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  1. im looking at fwd assualt's masskill adressess to find more hacks i found yet silent aim its a bit silent but ill make it more also i will make the luas much easier for others in the next updates my friend got something like um idk how to say it you'll see it in the next updates (i think so) lol , i can send you pic if you want And im not cheating ros im not trying to find new hacks i just try to fix them or i have to remove them from my script bcs its banning people now im trying to encrypt the script because i want to post fwd hacks and people are gonna steal them in the first day if i can ask would you like to tell me what you used to encrypt them? i used many programs but gg cant run the encrypted lua
  2. You could have asked me lol
  3. Click at "Account" Button and make New one _______________________________________________ added 0 minutes later _______________________________________________ added 1 minute later Yes (Tested with ver 1.144)
  4. You muss Enabled WallShot (Available in v5) You can download it in my youtube channel _______________________________________________ added 0 minutes later ReTry
  5. Underground is working in version 1.33.. (Underground selector)
  6. You need to enable ByPass button at the start when "Garena" Logo appears
  7. View File Official FreeFire Battlegrounds Script | Made by Xasikl/Critical Hit Hello everyone, i just created a Gameguardian account and i will start posting my SCRIPTS for FreeFire Battlegrounds & other Battle Royale Games i saw that many other 'FAKE Modders here are copying my SCRIPTS from my Youtube channel and posting them here so i will start to post too and see who's better. ☆Dazzler45Plus , StarCoder , Arachis Gaming , Technical Sumar are just leeching/stealing my script they didnt make anything on it. So this script is version v8 if you want to see olders versions you can check my channel here:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbCy97dbHrmqU6kBM04fhHQ This Version has more than 15Feutures! If you want to kill people while being underground you muss download (v5) its available in my youtube channel! (v5) Has WallShot/Silent aim Fly Walk through walls Submitter Critical_Hit-Xasikl Submitted 04/10/18 Category LUA scripts
  8. Version 8.0.0


    Hello everyone, i just created a Gameguardian account and i will start posting my SCRIPTS for FreeFire Battlegrounds & other Battle Royale Games i saw that many other 'FAKE Modders here are copying my SCRIPTS from my Youtube channel and posting them here so i will start to post too and see who's better. ☆Dazzler45Plus , StarCoder , Arachis Gaming , Technical Sumar are just leeching/stealing my script they didnt make anything on it. So this script is version v8 if you want to see olders versions you can check my channel here:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbCy97dbHrmqU6kBM04fhHQ This Version has more than 15Feutures! If you want to kill people while being underground you muss download (v5) its available in my youtube channel! (v5) Has WallShot/Silent aim Fly Walk through walls
    Got a problem? Script Error? Got Banned? Let me know here!
  9. View File Official Rules of Survival Script | Made by Xasikl & SwaG GaminG Hello everyone, i created a Gameguardian account and i will start posting my SCRIPTS for Rules of Survival & other Battle Royale Games i saw that many other 'FAKE Modders here are copying my SCRIPTS from my Youtube channel and posting them here so i will start to post too. Youtube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbCy97dbHrmqU6kBM04fhHQ This Version has more than 40 Feutures! ^^ READ UP!! ^^ Also some Hacks are Banning. Use them with ANTI-KICK! 41Feutures 3 Menus Built in Submitter Critical_Hit-Xasikl Submitted 04/09/18 Category LUA scripts
  10. Version 3.8.2


    Hello everyone, i created a Gameguardian account and i will start posting my SCRIPTS for Rules of Survival & other Battle Royale Games i saw that many other 'FAKE Modders here are copying my SCRIPTS from my Youtube channel and posting them here so i will start to post too. Youtube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbCy97dbHrmqU6kBM04fhHQ This Version has more than 40 Feutures! ^^ READ UP!! ^^ Also some Hacks are Banning. Use them with ANTI-KICK! 41Feutures 3 Menus Built in
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