG_0_) + 13 + _UPVALUE1_[1]) % 256) end end):gsub(" ", "+") end end assert(([1], "r")))[1], "r"):close() gg.alert("The encrypted script is saved to the file:\n" .. info[1] .. "") c = Ecrypt(([1], "r"):read("*a"))) d = "--Encryptor Made By Chikri\nprint('Script Encryptor Made By Chikri')\nfunction encodes(key,code)\n return (code:gsub('..', function (h) return string.char((tonumber(h,16)+256-13 - key + 999999*256)%256) end))\nend\nlocal v_value=gg.prompt({'Enter password'},{[1]=0},{[1]='number'})\ngg.toast('Loading\226\128\166\226\128\166')\npcall(encodes(v_value[1],'technano'))\nlocal data = encodes(v_value[1],'technano')\nlocal enc = load(data)\npcall(enc)\n" d = string.gsub(d, "technano", c)[1] .. "", "w"):write(d)[1] .. "", "w"):close() function decompile(_ARG_0_) do multi = gg.choice({ "Decrypt Without Knowing The Password", "Decrypt with The Password", "Get Functions Actions (Snoop)" }, nil, "GG Decompiler Tool by Chikri And DJ") ishook = false if multi == 1 then gg.toast("Yay") end if multi == 2 then gg.toast("Yay") end if multi == 3 then gg.toast("Yay") ishook = true end script_file = gg.prompt({ "Locate Script:" }, { gg.getFile():match("(.*/).*") .. "vip/test.lua" }, {"file"}) code = "" function new_load(_ARG_0_) do if string.match(_ARG_0_, "gg.choice") then code = _ARG_0_ end end end ggvar = {} ggreg = {} for _FORV_7_, _FORV_8_ in pairs(gg) do if string.match(_FORV_7_, "REGION") then ggreg[_FORV_8_] = "gg." .. _FORV_7_ end if string.match(_FORV_7_, "_") and not string.match(_FORV_7_, "REGION") then ggvar[_FORV_8_] = "gg." .. _FORV_7_ end end function new_result(_ARG_0_) do print(string.format("var = gg.getResults(%s)", _ARG_0_)) res = {} for _FORV_4_ = _ARG_0_, 1, -1 do res[_FORV_4_] = {} end return _FOR_ end end function new_edit(...) ok = "" a = 1 for _FORV_4_, _FORV_5_ in pairs({ ... }) do hey = tostring(_FORV_5_) if a == 1 then ok = ok .. "\"" .. hey .. "\"" .. "," elseif a ~= #{ ... } and ggvar[_FORV_5_] and _FORV_5_ ~= 0 then ok = ok .. ggvar[_FORV_5_] .. "," elseif a == #{ ... } and ggvar[_FORV_5_] and _FORV_5_ ~= 0 then ok = ok .. ggvar[_FORV_5_] elseif a == #{ ... } then ok = ok .. hey else ok = ok .. hey .. "," end a = a + 1 end print(string.format("gg.editAll(%s)", ok)) return true end function new_search(...) ok = "" a = 1 for _FORV_4_, _FORV_5_ in pairs({ ... }) do hey = tostring(_FORV_5_) if a == 1 then ok = ok .. "\"" .. hey .. "\"" .. "," elseif a ~= #{ ... } and ggvar[_FORV_5_] and _FORV_5_ ~= 0 then ok = ok .. ggvar[_FORV_5_] .. "," elseif a == #{ ... } and ggvar[_FORV_5_] and _FORV_5_ ~= 0 then ok = ok .. ggvar[_FORV_5_] elseif a == #{ ... } then ok = ok .. hey else ok = ok .. hey .. "," end a = a + 1 end print(string.format("gg.searchNumber(%s)", ok)) return true end function new_clear() print("gg.clearResults()") return true end function new_getrange() print("var = gg.getRanges()") return true end function new_setrange(_ARG_0_) do if ggreg[_ARG_0_] then print("-- normal range") print(string.format("gg.setRanges(%s)", ggreg[_ARG_0_])) elseif type(_ARG_0_) == "boolean" then print("-- restore via var") print("gg.setRanges(var)") else print("-- bxor