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Everything posted by lolpluslol

  1. Base value (3158068) may be different for each device, so I did put a note after my first post. Requote below. If you've found my response is not clear, try follow CPS's response on page 2 >> Forgot to mention. You might notice the last digit of crystal value will contribute to most of the raw value. So in case you cannot search from raw value (probably the FIX value is different), you can use Fuzzy search. Just note the last digit, play the game for more crystals, check your crystal last digit again if it is more or less than your previous one. If more do "Larger" compare, if less do "Smaller" compare. Once you got the needed address, you can reverse the formula to find the FIX value.
  2. Thanks for help me clarify this, CPS. BTW, once you have 99,999 crystals, you can just lock the value and buy all the stuffs and upgrades you need Cheers guys, happy gaming!!!
  3. Nope, the update doesn't change the formula, I still can get it perfectly well.I got the formula by trial and errors... so if the formula doesn't work out for you, try follow my "Forgot to mention" reply. I'm pretty sure it's the FIX values that could be differed from one to another, but the (4th digit - 1) + (3rd digit x 256) + (2nd digit x 2562) + (1st digit x 2563) should remain relatively the same.
  4. Have you set "Search Range"? Go to GG Setting -> Set Search Range -> select "More Regions"
  5. Forgot to mention. You might notice the last digit of crystal value will contribute to most of the raw value. So in case you cannot search from raw value (probably the FIX value is different), you can use Fuzzy search. Just note the last digit, play the game for more crystals, check your crystal last digit again if it is more or less than your previous one. If more do "Larger" compare, if less do "Smaller" compare. Once you got the needed address, you can reverse the formula to find the FIX value.
  6. Here's crystal formula (money for upgrading skills, towers, warrior, props) For 100-999 : Value = 3158068 + (3rd digit - 1) + (2nd digit x 256) + (1st digit x 2562) e.g. 352 crystals = 3158068 + (3 - 1) + (5 x 256) + (2 x 2562) = 3290419 For 1000-9999: Value = 808464433 + (4th digit - 1) + (3rd digit x 256) + (2nd digit x 2562) + (1st digit x 2563) e.g. 1234 crystals = 808464433 + (1 - 1) + (2 x 256) + (3 x 2562) + (4 x 2563) = 875770417 To use this, you will need to find crystal address first Open GG, and the game. Note your crystal, and calculate the raw value using formula above. Search the raw value. If more than one address returned with the value, made some purchase to change your crystal value and repeat step 2-3 until you have only 1 address corresponded to your search value. Done!! To go over 10k, we need some tricks. Put raw value 960051513, which is 9999 crystals Play the game until you got 10k+ crystals. Then, let's say you now got 10534 crystals, check the raw value from the address. Assuming it's 859123764 (it may not be the same, but it's ok, just continue to next step) Add 9 to the raw value (i.e. 859123773) and you will get 90534 crystals. (if you add 3, you'll get 30534 crystals, etc) I haven't try crystal above 90k yet, but it seems there's another address keeping track of the raw value, I'm not gonna fiddle with it though, 90k seems enough Enjoy!! Hope it work out for you.
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