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    GT-P7510, SGSIII

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  1. Hi, I am getting "Unknown Error" and "Freedom Cannot Start" error every time I launch freedom. I followed all the instructions..still no avail... any help please?
  2. Brilliant!! cant wait for this to come out. Would this be available to rooted devices only or for non-rooted as well? Cheers!!
  3. Name of Game: Monster Galaxy Exile Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gaiaonline.mge Version if you know it: 1.0.1 What cheat? Health, xp, gold...: xp, moga, cups, etc Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?: no Comments: Kindly mod this game like the mods you made on the original MOnster Galaxy game. cheers!
  4. I was hoping for a mod since my device is not rooted. Thanks tho. Cheers!
  5. The medal hack is what I need. Hope someone can mod this. Cheers!
  6. still no update on this one...
  7. Name of Game: Beasty Bay Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk): https://play.google....ndroid.mujin_en Version if you know it: 1.0.1 What cheat? Health, xp, gold...: Gold, Purchase Hack, Modded apk for unrooted devices Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?: Comments: Modded apk for unrooted devices
  8. Cheers for this!
  9. I have the same problem.. and that screenshot by exynoz is different from what actually shows when I edit my profile. The option to change the android version doesn't show.
  10. still no luck with this game....
  11. VIP+Early Releases
  12. Wow... 3 days and still no response from any admins or mods or anybody who knows how to answer my q.. guess nobody knows not even the higher ups..
  13. Hi, dya have any mods for this? An in-app purchase hack would be great deffo. Cheers!
  14. Help! I wanna change my android OS from Honeycomb to Ice Cream Sandwich (see attached image below)..but there seems to be no options to do that on the settings menu on my profile...can someone walk me thru on how to? Thanks!
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