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Posts posted by Krakken

  1. On 10/8/2017 at 11:22 PM, NickTSPre said:

    OK Here we go. Make it sticky. Here you can find the majority of the hacks that still are working. You can always mix and match and have everything you desire!
    Try them on your own risk and remember to always have a backup of your files! ;)

    Freeze and dupe (inventory) by @Krakken

      Reveal hidden contents


    Gold Hack by @NoFear

      Reveal hidden contents




    Finalize everything (chopper , ATV , Gunsmith bench etc. ) by @kimchanjun

      Reveal hidden contents




    Inapp purchases by @NoFear

      Reveal hidden contents




    Inbox items' count by @Krakken

      Reveal hidden contents



    Inbox item swap by @kimchanjun

      Reveal hidden contents



    Item ID by @NoFear & @kimchanjun

      Reveal hidden contents



    Swap item ID and dupe (inventory) by @NoFear

      Reveal hidden contents



    AIO pointer hacks by @Krakken  ( @NoFear 's method )

      Reveal hidden contents




    On 10/8/2017 at 4:55 PM, Enyby said:

    I think it would be nice in the first post of this topic to make a list of links to useful posts in the topic. This would greatly simplify its use.
    This can only be done by someone in the subject. If someone does this, then I or
    @NoFear, we can place this information in the first post.

    Thank you very much for this, Nick, NoFear and Enyby. I was planning on arranging this for a while now but no time whatsoever. I'm very glad to be part of this community. It's very solid and united for the same purpose. 

    I hope I'll be more active again in the future. I enjoy being here more than playing any game at the moment. I haven't had this much fun in years and I've learned so much. 

    Hope to join you a lot more, and soon. Best wishes, my friends. <3 

  2. 1 hour ago, N54b said:

    I discovered a method of cheating much easier and more profitable for those interested :) Google> LDOE LIB. It does not allow to do everything but it helps not badly :).

    So share, mate, that's the point of this thread 

  3. 4 hours ago, lastdayearth said:

    Hi Krakken,

    I read pages back for immortality hack and found this link. However, the video has been deleted. Could you share the immortality hack method, please? Is it still working in v1.6.2?

    Thanks a lot.

    Sorry, mate. I didn't even watch it. This hacker is one of those guys who I look up to and trust immediately. I just shared his video since I knew it was good content for everyone here. I have very limited time at the moment so I'm not playing, I just test a couple of things for 5 minutes every few days. 

    He released a new video for hacking gold through exp (max 700k), which has already been mentioned in this thread:


    2 hours ago, nitinvaid20 said:

    I tried this code for connecting rod not working


    is this correct one?

    and is there any list for all the items?

    ... Please, stop asking for an ID list for all the items, that's too much time wasted on simple resources you can get from boxes. That's counterproductive and enabling spoonfeeding. Ask for what you need, a rare item, an end-game weapon, fur items, not the ID of steel ore. 

  4. 22 hours ago, hero007 said:

    atv working or not ?? and hoe to put electrick genratore at watchover tower from inventory?

    and is old dupe hack still working

    i am plying this game after long time so didn't know...................

    ATV isn't working yet. 

    Electric generator, haven't built mine yet. 

    Old freeze dupe works. 

    7 hours ago, Rastakiwi said:

    @Krakken @ClownApocolypse

    Thanks a lot for all your fancy explainations, you really answered all I was asking for, it frustrated me for 2 weeks xP. Krakken, would you tell me approximately when did you explain pointers in this game please. I mean, do you approximately remember the date or the number of the page, because i'd like to take a look at it. Thanks !

    Inbox pointer hack method

    Credits to kimchanjun on page 70:

    19 minutes ago, N54b said:

    Hello all ! 

    Would it be possible to group all the IDs of the objects

    I am particularly looking for resources, and the trunk.

    Here are the ones I have :

    connector_rod 18;7471220;6488181;6226027;7471220;7209057;7143539;753

    Go up this list and add ALL YOU FIND !! 

    Ty all :)


    It's not productive to get the IDs of ALL the resources for others to search and paste. A much easier and quicker way to do this is through resource boxes and applying a high value quantity pointer on them.

    Item IDs should remain for peculiar items which are hard to get. Otherwise this thread will be flooded with pointless requests. 

    Plus, you get your inbox filled within minutes. 

  5. 11 hours ago, cairo378 said:

    Mr. @KrakkenI can't hacked same as u. I was followed u're video tutorials but the adress not same as u. Actually i can hacked the crates by app purchase but i want to try hacked multiple crates or item. Can u teach me or give me some clue? Thx.. 

