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  1. Guys! Have some news! It’s good news regarding the black market being thrashed due to change of values, also, the anti ban. I’ll stay posted and I should be checking in this weekend.
  2. It’s easy to do. You have to do it from start up screen. And watch the values that GG searches for.
  3. So, can game gaurdian gather game data encoding? What I mean is can it gather default numbers and store it on the phone? As en example I am trying to get the default settings and data codes from a game to create a mask to prevent banning. Is this even possible? I would like to work with the creator on this as well.
  4. You don’t have to uninstall it. Just keep it on your phone, download from play store parallel space which is like a virtual space where you can have accounts simultaneously, and just start from level one. Gives you something to do, your choice, however you can hack the gold and level and money and cars and just have fun with it. I have one banned and I was working on one yesterday using game gaurdian on the other account. Im planning on checking it out this weekend and develop a way to actually not be detected also unban.
  5. Then that’s prolly why. The server detected something about your account and resulted in bam. However, just download parallel space or go multiply, youll be fine. Only this time don’t go online stay in single player and don’t sign in. Just do campaign raves car series etc.
  6. Did you play online? What did you use to hack? How many hours did you play before getting to level 65? EDIT: I will be making a app that actually hides players from servers. It’s a work in progress. Stay tuned. Just need to invest time and find a lot of sources and research.
  7. Alright so! What I did was I got the hack going on multiple accounts and yes it still works, however, don’t go to black ridge rivals I suggest tuning up and play with the settings use the gold and run the game in single player first. Because there are data codes that separate it from multiplayer mode. So take your time and don’t just jump in online to beat everybody right away. I think that online has a set a set of different server which detects by the level a person has and how many hours of gameplay. Ill explain later on this since I’m at work. It’s really easy to do. Also I got banned but playing around certain setting to unban the account. I’ll stay posted.
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