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Everything posted by Pekenolucas

  1. Pekenolucas

    LUA scripting

    Is there a way to vibrate or play some sound in notifications?
  2. Pekenolucas

    LUA scripting

    Thanks Enyby, script working perfectly! How can I donate? I get a error when I click in Donate on site. Thanks again for your great job! This script is used to show a pop-up message to players that are searching a better value in game that is visible, OR NOT VISIBLE, that would be a win bonus, gold from others players, weakness/strength, etc... This script is very very simple, so it can be upgraded! But you MUST found the desired address manually using gameguardian! The script: ::x:: local q = {} q[1] = {} q[1].address = 0xC72FD5E4 -- Desired address q[1].flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD q = gg.getValues(q) if tonumber (q[1].value) > 80000 -- Desired value to notify then gg.alert('Value found!', q[1].value) else goto x end
  3. Pekenolucas

    LUA scripting

    I get this error (only important part) removing the quotes: ### `if (o[1].value) > 200000` attempt to compare __lt on number and string stack traceback: /storage/emulated/0/Notes/6test.lua:32: in main chunk ### I think I need use some function! I will study more a bit! Thanks a lot for your rapid answer Enyby!
  4. Pekenolucas

    LUA scripting

    Almost finished, running without errors, BUT gives me wrong results! Alert show me the correct value (dWord) of the memory address, but I want this notification only for numbers bigger than 200000! Can you help help Enyby? I promise will be the last one! Apparently, a random value, different from the address value, has been used to compare with 200000, because sometimes alert pop-up and sometimes no, for values under 200000. I've tried to change 200000 by lesser values, but alert pops-up at wrong time too. Thanks for your help! The script: ::x:: local o = {} o[1] = {} o[1].address = 0xC137DCA4 -- first address o[1].flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD o = gg.getValues (o) if (o[1].value) > "200000" then gg.alert('bonus found!', o[1].value) end else goto x end
  5. Pekenolucas

    LUA scripting

    Maybe this line contains some error? I didn't found a script like this one to run, so I'm having some troubles to do it! Thanks a lot!
  6. Pekenolucas

    LUA scripting

    I get this error when trying to run it: Script terminado: Script error: org.luaj.vm2.LuaError: load /storage/emulated/0/Notes/com.zeptolab.thieves.google.lua: org.luaj.vm2.LuaError: /storage/emulated/0/Notes/com.zeptolab.thieves.google.lua:9 `t[1].flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD` unexpected symbol 194 (Â) at org.luaj.vm2.LuaValue.error(LuaValue.java:1075) at org.luaj.vm2.Globals.loadfile(Globals.java:204) at android.ext.Script.runScript(Script.java:3288) at android.ext.Script$ScriptThread.run(Script.java:3232) Caused by: org.luaj.vm2.LuaError: /storage/emulated/0/Notes/com.zeptolab.thieves.google.lua:9 `t[1].flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD` unexpected symbol 194 (Â) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LexState.lexerror(LexState.java:270) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LexState.syntaxerror(LexState.java:274) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LexState.primaryexp(LexState.java:1355) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LexState.suffixedexp(LexState.java:1366) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LexState.simpleexp(LexState.java:1446) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LexState.subexpr(LexState.java:1559) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LexState.expr(LexState.java:1577) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LexState.explist(LexState.java:1277) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LexState.assignment(LexState.java:1672) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LexState.exprstat(LexState.java:1994) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LexState.statement(LexState.java:2091) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LexState.statlist(LexState.java:2108) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LexState.mainfunc(LexState.java:2124) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LuaC$CompileState.luaY_parser(LuaC.java:129) at org.luaj.vm2.compiler.LuaC.compile(LuaC.java:99) at org.luaj.vm2.Globals.compilePrototype(Globals.java:323) at org.luaj.vm2.Globals.loadPrototype(Globals.java:302) at org.luaj.vm2.Globals.load(Globals.java:273) at org.luaj.vm2.Globals.loadfile(Globals.java:202) ... 2 more
  7. Pekenolucas

    LUA scripting

    Thanks for your fast answer enyby, I do this script, but I get a lot of errors: gg.clearResults() t = {} t[1] = {} ::LOOP:: t[1].address = 0xC0097624 -- desired address t[1].flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD t = gg.getValues(t) if t[1].value >= '200000' then gg.alert('Find out!') else goto loop end
  8. Pekenolucas

    LUA scripting

    There is a way to do a lua script to read the value from a specific address? Example: address 07BA1100 shows a DWORD value between 100~500000. This value is a bonus for players that win the battle, and every refresh this value changes, so I want to be notified when this value is above 200000, for example. It's possible create this type of script?
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