    You can't do a sequential search for those crates. They're not ordered the same way other items are. You should purchase in order to have a greater value, preferably in the hundreds range (say, 483 boxes) so you can single-search them easily. 

    If you refine as you buy, you'll find these very quickly. Just focus on one at a time. 

    8 hours ago, DarkangelX15X said:

    Dupe based on string id still work , but with pointer it seem like they patched it , when you search for the items you wanna dupe you will always get like 9 results

    I don't understand what you're trying to do as pointer duping in your inventory goes through 80% the process of freeze duping. 

    Replacing IDs are the same method for the inventory but not for the inbox, for that you have to read back a few pages. 

    44 minutes ago, Rastakiwi said:

    All is in my question.

    I dont want to request any hack, just want to know how, for example here, nofear do find the pointers to the value he searches. Is this random? Is this logic?

    There is a logic. A few posts above I explained how pointers are organized in the game's memory. Now if you think as the directories analogy as rooms in a mansion, then you're being dropped in the lobby and you start investigating. Maybe you'll have to go back to the lobby and start all over, but with enough exploration you'll find your own way for the goodies. That's what NoFear was doing since page 1. 

    It's not random. The environment you're dropped in is random to you at a first look. Then you analyze for patterns and find logic in it. Someone structured this game, this is breaking that structure down to a makeshift blueprint. 

  6. 38 minutes ago, king69_666 said:

    Ok, so yah... If I search 12.99 as Double but as a single value I do get results. It's only when I search with other prices that I get 0 results -_- I'll go back and watch the video again.


    Ok, so I'm way too noob to follow that video correctly. I can edit my gold, dupe items, etc but this is seriously over my head I guess.

    Follow the video a couple of posts above, just follow the pointers I'm going for 

  7. 13 hours ago, cairo378 said:

    Hi guys, do u know to hack inbox qty?

    I want to change qty to 999.999.999

    I tried to hack that and i did it. The first i hack values until get 1 values of that item and then i changed that values to 999.999.999. And restarted that game. But my problem is, why that qty roll back to the first values again? Any clue???

    Sorry for my bad english, i'm from Indonesia. Pls answer my question. Thx for u're kindness :)

    added 1 minute later


    Last time I looked into forcing high values, it was randomly working with some items. Wood used to work. 

    I used to buy a stack of 700, restart the game, group search for it and the value after that, and force changing both quantity and verification values to 500M ticking add to value, do not replace. 

    I'm not sure if this still works, I'll get to it later. Once you have one address working, just spread its quantity pointer around. 

    Good luck. 

    Old video:


    12 hours ago, ClownApocolypse said:

    I have watched all the videos on the last 2 or 3 pages of this post but am having a hard time following them let alone understanding them. Its time to lift my GG game so want to learn how to do pointer hacks. I found a nice explanation of memory pointers but am having trouble translating that into GG. So i am posting this here because this game is heavy with this method.  I have the latest update with the pointer search but got no results with my quick tests.

    1. Any good tutorials on pointers and memory navigation in GG?

    2. How do you know if something is a pointer or  info that was being pointed too, like in Anonymous 1000's video an address is followed about 5 deep and it just looks random to me, except they are purple. I followed this but it didn't work for me , for example my first address was a purple one and anonymous had a white one so they choose the one below. I tried with the one i landed on and the one below.

    3.What are purple addresses? I read that they may contain pointer i think.


    1. This is the most detailed pointer tutorial I've made, listen to the voice over, I'm explaining what to look for. 

    2&3. First you have to understand what kind of info you are dealing with and how it is used, the logic behind the process. There are many factors to consider. Usually you're searching for quantities of a stack or the value of an IAP. Next to this information you will find similar information. If you're looking for a quantity value in your inventory, once you find it, scroll up and down the address list and you will find the quantities and other properties of the other items also in your inventory. 


    Pointers are like folder paths in your computer. When you copy a purple address (one that has another address being pointed to) and search for it, it is a similar action to the "folder up" or "go back". When you long press that address and choose 'go to pointer', it's the equivalent of opening a folder, going deeper into the directory. This is merely an analogy. Then you look up these purple addresses and look around them and sometimes there's useful information. Once the item ID is found, you can copy the address managing this "folder" (the pointer) and paste it in some other place. The same goes for quantity pointers. Thus the guides on how to put stuff in your inbox and duping equips through a stack of wood in your inventory. 


  8. 41 minutes ago, CreeperSkull said:

    There is a lot of people uploading a hack using method from this forums in public,is that okay?im scared Developer will patched it

    What do you mean? Everything in here works and you have videos not only showing how to do it but also proving it works. 

