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  1. Guess ill also add a few other things to note, Giving a non-tag character a Tag LF will just result in that character doing that sides part of the LF, its better to just model swap for TAG lfs Giving a tag character another tag characters LF, I.E. Goku and vegeta using Goku and frieza's LF, it will do the same thing except vegeta will not do anything he will just stand there. Giving characters bojacks green card (ID 4000 For Purple cards) Will soft lock the fight. It MIGHT work for characters who DO transform but as I said earlier, using the main to draw a card will result in the character transforming and utlimately you will soft lock upon use of the card. There isnt a way to circumvent this as I know of right now since most characters do not draw a purple by force outside of main ability (Cell and frieza wont work either youll soft lock.) Model swapping tag characters will not work if you do not use another tag characters model to swap on (as I know of right now, OTHERS have found out how to do it down to what they want but I havent figured that out for now) So if you model swap a tag character, it has to be with another tag character. I.E. ssj4 goku over SSJ3 goku tag characters. Model swapping can also result in a hard lock where you are spammed with error and need to restart the game, Its mostly better to just swap their held cards instead. ALSO do not go to pvp or anything else. No COOP No FRIENDLIES No TOP ONLY PVE events that have NOTHING to do with online players helping you or against you. You will get banned. Even something as simple as changing your green card will result in a disconnect as the effects applied to you are not the same effects applied to you for the enemy screen, same thing with ultimates doing different multipliers of damage, or having different activation/landing effects. This should PURELY be used for offline fun and getting screenshots of irregular characters doing other moves or making videos.
  2. Been a while since anyone has posted on here but ive figured out SOME things while messing around with stuff Mindset posted. Ive just been annoyed with people gate keeping others from having ANY amount of fun offline with this for literally 0 reason so. Pre note: Zenkais are harder to do, I knew how to at first but now I cant figure it out again. to edit the kit of the 2nd character in a tag unit, Its the same way but the numbers are different I.E. lets say I wanna do frieza from Goku and frieza (ID 539, ID = *****) I would search 539;11810539 in D word. 11 is for the Tag character or the Transformed state of a character. 12 is for Characters who have a THIRD version of a character I.E. succession trunks or Fusing character. If i wanted to change Fusing goeta blue I would do 608;12800608. You must ALWAYS start with the normal ID; followed by which version or else its alot of searching and extra work. It wont be ONE result but you can edit each long result and keep checking the blue card (refresh the info page every time) until it changes. Side note: If you are searching anything other than the 1st/Base character, do NOT include ::13 at the end or it will make it harder to find, and the value you want to find is where the result is not separated by any small number. 800 is Ability 1, 810 is ability 2 up to obviously 830 if the character is a zenkai. For editing blue cards, ults its the same thing, Youd search up based on this; 30XXX(Normal form) / 11030XXX(2nd char/Transformed) / 12030XXX(3rd character/fused/succession) = blue card 50 instead of 30 for Green cards for ultimates it isnt as simple as editing the last 3 numbers. You need to search the ID of the character you want, For example if I do Ultra gogeta blue his ID is 508. I would search; 508;30508::13 *****;50XXX::13 to find the characters green card as this is easier, The result Under it would either be 70### (Not cooresponding to unit ID) or -1 IF the character does not have an ult. If the character already has an ultimate, and you want to replace it for another, save that 70### value as the character name, search repeat the search but for the Ultimate you want to give, and copy that characters 70### and replace your saved one for it. I will expand on it in a picture. If the character does NOT already have an ultimate you need to Put the correct 70K number under the 50XXX, Then right below the 70K number, there is another value as -1. This determines if the character CAN draw the ultimate and actually use it, Change it to 5000 and the character can use it. 5000 is the ultimate arts card. Or you can change their green card to a character who pulls ultimates on green card. WARNING, This will not work if the character trying to use the main ability transforms, I.E. You cannot give Pre transformed Broly an ultimate, he will transform and it will just not be able to be used despite being drawn. For THESE types of characters you need to change their green card to the same ID as LF future trunks as he draws ultimates on green cards. Images will help explain this. As far as now what I DONT know how to do is to get a character to use an enhanced special arts version of a blue card, For example PURPLE spirit bomb goku's. Even if I give a character both his green AND blue cards it does not work, and the same thing for characters who for some reason have a specific need for their actual model in the LF. The characters I know of right now that cannot give their LF to MOST other characters in the game are S17, Spirit bomb absorbed goku, LF SSJ3 Spirit bomb goku, Spirit sword trunks, Yellow saiyan saga goku and Bardock. Bardock's green will also soft lock most characters in the game. I also still cannot figure out how to find out the way to change a tag character or fusion character's second or 3rd model despite knowing the ID for the character. For example, as the example earlier goku and frieza is 539. Searching 539;539;2::9 (539 the ID, 2 being Sparking rarity (0 is hero, 1 is EX, 2 is SP, 3 is ultra) will bring up results and you would just change the 2nd purple value, if its not purple its usually because its a negative value instead of positive as its randomized each time you load up, but its usually the 2nd longest value. Goku's side is the 539. Frieza's side is 11000539, and obviously if they had a 3rd character it would be 12000539. Doing 11000539;11000539;2::9 or any mix and match varient shows nothing and I cannot find out how so if anyone else can expand on this to help others that would be great. I also cannot figure out how to replace shallot for other characters inside of the customizationg screen. Hopefully to do a TLDR To change; Blue cards its *****;30XXX::13 (dont put ::13 if its for a 2nd or 3rd character) 11030XXX for 2nd, 12030XXX for 3rd Green cards its *****;50XXX::13 (same rule) 11050XXX for 2nd, 12050XXX for 3rd char 1 ability 1/2/3/4 its *****;800xxx; (no ::13, nothing) 810XXX for 2nd ability, 820XXX for 3rd/830XXX For 4th (zenkais) Char 2, same logic as 1 but you apply 11 infront of 800XXX, 12 infront of 800XX if char 3. To change ID of first char; *****;*****;R::9 ***** = ID, R= Rarity (Hero = 0, Ex = 1, SP =2, Ultra = 3), Click the 2 and edit the 2nd purple value. Theres also Z ability changing but I dont really care for that, you can mess around this that on your own but this is the values you look for as far as the 1st/base character.
  3. where is the download link
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