I've been selling game hacks for PC games and Mobile for YEARS... You saying that the "VIP" model doesn't work is only half true. It depends on the game
I first started with Combat Arms on PC. Making hacks with D3D9 SDK and C++ with custom DLL injector loaders for the game that would hide the DLL's and make them undumpable from ram. Had a ton of great friends who have moved on to carriers in PC science and security because of the things we made for PC games to keep our stuff secure. Especially since some features we had, we were the only ones who knew how to make it. Obviously we didn't want it to leak
As for Mobile... I started with Racing Rivals. I discovered tons of features on that game before they moved to IL2CPP. Force Paint Cars, Auto Launch/Auto Shift, Custom Gear Ratios, etc... I can name SO many. The way I would make money from these hacks actually sounds VERY stupid, but it was also crazy effective. I had a Toast message for my signature on the APK's I would sell. I didn't have a "VIP" section to access, as it was the only game I'd hack and sell. I simply had a Paypal button with a script that would check for successful payment. From there, it'd give them a download for the APK. That was it. There were instructions on the web page of how to download and install it of course, with a list of features, and a gallery of screen shots of the features working. Honestly, it looked like a scammers web page, but it was real. I had NO security on leaching my APK's, but guess what?!? That actually made me MORE money off the hacks because people would get the leached "VIP" hack, want an update (as I'd release slight updates daily), buy it, and use it.
The best way I've always thought about going at it is actually a feature I temporarily had in my Racing Rivals hacks. I found how to send messages while in a live race room on RR. My scripted hack on something always running in the background (for example, saving info to server functions since it was called nearly every frame....stupid way to code it) would check the time when the App was open... From there, after 10 minutes, it would start spamming the in-game chat my website's URL. It got people to buy the hack real damn quick because obviously no one wants someone else to know they're hacking.