    If you have an account in this forum and most likely have GG installed in your rooted device, probably playing legit isn't your main focus, thus, you should atleast be prepared and aware of potential data loss, bans, cheat detection restrictions, etc. Comes in the package. 

    All I can tell you is that I've been in this thread since page 2 and I've gone off scot-free so far. 

  9. 49 minutes ago, lastdayearth said:

    Oh I just read about it because I checked the forum quote notification before going through the posts. Yes, I think we have the same problem. Not knowing why other people do not have such issue. Maybe they did not put v1.6 new items to inbox?

    They haven't put the gas mask either and I put it in there by forcing the ID. 

  10. 6 hours ago, ClownApocolypse said:

    @NoFear I would love to see this concept video.  Thank you for all your generous and amazing work.

    I just started on this game, it is up to version 1.6 now and wonder if these hacks are patched? I tried the crafting hack with frozen values but the values still came down and in other experimenting I could only get fuzzy searches down to 500 results and it took more than 30 searches to get there, which i think is a lot in my limited experience.

    Any Info greatly appreciated thx

    I think you're looking back a bit too much. Was this the schematics requirement freeze to multi-craft? From the first pages? This was fixed ages ago. Try looking into NoFear's pointer hacks:


  11. 5 hours ago, Dash021 said:

    Hey  @NoFear , @Krakken , is there any way to place more than 3 military boxes in your base , currently I can only place 3  , so I placed 2 boxes on my base and 1 in my inventory , then I did an unknown search and placed 1 box on my base and then refined the unknown search as an increased value , I repeated this process by picking a box then refining for decreased value and then placing it again and refining for increased value . After couple of searches I ended up with 3 values which were 114 . When I placed the box it increased by one and when I removed a box it decreased by 1, so I only placed 2 boxes and then went to each address and froze the highlighted value and the value above it , just like freeze duping . After that I was able to place unlimited amount of boxes at my base , but when I restarted all the military boxes which I placed disappeared , and I wasn't able to place any military box at my base I tried clearing data and reinstalling but it didn't help , thankfully I had made a backup of my save before doing this so I restored my save . Can you find a workaround to place infinite boxes at base.

    Inbox, mate. 

    Personally, I didn't get any issues with my save game, probably because I never placed one of those boxes in my base. 

    I don't feel the need to expand storage when I use my inbox as my storage. All you have to do is open resource boxes until you have all resources and then giving them a high quantity through their quantity pointers. Same thing for weapons and equips, and for exclusive items just change the item ID of fresh wood into whatever you desire. 

    With your inbox you don't have a quantity limit issue and you can have everything in one place. You can withdraw anything anywhere. It's a far superior method of storage, so consider transferring everything to there. ;)

  12. 4 hours ago, king69_666 said:

    Sorry, but can someone confirm this still works on 1.6? I continually get 0 results. I don't think that it being in Canadian currency really changes anything, but so far I haven't been able to add a VPN to NOX and  nor really into adding one on my PC atm. If someone who knows if it really is due to it being CAD and not USD, I may try it on my rooted S4 (don't use it much, need a new battery after the last CM was installed killed it... Least now it's on Lineage)

    Everything pointer related is working. Can you show a print of the shop screen with currencies? 

  13. 4 hours ago, Lycaos said:



    I'm sorry for my bad english, I'm french and I would like to know how to find ID of item and change ***** wood (for example) of inbox to new item. 


    I have watched this video : 



    But it's too fast for me. 

    Can someone explain to me step by step how to do what I try to do please ? 


    Best regards. 

    2 hours ago, Lycaos said:

    Thanks, I've looking a lot of posts but there are too much, I don't found what I'm looking for, can you post the links please ?

    For example how to find the ID of supply box and all other box.

    There are many videos for what you're looking for, all you need to do is to read. 



  14. 1 hour ago, Bobai said:

    me too :-( can some1 upload a moded save file for us? ?

    Not advisable. Each character you start has a certain ID. If you spread a certain save file around, you have to make sure everyone getting it will lock it with a Google account. If you don't force connect the new account, everyone logged in to it will actively be changing the same account due to the ID. 

    To avoid that you have to either edit the ID or sync it with Google through a complex process. 

    To make sure people who can't do either don't get frustrated and waste time, it's more advisable not to upload a save,  just start over and backup your own personal data from time to time. 

    If you want to venture into force syncing, there are guides for it in this thread. At the time I had posted a save file. Search for it and try it if you want. 

