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Everything posted by AsliYO2

  1. AsliYO2


    credits : Darking Cheater ( https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfN0gpNHS3PBCg8d2oAhBQw/featured ) [added 3 minutes later] Its not legal here because Any mod prohibited
  2. mima = "8888" v_value = gg.prompt({ "Enter Password[Password in Video]" }, { [1] = 0 }, { [1] = "number" }) function m() end function end_c() print([[ WRONG PASSWORD PASSWORD IN VIDEO]]) os.exit() end if v_value[1] == mima then m() else end_c() end function WEWE() t = gg.choice({ "Hack Coins + Diamonds", "Exit" }) if t == 1 then pp() end if t == 2 then HJ() end NSA = -1 end function HJ() t = gg.alert("Are You Sure To Exit?", "Yes", "No") if t == 1 then JH() end if t == 2 then WEWE() end end function JH() print("Subscribe Youtube Channel: Newbie Squad Ark") os.exit() end function pp() t = gg.prompt({ "\240\159\146\176Insert Coins Value", "\240\159\146\142Insert Diamonds Value", "Coins and Diamonds Hack To :" }, { [1] = 0, [2] = 0, [3] = 0 }, { [1] = "number", [2] = "number", [3] = "number" }) if t == nil then WEWE() end var = t[1] .. ";" .. t[2] gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber(var, gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.getResults(100) gg.editAll(t[3], gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.toast("Hack Succes") end while true do if gg.isVisible(true) then NSA = 1 gg.setVisible(false) end if NSA == 1 then WEWE() end end Decrypted version only 2 kb code
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