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  1. Bunta

    Decrypting known values

    thanks https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ucdevs.jcross&hl=en I use the cauldron in the guild section to change my item amounts for fuzzy searches.
  2. Bunta

    Decrypting known values

    I've tried using encrypted search in GG but it can never find the value that way. The only way that works is using fuzzy search for changed/unchanged values. I've also set the XOR key to the value to reverse it but when I reapply that key to a different value it doesn't work right. The weird thing is, I can copy values in memory to different locations and it will set the in game amounts to the same, even though the same in game amounts will have different values in memory. Yes I know that sounds weird, but if you check the table in the first post, my herbs had an amount of 2 that was stored in memory as a dword of 389482630. My cylinders also had an amount of 2 but was stored in memory as a dword of 389457448. However if I were to copy the dword from one to the other, the amount would still be 2.
  3. Bunta

    Decrypting known values

    OK, so what would the algorithm be based on the data I provided? I tried doing some XOR calculations but I wasn't entirely sure how to reverse engineer what the key should be.
  4. Bunta

    Decrypting known values

    The game I'm working with is Nonograms Katana. I can find the location where the amounts for items are stored by using fuzzy search and I can copy those values to other items to set their value to the same amount so I assume they are all using the same encryption key/method. What I'd like to do then is figure out how the encryption works to be able to set a value to a specific amount. If I have the encrypted value of multiple amounts is there some way to work out what the encryption key or method is to be able to work out how to set the value to a specific amount? Here is a list of different values I know the location of and what their data in memory is: how do I figure out what the encryption key is so I can set an items amount to 100 for example?
  5. Bunta

    Using Offsets

    I am quite familiar with programming, but some things I've just never needed to use I assume you mean sig scanning like using aobscan for a byte code signature from the games actual codebase? I would have thought that would not always stay relative to the writeable memory regions to be that useful?
  6. Bunta

    Using Offsets

    @3113 By sig scanning, do you mean what @NoFear mentioned about looking for nearby values that are always the same? ie a signature of bytes that don't change?
  7. Bunta

    Using Offsets

    @3113 Yea, I've made mods by editing libgame.so before but sometimes I just want to use memory edits... would just be nice to be able to do that without searching for the value each time
  8. Bunta

    Using Offsets

    What I meant was saving the memory values that could potentially be pointers to the value you are after as a "pointer table" the way CE does. You specify a maximum offset and maximum count of pointers and then search through memory to find all locations that could potentially be pointers to all offsets within that range and save them to a file. Then restart the game and search through those memory addresses from the file to see if they still point to the same data value. Regardless, without that functionality, I would be happy with the ability to apply an offset to a group of saved values for now.
  9. Bunta

    Using Offsets

    I thought I read a reply from you in another thread that said pointers are basically unuseable on android? Does that work pro Yea, not very easy with current GG. It would need a way to dump pointer tables like cheatengine does to be able to narrow down the results.
  10. Bunta

    Using Offsets

    I thought I read a reply from you in another thread that said pointers are basically unuseable on android? Does that work properly with GG?
  11. Bunta

    Using Offsets

    Yes, I figured out how I can manually add values one at a time using the calculator but thats a real pain in the ass when you have a long list of saved values to update (and then remove the old values etc). I'm looking for a way to apply that offset to all saved values at once.
  12. Bunta

    Using Offsets

    I have the latest version (8.10.2) of GG but I think I must be missing something in it. There is a lot of functionality for finding offsets between two addresses by using either the "Caluculate Offset" or "Offset Calculator" functions. I was expecting though that there would be a way to apply an offset against a list of saved values but I can't seem to find a way to do that. Since there is no way to do pointer searches in the app, the next logical way of keeping a list of addresses useable for a game would be to apply a global offset to all the saved values. Is this possible or does this functionality not exist in the program? If it doesn't exist then I'd like to raise a feature request for the below functions: 1) Ability to calculate offset between a saved value and a searched value 2) Ability to apply an offset to all saved values to change all their addresses at once 3) Ability to select a saved address and searched address and apply the offset between them to all saved addresses (This would combine the function of both the above two options) The idea here is that even though the memory addresses change each time a game is started the position of the values is generally always relative. If I have searched and found a large number of values and saved them for a game I would want to be able to load those values the next time I start the game and apply an offset to all of them to correct their position to the right memory region. Preferably, the most ideal process would be as follows: 1) Find memory values you want to edit and freeze 2) Save those values to a list for that game 3) Next time you play the game you load the list of saved memory addresses (that no longer point to the right location) 4) Perform a search and find the location of one of the saved memory addresses 5) Select the saved value and search result that matches and choose an option in the app to apply the offset between those values to all addresses in the saved list The option I indicate in the last step is the function we need as an alternative to having the ability to search for memory pointers. If that is too hard, having at least an option to apply an offset to the saved list manually would be terrific!
  13. Name of Game: Monster Busters Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.purplekiwii.mb Version: Any What cheat? Health, xp, gold...: Coins Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?: I've tried everything I can on this game but have not been able to find the location where the coins data is saved. I've searched for 2,4 byte integer values as well as float values using standard and fuzzy search with all memory regions on but have not located it. Anyone got any tips about how to find this value?
  14. Hi There, I'm pretty new to using GG but it appears to be a great tool so far. I would really like to be able to work on the source code to add some extra features and functionality and fix some bugs but it appears this is a closed source app (Correct me if I'm wrong?). Anyway, if I can't fix it myself can the developers have a look at the following issues: (Enhancement) When browsing the memory space it would be nice to be able to switch between 1, 2 or 4 byte view modes. This would also allow editing extra memory spaces instead of only every 4 bytes like currently. (Bug) When editing a saved memory value you can edit the value and switch it from 4 bytes to 1 byte but it doesn't seem to do anything as it will remain in 4 byte mode (Enhancement) When editing saved memory values it would be nice to be able to edit the saved memory address directly. As an example, I had a game that changed memory locations after restarting my tablet but all memory locations were relative and could have been fixed by editing the address of each saved entry. (Enhancement) When saving values to the save list from an Auto search user should be given the option to choose 1, 2 or 4 bytes to save the entry. The selection should show the value for each of the byte types. (Enhancement) Add the ability to drag saved values to reposistion them in the list. (Enhancement) Add option to (un)select all values in saved list to lock or unlock them all at once. (Really useful with long save lists) (Enhancement) When editing the value of a memory space it would be nice to be able to switch between decimal and hexidecimal value entry. That's about all I can think of right now, I might add to the list later as I think of more... Would be great if the developers could look into some of these for future versions. If you want any help working on any of these features please let me know, I'd love to help out!
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