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Posts posted by AntonioOne

  1. @Enyby Okey. I see.  Somewhy I don't see an internal keyboard for promt as text, only external. But it is even a good thing cause with internal keyboard whenever I miss eye button it supposes I finished my input and continues the script on...

  2. @Enyby I want to enter six values to the field and use group search for them. The problem is values are hidden by the input window. I can use an eye button, but it I often miss it and press "Next" button on my keyboard which defocuses input field. I do this inputs often enough for it to be of nuisance to me...

  3. Will your app have semi-transparancy of interface at all and controllable with script particulary? 

    Or the setting to move inputs to some side (i am interested in the down side)?

  4. Enby, thanks for the answer. I have wrote the script I wanted and it works just fine. But I have some complain. I want to dismiss a final window of script automatically if there was nothing printed (I use print to catch errors such as there was nothing found). I can hide GG window so there is no need to press "Back" button but I want to not waste my taps to dismiss empty window ;)


    PS. Adding LUA is soooo awsome. There is so much ways to make things easier. Thank you for your work!

  5. Hi. I have a question. I am hacking units in one game. How do I do that. I can search unit's current stats in memory (they change with time). Than I remember an unique sequence which is preceding unit's stats. Now I can search that sequence and edit unit's stats right in the memory. There is also a problem that for stats there are 20~30 results, but for unique sequence there is always only one. 

    I wanted to understand how to write a script which could ask me what units I want to edit with multi-choice then for whichof them find in the memory corresponding unique sequence and then edit memory which is shifted on the fixed bytes from found value. But I cannot find in the help a function which would allow me to edit memory in the known address. And also I don't want to edit values before getting addresses of found values (as I understand it is how it works according to editAll description). So can I do it or I will still need to do it all manually?

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