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Everything posted by hero007

  1. ok done yeh i try the group value and done that zero which i edit
  2. how to delete? bcos i try it won't just stay on the ground
  3. Help me With gg i am going to complete chopper but after that hack chooper can not finalyz i mean it not open to finallyz
  4. i don't know. i just got link at 29 or 30 page may be there you will find your ans. i just saw what i need but i don't use now just use one time for what i need so _______________________________________________ added 3 minutes later just waiting for an update when atv can be use ?
  5. Use .lib hack It's increase the coin when use coin That's the way i think u can increase your coin in negative to plus
  6. where to find CONNECTED APPS in memu emulator android 4.4.4
  7. brrroo he just started game he did not build the chopper
  8. hey my friend have problem with game with google account he has som promblem with restoring data from google google keep restoring data but nothing restore a new fresh start always restore option still avilable when he try to sin in to google
  9. In 1.5.3 plank , cutted ston and iron bar was available to buy with coin. I hacked that to 99999999 so i don't have to dupe every time , i just go in inbox and just one touch bag filled with that material in 1.5.4 it refresh so now it not available to buy with coin and not can be hacked that's what i was saying.
  10. inbox hack i am lucky in 1.5.3 all wall upgrade item i hacked in inbox like we did for unlimited weapon 1.5.4 refrress
  11. when they will realese full version of game ????????????? tired of complete bunker flor 2 again and again
  12. if u using .lib file then it's mod bro
  13. are u using mod ?
  14. Link it here video We wanna see
  15. Make video plzz if possible
  16. If you wanna know your data of krakken saved then uninstall and Reinstall then link with google it will ask u to restore And if it krakken's data not youre Old data then its successfuLly save And linked Whenevere i opened with googl id it ask me restore so all krakkens data will be gone and old bacjKup appeare
  17. You mean bathtub is possible To use _______________________________________________ added 2 minutes later I can'T Every time i do and every time it ask for restore the game and my old data comes Can u mack Video plzzz
  18. nope just as atv only see it _______________________________________________ added 1 minute later thanks mate
  19. i am lucky with that it's on place but i can't use it
  20. with gg method or legaly
  21. i am taking about bath and i see where i put that what about gunsmith table anyone complete that
  22. i'ev problem bro i complete it but i can't use that bath same as atv is it in the game or just for shocase
  23. anyone know how to complete acid bath tub with GG like we did in chopper (groop serch value) i did but no idea i can't find value like we saw in chopper making anyone find just reply
  24. give your save data with second bunker first loot plzz
  25. Heath frezz not work for me And how can i get your saved process in my Google account ? Can u make a video? And
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