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Posts posted by Angelicaaaaa

  1. 19 hours ago, Krakken said:

    I don't know if this is definitive, and just the value 3 seems very common (>1k results). Since technically it's an unreleased item (to craft), I would suggest waiting a couple of updates. Besides, it's not that crucial... I understand you want a lot of storage, me too, that's why I chose to use my inbox to hold 500M copies of most resources, weapons and armor. 

    Edit: I'll look into it to figure out if there's anything related to maximum limit, but don't get your hopes up, I've only started messing with strings thanks to NoFear's teachings. I'm just as noobie as most of us here. 

    Okay okay thank you. :) Gob bless for your work.

    added 2 minutes later

    After a week. It's a small update. Maybe next week would be a huge update. 

  2. Most of the problem i've read is about the MAXIMUM LIMIT allowed to put the military box. Even if you have so a hundred million in your inbox. You can only put 3 :) and they're needing your help if you can edit this MAXIMUM LIMIT.  @Krakken @NoFear

    added 4 minutes later
    20 hours ago, NickTSPre said:

    DEVs mentioned that when beta ends and multiplayer is introduced some things will be wiped except purchased ones.
    So I think the safest way to not lose our staff is keep stack of items in inbox now that everythig is still hackable.

    Maybe they are going to roll back players to level 1 and wipe bases. Still it's too early though...

    Can you give us a screenshot of this? heheh

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