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  1. leviiiii

    Bullet Echo...

    No. You can make aimbot, esp etc but you can't hack rewards and resources.
  2. If I remember correctly, I have seen these value checking in other games. Is changing the value even possible without desync or crashing?
  3. Yea we can't change the value. It checks with the server periodically. There was a mod apk that includes fast forward and dmg modifier. If anybody have any idea please tell me
  4. leviiiii

    Dawn of Ages

    Google Play link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.stratospheregames.miniciv It seems that all the values are server sided. 1. Upgrade materials amount are server sided. You can change but you will get kicked out after some time. 2. Achievement hacking is bugged. You can't change the increment value, instead you can change the value that is to be finished i.e 15/50, you can change 50. It resets after game restart. You can't find the achivement rewards too. 3. Values doesn't go negative. It turns to millions. 4. Weapon and armor stats cannot be found. Its encrypted. If anybody have any working methods let me know.
  5. I may upload multiple videos for different type of hack. Shop gems hack. This method works for other shops like arena. Just null the values. Screenrecorder-2024-05-11-23-00-04-356.mp4
  6. Seriously? This is a forum about LDOE, not your f**king shoutout forum. What the hell is wrong with all these people.
  7. Change your value format to H,S,D,F. You know if you search the whole pages you will find it. I have shown how to do that with screenshots. No offense but please don't make this thread longer cause its hard to find tutorials that have been uploaded before.
  8. Reinstalling both Game Guardian and LDOE might work. It worked for @Ryubei the last time I helped him.
  9. Sorry mate. I deleted my video.But here is some screenshots. I hope you understand this. Remember to unfreeze it like I said.
  10. Please do.
  11. Its there in 45 - 56 pages. Just search mate. Don't be lazy.
  12. You know what you should do at that time? 1. Learn C++ 2. Hack the game. 3. Make him rage quit. 4. 5. Profit??
  13. I have found the problem. You don't have to worry about the address not being violet. I play in bluestacks sometimes and I find these kind of problems. Just do what he did on his video. If he select 3 address above the highlighted one then just do it. No need to worry about it. Let me know if it works.
  14. Show me the process from beginning. You can upload your screenshot here. Did the hack just now and it work.
  15. Lets start from the beginning. What value did you put? In NoFear's method he put 30.99 and 19.99. Did you put the same way? If you did then there is a chance you might be wrong if you are not from US.
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