  15. 36 minutes ago, Dash021 said:

    I made a really silly mistake while freeze duping , I was freezing both the values at the same time , when I froze them one at a time it worked!

    That's because when you edit both to tick the freeze box, you're applying the same value to both the quantity and the verification address. That's why we have to freeze separately. 

  16. 1 hour ago, Dash021 said:

    My save works fine , the old chopper finalize trick still works , so I completed the generator by that hack and unlocked the watchtower , the freeze dupe hack isn't saving whenever I try it , anyways here is the item Id of fur (new item) - 


    Fur is obtained from foxes and is required to make winter clothes.


    9 minutes ago, CreeperSkull said:

    Duplication hack Freeze method is no longer work

    Does so. 

    (med pack freeze dupe) 


  17. 4 minutes ago, Anonymous1000 said:

    > go  Hacking Online Games with Gameguardian

    > hack last day con earth

    ... What? 


    Anyway, regarding 1.6: no issues found so far and I think it's safe to say everything still works. If someone could have the kindness to try all major hacks it would be appreciated. 

    Pointer hacks for IAP works so I deduct everything pointer related is safe to go. 

    On a side note, no progress lost. I guess you guys had some nasty content that corrupted your base. 


  18. 2 hours ago, keithcrow said:

    I just don't want to change the game too much. ?

    What you're suggesting is exactly that. Just change a stack of wood into gas tanks as shown before. 

    54 minutes ago, Dash021 said:

    Multiplayer is a long way to go , all you can expect is new resources and new places to visit.

    The radio tower is expected so at some point you should be prepared. That's the point. 

  19. Patiently waiting for 1.6, without much time to explore or even to browse the thread. 

    Kefir is promising tier 2 resources (implying atv/snorkel) and thus the radio tower (the long promise of multiplayer). Personally, I don't think this will go forward thoroughly because the game doesn't feel prepared for it yet, so I don't see any concern when it comes to working hacks.

    You should, though, prepare for the update and stock up on resources and guns. You don't have to put them in crates... Just follow the guides in this thread to get a large amount of every resource. 

  20. 5 hours ago, DarkangelX15X said:


    Thanks for helping me guys , i know it's not always easy , and what about the famous " new order for pointers " ?

    I understand that you're thankful but can you understand how it served no purpose since you immediately ask a question which is answered also 1 or 2 pages ago? It's a recent update, mate... And there isn't even that much reading.. 

    I don't mean to be rude but come on. 

  21. 10 hours ago, Gactismoosh said:

    Can someone help me out here so ever since the new update 1.5.8 the money has changed to US dollars which doesn't bother me, but when I go to search for 30.99;14.99 it cant find it, it appears some of the time when I restart the game or enter the map. Even so when I GOTO I don't see any violet numbers a little lecture please if anyone knows why this happens



    5 hours ago, Gactismoosh said:


    Can someone help me out with IAP on 1.5.8 cause the methods here don't work anymore



    1 hour ago, REZNICK said:

    @NoFear how likely is it too modify Crafting.

    ie; APK Modded game has Free crafting.

    i do not want a Modded apk, doesnt allow me to connect to Google Play to save my progress.

    But id like to have the free crafting.

    Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk


    46 minutes ago, N54b said:

    Hello everyone,

    I've been in the forum for a few weeks, and I managed to use a video to buy gold.
    But since version 1.5.8 I can not do it ALL.
    I would like to understand how it works ^^, I try to understand with the translation hexa> ascii etc ... but I drown ...
    Someone would have a way to get the missing components for ATV / chopper and if possible pay boxes (real money).

    Thank you in advance and excuse me for my English but it is google translation that helps me (French guy)


    20 minutes ago, DarkangelX15X said:

    Guys any news about money hack ?

    All the above. 

    What you're asking still works exactly as it did before. I would say I could post a video on this but it's pointless because every single step is exactly the same. You can effectively IAP pointer hack to buy gold and other real-money items and packs. I would write this in stone. 

    Just check what you are doing wrong and try to comprehend what's happening, don't just mimic the procedures. 


    Currency changing to US dollars when you're outside the US: there's a proxy going on in the background that is making the game trace you from a region you're not in. Be careful to revert and clear all proxies you use for torrenting and safe browsing, or most likely Lucky Patcher did it for you with its IAP crack. It does not work, so in LP go to LDOE > tools > clear odex with changes. Reboot your phone. 


    Free crafting: there are many approaches to achieve the outcome you desire, maybe different from what you're used to in modded apks. Just browse this thread. You have guides to help you get ANY ITEM for whichever amount you decide to edit. 

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