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Posts posted by RogerAngell2018

  1. 5 minutes ago, XxhentaixX said:

    it quit easy, lol. and whatis IDA?

    added 0 minutes later

    it quit easy, lol. and whatis IDA?

    A debugger and disassembler.

  2. How u guys find these constant values at code app (Xa)? Just test to see if encounter good potential cheats or you have more precise ways? Maybe messing with IDA?

  3. 4 hours ago, absolutenothing said:

    i lose after i went afk. didnt check if the monsters hits the same value when torch lights out. just want you to know.

    It doesn't affect mob damage at all.  Probably you hit a mob that reflects damage. So, don't use it in some dungeons without babysitting.

  4. 58 minutes ago, Enyby said:

    A script entry can not record all of your actions in a portable form. Everything that can not be written in a general form is not recorded.
    You can not record the offset, because it should be written in a general form, and so you can not do it.
    You can not say - apply an offset to the 3 result of the search, because tomorrow it will not be the third search result. Even on your device or on another device.
    If you save the memory address in the script, the script will become useless even after the game is restarted.

    In general, writing a script is not intended to make a ready script, it is impossible by definition, but to provide some workpiece, for later manual editing.

    Well, or for writing VERY simple scripts. Something like found a group search and replaced / frozen everything.
    Not more difficult than this.

    added 1 minute later

    And what you are talking about (shifting) requires a fine and precise work. Cycles, a clear understanding of what is happening, and why.

    I know, but im talking of a really nearby address, so the offset is always same.. For exemple, search `x` value and the value that I need to edit is always in [Address(x) -5C]. Even if I restart my game, phone, etc.

  5. Great job with your new feature `record script` devs. It would be awesome if you guys make it to recognize offset. It is great feature to auto because sometimes the value we need to chage is not a constant but nearby values is. @Enyby@d2dyno

  6. On 9/15/2018 at 12:01 AM, Naa_Lina said:

    thanks for the answer. may I ask again, for example 23 seconds cooldown number how do I look for it?

    added 0 minutes later

    thanks for the answer. may I ask again, for example 23 seconds cooldown number how do I look for it?

    added 4 minutes later

    thanks for the answer. may I ask again, for example 23 seconds cooldown number how do I look for it?

    Use skill, pause the game, search for 23 or 22 Float (double if you dont found it), unpause, pause, refine new value until you found it. But sometimes the value is encrypted.

  7. 17 hours ago, Naa_Lina said:

    how to find cooldown skill numbers

    Most often Float. Use Fuzzy method if game don't show cooldown numbers.

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