auto calculated") print(string.format("gg.setRanges(%d)", _ARG_0_)) end return false end end function new_add(_ARG_0_) do t = "" for _FORV_4_, _FORV_5_ in pairs(_ARG_0_) do if _FORV_5_.address then t = t .. "var[" .. _FORV_4_ .. "].address = " .. _FORV_5_.address .. "\n" end if _FORV_5_.value then t = t .. "var[" .. _FORV_4_ .. "].value = " .. _FORV_5_.value .. "\n" end if _FORV_5_.freeze ~= nil then t = t .. "var[" .. _FORV_4_ .. "].freeze = " .. tostring(_FORV_5_.freeze) .. "\n" end if _FORV_5_.freezeType then t = t .. "var[" .. _FORV_4_ .. "].freezeType = " .. ggvar[_FORV_5_.freezeType] .. "\n" end end print(t) print("gg.addListItems(var)") return true end end function nprint(_ARG_0_, _ARG_1_) do if _ARG_1_ then return false end end end print = (function(_ARG_0_, _ARG_1_) do {}.replace = {_ARG_1_} {}.origin = _ARG_0_ setmetatable({}, { __call = function(_ARG_0_, ...) do if { _UPVALUE0_(_UPVALUE1_, ...) } ~= nil and #{ _UPVALUE0_(_UPVALUE1_, ...) } > 0 then return _UPVALUE2_.table.unpack({ _UPVALUE0_(_UPVALUE1_, ...) }) end return _UPVALUE1_.origin(...) end end }) return {} end end)(print, nprint) if ishook then gg.searchNumber = (function(_ARG_0_, _ARG_1_) do {}.replace = {_ARG_1_} {}.origin = _ARG_0_ setmetatable({}, { __call = function(_ARG_0_, ...) do if { _UPVALUE0_(_UPVALUE1_, ...) } ~= nil and #{ _UPVALUE0_(_UPVALUE1_, ...) } > 0 then return _UPVALUE2_.table.unpack({ _UPVALUE0_(_UPVALUE1_, ...) }) end return _UPVALUE1_.origin(...) end end }) return {} end end)(gg.searchNumber, new_search) gg.getResults = (function(_ARG_0_, _ARG_1_) do {}.replace = {_ARG_1_} {}.origin = _ARG_0_ setmetatable({}, { __call = function(_ARG_0_, ...) do if { _UPVALUE0_(_UPVALUE1_, ...) } ~= nil and #{ _UPVALUE0_(_UPVALUE1_, ...) } > 0 then return _UPVALUE2_.table.unpack({ _UPVALUE0_(_UPVALUE1_, ...) }) end return _UPVALUE1_.origin(...) end end }) return {} end end)(gg.getResults, new_result) gg.editAll = (function(_ARG_0_, _ARG_1_) do {}.replace = {_ARG_1_} {}.origin = _ARG_0_ setmetatable({}, { __call = function(_ARG_0_, ...) do if { _UPVALUE0_(_UPVALUE1_, ...) } ~= nil and #{ _UPVALUE0_(_UPVALUE1_, ...) } > 0 then return _UPVALUE2_.table.unpack({ _UPVALUE0_(_UPVALUE1_, ...) }) end return _UPVALUE1_.origin(...) end end }) return {} end end)(gg.editAll, new_edit) gg.clearResults = (function(_ARG_0_, _ARG_1_) do {}.replace = {_ARG_1_} {}.origin = _ARG_0_ setmetatable({}, { __call = function(_ARG_0_, ...) do if { _UPVALUE0_(_UPVALUE1_, ...) } ~= nil and #{ _UPVALUE0_(_UPVALUE1_, ...) } > 0 then return _UPVALUE2_.table.unpack({ _UPVALUE0_(_UPVALUE1_, ...) }) end return _UPVALUE1_.origin(...) end end }) return {} end end)(gg.clearResults, new_clear) gg.setRanges = (function(_ARG_0_, _ARG_1_) do {}.replace = {_ARG_1_} {}.origin = _ARG_0_ setmetatable({}, { __call = function(_ARG_0_, ...) do if { _UPVALUE0_(_UPVALUE1_, ...) } ~= nil and #{ _UPVALUE0_(_UPVALUE1_, ...) } > 0 then return _UPVALUE2_.table.unpack({ _UPVALUE0_(_UPVALUE1_, ...) }) end return _UPVALUE1_.origin(...) end end }) return {} end end)(gg.setRanges, new_setrange) gg.getRanges = (function(_ARG_0_, _ARG_1_) do {}.replace = {_ARG_1_} {}.origin = _ARG_0_ setmetatable({}, { __call = function(_ARG_0_, ...) do if { _UPVALUE0_(_UPVALUE1_, ...) } ~= nil and #{ _UPVALUE0_(_UPVALUE1_, ...) } > 0 then return _UPVALUE2_.table.unpack({ _UPVALUE0_(_UPVALUE1_, ...) }) end return _UPVALUE1_.origin(...) end end }) return {} end end)(gg.getRanges, new_getrange) gg.addListItems = (function(_ARG_0_, _ARG_1_) do {}.replace = {_ARG_1_} {}.origin = _ARG_0_ setmetatable({}, { __call = function(_ARG_0_, ...) do if { _UPVALUE0_(_UPVALUE1_, ...) } ~= nil and #{ _UPVALUE0_(_UPVALUE1_, ...) } > 0 then return _UPVALUE2_.table.unpack({ _UPVALUE0_(_UPVALUE1_, ...) }) end return _UPVALUE1_.origin(...) end end }) return {} end end)(gg.addListItems, new_add) else load = (function(_ARG_0_, _ARG_1_) do {}.replace = {_ARG_1_} {}.origin = _ARG_0_ setmetatable({}, { __call = function(_ARG_0_, ...) do if { _UPVALUE0_(_UPVALUE1_, ...) } ~= nil and #{ _UPVALUE0_(_UPVALUE1_, ...) } > 0 then return _UPVALUE2_.table.unpack({ _UPVALUE0_(_UPVALUE1_, ...) }) end return _UPVALUE1_.origin(...) end end }) return {} end end)(load, new_load) end if loadfile(script_file[1]) then loadfile(script_file[1])() else print("cant open") end if ishook == false then if code ~= "" or code ~= nil then print(code) else gg.alert("sorry fail try other options") function exit(_ARG_0_) do gg.alert("GameGuardian Script Tool Made By Chikri") os.exit() end end end end end end end end while true do if gg.isVisible(true) then Qjctx = 1 gg.setVisible(false) end if Qjctx == 1 then main() end end
Hello how to make deleted files from andriod sdk i would like to make code lua that delete files from Andriod or folder . like logo files help me >
still i can't fix the issues i want help
i have read it should it add error error - true or false. true if the server returned an invalid code. or i add logcat
e the function is called, the user is asked to access the Internet. Request one for each script run. If the user declines access, all subsequent calls will immediately return an error. If allowed - will be processed immediately. Permission to access must be obtained each time the script is run. The function executes the query and returns a table with the result on success. On error, the string with the error text will be returned. In logcat there will be more information.
so i have trying to do something exit if he click on no with messages allow access internet but i have make searching i didn't find anything help me do you know how to do the exit ? help
i have trying local login = 'http://*****.com/login.php' if login == 'no' then print ("not click on no") os.exit(); else not working same the old issues
basically its working for me fine with access at my website link with php so my problem that messages with internet access if i click yes that working fine should enter username and password that link with api php but my problem is if someone click no with the messages access internet that bypassing the script and the script is run without the protect i would like to get help and should if he click on no with the access Internet the script exit
thank you fixed....